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titleDoes the RDK license cover the Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA)?

No. An organization must be a member of the Digital Living Network Alliance to obtain a DLNA license.

titleAs there is no Digital Media Server in RDK, which module provides content for DLNA?
The implementation is a part of the media-streamer component, and is implemented on top of the libgupnp code.
titleDo the RDK Servers run with DLNA link protection?


titleHow do I download old versions of rdkv-xxxxqx?

Use below command format -

(The quarterly release name can be given with -b option)

titleIs there any callback for Event from EventStream in DASH video stream? If there is no callback, is there any suggested way to handle those Events?

It is possible to consume mediaplayer events in Lightning -


const events = ["playbackStateChanged", "playbackCompleted", "playbackSpeedChanged",

"playbackFailed", "mediaMetadata", "timedMetadata", "playbackProgressUpdate",

 "playbackStarted", "bufferingChanged", "durationChanged", "decoderAvailable" ];

events.forEach(event => {

 player.addEventListener(event, (e) => {, {event: e});



titleIn which scenarios an application need to use service manager API if IARM Bus interface is already available?

IARM bus interface are used to get the events notification from the system level like IR key, power, storage space, etc. could be better used in native apps.

Servicemanager acts as a subscriber who will receive the events from IARM Bus and post it to MSO Backend. The ServiceManager is the one well known facility for cloud-based applications to gain access to device vended functionality whether they are written in HTML .

titleIf one was to write a new Service for ServiceManager, would the base class be Service, or AbstractService?

The better alternative is of course the "AbstractService" class as it is the newer version and derived from the "Service" class and has a superset of features of the service class. However, pure virtual functions may be useful for enforcing OOPS convention of data hiding and abstraction.               

titleHow to add new parameters to TR069 data model? Which files needs to be modified in order to "see" the parameters on the emulator?

First modify the config/xml, file will be there in the component you are writing objects and then respective handlers you have to call in xml.

titleDoes WPE support Web Assembly?
  • WPE doesn't support WebAssembly.
  • It wont be faster for general use cases and memory management is worse since it's a fixed heap without garbage collection.
  • Web assembly is interesting but currently they're targeting big monolithic codebases in c++ etc like games but more on desktop memory profiles. All the feedback we got thus far has told us their experience hasn't been a win on perf or memory
titleDoes Comcast support canPlayType() for determining codec support?

WPE WebKit has limited support for HTMLMediaElement.canPlayType() and MediaSource.isTypeSupported(). It implements checks for container, video width/height/framerate, and basic verification of codec (it doesn't check for profile & level)

titleDASH.js has a problem with sending license requests to a playready server,Why?

Make sure DASH.js uses utf-8 as a content type format for license requests (playready challenge is utf-8 encoded)

titleDoes media element would support directly playing HLS and/or DASH, then we could avoid using Google's Shaka if we wanted?
titleIs there any native rendering of subtitles like 608/708, SRT, WebVTT, TTML, etc? Can we add or select subtitle tracks via the media element. Is there limitations based on protocol or media container (HLS, DASH, MP4, MKV)?
  • WPE: no native subtitles support (608/708 could be integrated from main UI application) 
titleCan we select the audio track to use via the media element? Often media can have multiple audio tracks in different languages and/or commentary?

WPE media element: no audio track selection;  WPE MSE Google Shaka: selectAudioLanguage(language, role), or selectVariantTrack(track);   WPE AAMP UVE: set

titleHow to open a website that requires MoneyBadger in Chrome?

Inject the following JS code to handle MoneyBadger requests (some)
window.ServiceManager = {};
     window.ServiceManager.version = '2.0';
     window.ServiceManager.getServiceForJavaScript = function(name, serviceReadyCb) {
         class BridgeObject
                 let msg = JSON.parse(msgStr);
                 console.log('badger action=', msg.action, 'pid=',;
                 if (msg.action === 'deviceCapabilities' || msg.action === 'info') {
                     setTimeout((msg) => {
                         let caps = {
                             videoDimensions: [3840, 2160],
                             hdr: { settopHdrSupport: 'DolbyVision', tvHdrSupport: 'DolbyVision' },
                             hdcp: { connected: true, currentHDCPVersion: '2.2' }
                         window.$badger.callback(, true, caps)
                     }, 0, msg);
                 } else {
                     window.$badger.callback(, false, {})
                 return true
         if (name === '')
             serviceReadyCb(new BridgeObject);

titleHTTPS: What TLS versions and which ciphers are supported by rdkbrowser2 / WPE?

 Open <span style="color: #0000ff"><a href="" class="external-link" rel="nofollow"></a></span> on box to get a report of supported TLS versions and ciphers

title Is it possible to use a remote control with

 touch /opt/remote_input_enable and reboot.

titleIs local storage feature available in WPE Browser?

