Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Access to Raspberry Pi terminal.
  • Access to Xconf server from browser 
    • For Admin mode(read and writ permission) -> username : admin, password: RdkXcadm$2120
    • For User mode(only read mode) -> username: user ,password: RdkXcusr@2210          
  • Disable log rotation in RPI using below command. (This is optional)
    • systemctl disable rdkbLogMonitor
    • reboot 

Admin UI: Common Configuration

  • Define Environments

           Flow:  Xconf-server -> Common -> Environments
           Click on Create Button.


          Flow: Xconf-server -> Common -> IP Lists -> Create-> Create -> Add your device IP address -> Save.



Feature Validation: LogUpload

  • In Raspberry Board, add the server details for log upload.
  • Configure the Bellow details to and comment out the other details .


  • Parameters: give a parameter that will match the one of the formulas that you have created.
    • estbMacAddress < MAC Address> or
    • estbIP <IP Address>
    • model <Model Name>


Log Upload: Client End Verification (In RPI)


  • Verify the logs in /rdklogs/logs/dcmscript.log file
  • The log file contains the details of
    • Service status, tftp details, reboot flag , check on reboot flag ,
    • Upload settings details – location, protocol.
  • Shows list of files which are to be uploaded to the server as a tar file (logs will be zipped and creates a tar file on every bootup/service restart), Backup folder details (/rdklogs/logs/PreviousLogs_backup)
  • HTTP request processing status.   
  • Log files are stored in .tgz format and markers are stored in <mac_address>-TELE-<date>.json



  • Json response on server


  • Log files are stored in .tgz format and markers are stored in <mac_address>-TELE-<date>.json

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Feature Validation: Telemetry

  • Telemetry configuration can be done by adding a permanent profile which contains below objects
    • Upload repository
    • Profile options (Header, content, frequency etc.)
  • Creating a targeting rule which is basically mapping the profile to a set of MAC/IP/Device etc
  • Note: DCM settings should be already done for the devices that you are going to set telemetry configuration.

  • Create a new Telemetry Profile.
    Flow: X-conf-server -> Telemetry -> Permanent Profiles -> Create button

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  • The permanent profile must have the below entries
    • Name of the RPI device profile
    • Upload Repository (HTTP/TFTP, HTTP :
    • Telemetry profile Entries(We can add multiple telemetry profiles using “+” button.
    • In the Telemetry Permanent Profile page, there will be a 5th column that allows a component name to be entered. The component name is optional and may be present for only some of the entries in the Telemetry profile.

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  • Once you save the permanent profile, you will get a message overlay ‘Profile added to the pending changes’. Then go to Changes -> select the profile you create -> Click on “Approve selected changes”.

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  • Then the permanent profile will be listed under Telemetry - > Permanent profiles.
  • Creating targeting rules for RPI
    • Flow: X-conf-server -> Telemetry -> Targeting rules -> Create
    • Name : Name of the Targeting Rule
    • Rule : ex : estbMacAddress IS <MAC Address>
    • Bound Profile : Choose the Permanent Profile

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  • Verification of telemetry test page.
    After creating the permanent profile and targeting rules, go to Telemetry->Test page and give a parameter that will match the one of the rules that you have created. Then matched rule will be displayed like below.

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         Sample Output

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  • Server configuration that we set in Xconf server is copied to /tmp/DCMSettings.conf file.

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  • Content of json Response

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  • All the Logs will be updated as .tgz format in xconf server.

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Feature Validation: Telemetry2_0

Pre- requisites for enabling Telemetry2_0

Telemetry Version: 2.0.1 (by default telemetry version as 1)

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  • Below are the steps for enabling telemetry 2.0.1 in RPI
  1. dmcli eRT setv Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.Telemetry.Enable bool true
  2. dmcli eRT setv Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.Telemetry.Version string 2.0.1
  3. dmcli eRT setv Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.Telemetry.ConfigURL string
  4. touch /nvram/enable_t2_debug
  5. reboot the device
  6. pidof "telemetry2_0" - check the running status of telemetry2
  7. T2 DataModel will be loaded
  • Below screenshot for enabling the T2 process of version 2.0.1 in RPI

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  • After reboot the device

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  • Telemetry 2.0 Report Profiles
    Telemetry 2 adds support for RDK Components to send their telemetry data to the T2 component for reporting. This allows for moving away from the CPU-intensive process of searching through log files for telemetry strings.
    Telemetry 2.0 allows for an RDK device to be updated with a set of T2 profiles at any time.


