Versions Compared


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Mostly they will be having linux for on their board with required drivers.

Add platform/OEM specific Machine DISTRO config file to set the build distribution. For example: meta-cmf-raspberrypi/conf/machine/raspberrypi-rdk-broadband.conf .

Step 2 : Move the build to Yocto, compare it to supported Yocto version of RDK

RDK is based on yocto build setup so if their is not based on yocto so they need to migrate to yocto format so that they can easily adopt on top of it. In case they are not doing it will be little difficult for them to first port the complete RDK and later keep the patches. So ,it is always recommended to port yocto on top of , recommended to convert their linux distribution to a yocto based build.

Yocto 3.1 Upgradation support the following:

  • Version upgrades for bitbake, GStreamer, and other OE components

  • Linux kernel 5.4 or above

  • Extensible SDK

Each component in RDK is a standalone repository with its own individual build tools producing a library or set of binaries. When we upgrade the OE layers to the newer versions, we need to make necessary changes in the RDK Yocto meta layers which use these components, to avoid build failures.

Step 3 : Compare and verify the compiler flags used in RDK and in platform to avoid issues

for eg: For example, RDK considers hardware floating point in platform where as some platforms are on software based floating point

Specific DISTRO_FEATURES added to add build time flag for specific platforms. For example : DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " referencepltfm "

Step 4 : Compare the open source versions used in platform as different versions will cause problems

Check below layers for all opensourced version packages recipes used in RDK. If multiple recipes with different versions are available, then check for the value of PREFFERED_VERSION_<recipe name> set.

Meta layers : -  meta-openembedded, openembedded-core, meta-rdk-ext, meta-rdk, meta-cmf

Step 5 : Move the RDK recipes to platform yocto build

For platform specific recipes, keep them in oem/soc meta layer

Usually manifest of the most recent deployed device of same class can be used as reference for creating initial manifest

Check all device specific repos in the reference manifest, and ensure corresponding device repos are created for this new device as needed, and update the manifest with these updated repos

  • Create artifactory repo for the project with appropriate permissions for vendors. This is used for hosting any binaries required for the project

  • Check-in SoC components - tool chain, sdk, kernel, drivers, etc.. to corresponding SoC gerrit repos/ artifactory as applicable

  • Populate meta soc layer with initial set of changes needed to build kernel, soc components, etc..

  • If there is any SoC reference board exists, create corresponding machine configuration in SoC layer, and create a image target to be able to build final image for the reference board. This layer should be separated out within meta soc layer from other common soc, common chip sub layers which will be usually used by meta oem layer as well.

  • Populate meta oem layer with machine configuration and other bare minimum changes required to generate a target image for OEM board.

  • machine configuration can be updated with "NEEDED_BSPLAYERS" field to include required soc, oem layers in the build

  • Any unwanted recipes during early stage of bring up can be masked using BBMASK, if needed

Step 6 : Get a successful build etc

Add platform specific main recipe to create image.


Add a section here, with diagram, on the  (like get a board with Linux + drivers, move the build to Yocto, compare it to supported Yocto version of RDK, compare and verify the compiler flags used in RDK and in platform to avoid issues ( for eg: RDK considers hardware floating point in platform where as some platforms are on software based floating point ), compare the open source versions used in platform as different versions will cause problems ), move the rdk recipes to platform yocto build, get a successful build etc.