By default local storage is disabled. If the app requires this support, you need to contact Project management to enable it for the specific app.

titleWith regards to crashupload is there a feature to prevent the deletion of the corefiles from the box, which is useful during development and integration?

You can modify the script to avoid the deletion of older files:

titleHow to copy build/dist into rpi from dev pc?
  • Connect your device with lan and get the box/device ip, make sure your dev pc and device is connected with the same network, so that you will be able to access your device from dev pc.
  • From dev pc: $ scp -r <dist or build folder which contains index.html, appBundle.js and other files> root@<your box/device ip:/home/root>
titleWhere to find file to configure resident App or offline app?
titleThunderUI, How to resolve concurrently 'npm run watch' 'npm run serve' issue in windows 8/10?

Execute $ npm run watch and then npm run serve separately in separate terminal.(tried on VS code)

titleThunderUI, How to resolve 'NODE_ENV' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file. while executing npm run build?

For this,Install windows node env globally:

$ npm install -g win-node-env

titleHow is the Turner Reservation Manager (TRM) used to allocate a tuner to a QAM source?

Client requests a tuner through URL(http,live), TRM server receives the request and checks for the valid reservation and reserves the tuner so that the client is provided with the service requested. Client also can extend or delete the reservation. It is also possible for a client to request a list of the active reservations.

For more details, Please refer

titleTo get CPE/RF MAC address of the STB, is there an API or standard RDK way to obtain this that will not be hardware specific?

getDeviceInfo() - Retrives the device information of the device .
To get a mac address getDeviceInfo() needs to be called with string “getMacAddress” as an argument like getDeviceInfo(“macAddress”)

titleDoes RDK have support for Fast Channel Change?

Yes , Please refer this link : Session Manager

titleDoes user need to sign any special license or pay a fee to use Amazon Alexa voice Integration service if he/she has Alexa Echo Dot configured in their home Wifi?


titleHow scalable and secure is the current solution- RDK Alexa Echo Dot Voice Application?

End state architecture has scalability and security built into it.Refer RDK Alexa Echo Dot Voice Application .

titleIs there any example for gstreamer to enc/dec media file?

This is a sample pipeline to play dtcp encrypted content using gst-launch

gst-launch-1.0 httpsrc location="" blocksize=131072 ! dtcpdec dtcp-src-ip="" dtcp-port=5000 buffersize=131072 ! playersinkbin is-live=true.

titleWhere to find the include header files of a component?
titleHow to get the crash dump for box reboot?
  • The coredump files will be available in following directory for a systemd based box - /var/lib/systemd/coredump/
  • Additionally for system logs, you can browse through following files in /opt/logs –
    1. core_log.txt

    2. rebootInfo.log

    3. messages.txt

  • Previous boot Logs can be also seen from  /opt/logs/PreviousLogs/
titleOPKG shows me only the packages already installed and is unable to update them. What tool can I use to install packages?

There is no package manager support for downloading/installing packages. However you can manually install ipk packages.

titleWondered if there was a screen resolution setting to force the rdk hardware to a given resolution?

RDK Device Settings is the component which handles the following configurations:

  • Audio Output Ports (Volume, Mute, etc.)
  • Video Ouptut Ports (Resolutions, Aspect Ratio, etc.)
  • Front Panel Indicators
  • Zoom Settings
  • Display (Aspect Ratio, EDID data etc.)
  • General Host configuration (Power managements, event management etc.)

These properties are persisted in the STB and are read/applied on each boot-up.

For example: On a RDK emulator, the device setting properties are persisted in '/opt/persistent/ds/hostData' .

There are few sample applications available to test/force the settings e.g. setResolution can be used to force the resolution settings.

titleWhat are the logging requirements for the Comcast RDK?

The Comcast RDK requires kernel logs, DOCSIS ECM logs, and syslog messages to be logged into specific files. These details can be provided by Comcast on request. The RDK set-top diagnostics and troubleshooting infrastructure requires these logs to be present and accessible via the ESTB interface to aid in the rapid troubleshooting of the device during development and deployment.

titleCan you clarify the partitioning scheme and other requirements for on-board flash memory and disk drives?

Flash and hard disk drive (HDD) requirements for RDK devices will differ depending on the deployment configuration. For example, a DVR will have an HDD but some other devices will not.

Flash is used to store the advanced bootloader (ABL), primary and secondary firmware images, serialization data, and other data that need to persist, including logs. Where possible on HDD devices, the HDD is leveraged to store dynamic content leaving flash on those devices to be primarily read-only. The partitioning scheme for on-board flash and HDD will therefore differ depending on the physical makeup of the device.  

Please contact Comcast for more information.

titleDo libcrypto, openSSL and libpgp need to follow robustness rules in their implementation, as with DRM? Or are they just ported as is on the platform? Do they need to be optimized in hardware?

libcrypto, openSSL and libpgp can be ported as it is. However the SoC security APIs need to be implemented to support Comcast security requirements.

There are no requirements for hardware optimization.