  • T2 DataModel

          There are 2 parameters under T2 report profiles,





Value must be JSON configuration blob in base 64 encoded msgpack format



Value must be JSON configuration blob in string


  • DMCLI SET Command for T2 Report Profile
dmcli eRT setv Device.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_T2.ReportProfiles string '{"profiles":[{"name":"RDKB_CCSPWiFi_Profile","hash":"hash1","value":{"Name":"RDKB_CCSPWifi_Profile","Description":"Report to check WiFi Parameters","Version":"1","Protocol":"HTTP","EncodingType":"JSON","ReportingInterval":180,"TimeReference":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","ActivationTimeOut":1800,"Parameter":[{"type":"dataModel","reference":"Profile.Name"},{"type":"dataModel","reference":"Profile.Version"},{"type":"dataModel","reference":"Device.WiFi.Radio.1.Stats.X_COMCAST-COM_NoiseFloor"},{"type":"event","eventName":"2GclientMac_split","component":"wifihealth","use":"absolute"},{"type":"event","eventName":"5GclientMac_split","component":"wifihealth","use":"absolute"},{"type":"event","name":"wifiradio WIFI_COUNT","eventName":"WIFI_MAC_1_TOTAL_COUNT:0","component":"wifiradio","use":"count","reportEmpty":false},{"type":"dataModel","name":"UPTIME","reference":"Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime","use":"absolute"}],"HTTP":{"URL":"","Compression":"None","Method":"POST","RequestURIParameter":[{"Name":"deviceId","Reference":"Device.DeviceInfo.X_COMCAST-COM_CM_MAC"},{"Name":"reportName","Reference":"Profile.Name"}]},"JSONEncoding":{"ReportFormat":"NameValuePair","ReportTimestamp":"None"}}},{"name":"RDKB_SelfHeal_Profile","hash":"hash2","value":{"Name":"RDKB_SelfHeal_Profile","Description":"Report to check SelfHeal Parameters","Version":"2","Protocol":"HTTP","EncodingType":"JSON","ReportingInterval":180,"TimeReference":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","ActivationTimeOut":1800,"Parameter":[{"type":"dataModel","reference":"Profile.Name"},{"type":"dataModel","reference":"Profile.Version"},{"type":"dataModel","name":"UPTIME","reference":"Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime","use":"absolute"},{"type":"dataModel","reference":"Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime","use":"absolute"},{"type":"event","eventName":"SYS_ERROR_AdvSecurity_NotRunning","component":"SELF_HEAL","use":"absolute"},{"type":"event","eventName":"SYS_SH_lighttpdCrash","component":"test-and-diagnostic","use":"count","reportEmpty":false},{"type":"dataModel","name":"WAN_SSH_STATUS","reference":"Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_Syndication.WANsideSSH.Enable","use":"absolute"}],"HTTP":{"URL":"","Compression":"None","Method":"POST","RequestURIParameter":[{"Name":"deviceId","Reference":"Device.DeviceInfo.X_COMCAST-COM_CM_MAC"},{"Name":"reportName","Reference":"Profile.Name"}]},"JSONEncoding":{"ReportFormat":"NameValuePair","ReportTimestamp":"None"}}}]}'


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  • Telemetry 2.0 Report Profiles Generation in xconf,
    Flow: xconf Server UI -> Telemetry -> Telemetry 2.0 Profiles -> create

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  • Once you save the Telemetry 2.0 profile, you will get a message overlay ‘Profile added to the pending changes’. Then go to Changes -> select the profile you create -> Click on “Approve selected changes”.

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  • Create Telemetry 2.0 Targeting Rule
    Flow: Xconf Server -> Telemetry > Telemetry 2.0 Rules > create

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  • Verification
    Flow: Xconf -Server -> Telemetry > Telemetry 2.0 Test page

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  • Log Verification in RPI
    Path: rdklogs/logs/
    file: telemetry2_0.txt.0

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