Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Find the repo for the patch file.
  2. Clone the repo. For ex:
  3.       Checkout Checkout the branch for which you want to create the patch.
    • $ git checkout 1905_sprint
      Branch '1905_sprint' set up to track remote branch '1905_sprint' from 'origin'.
      Switched to a new branch '1905_sprint'
    • $ git branch

* 1905_sprint

      4. Find the location of the patch file in the repo.

    • $ find . -iname index.patch

Step 2 :

  1. Next find the repo for the actual source file to which the patch file was getting patched.
  2. clone the repo.
  3. checkout the required branch.
      • $ git checkout 1905_sprint
        Branch '1905_sprint' set up to track remote branch '1905_sprint' from 'origin'.
        Switched to a new branch '1905_sprint'
      • $ git branch
             * 1905_sprint


  1. Cherry-pick the required changes also.



5. After cherry-picking you can verify the changes in the source file.

Step 3 :

  1. create another directory, and clone the source code repo (as in step 2). For ex :
    1. $ mkdir dummy
    2. $ cd dummy/
    3. $ git clone ssh://

$ git checkout 1905_sprint

Branch '1905_sprint' set up to track remote branch '1905_sprint' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch '1905_sprint'

    1. $ git branch

* 1905_sprint

Copy the patch file from the patch repo (step 1) to the current directory.

  1. $ cp ../patch/meta-pacexf3/recipes-ccsp/ccsp/ccsp-webui/index.patch .
  2. $ ls       debug_scripts      LICENSE         NOTICE         scripts           COPYING                        index.patch          Makefile.orig     README       source

Apply the patch to the source file.

  1. $ patch -p1 < index.patch

patching file source/Styles/xb3/code/index.php
Hunk #1 succeeded at 22 (offset 21 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 32 (offset 21 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 73 (offset 21 lines).
Hunk #4 succeeded at 183 (offset 27 lines).
Hunk #5 succeeded at 195 (offset 27 lines).
Hunk #6 succeeded at 245 (offset 37 lines).
Hunk #7 succeeded at 307 (offset 37 lines).
Hunk #8 succeeded at 445 (offset 37 lines).
Hunk #9 succeeded at 454 (offset 37 lines).
Hunk #10 succeeded at 468 (offset 37 lines).
Hunk #11 succeeded at 482 (offset 37 lines).
Hunk #12 succeeded at 492 (offset 37 lines).

It should be applied successfully.
Take a backup for the file got patched.
For ex :
$ cp source/Styles/xb3/code/index.php source/Styles/xb3/code/index_bk.php

  1. Step 4 :

  2. Now you can use "Meld tool" to compare between files to refresh the patch. Here you can compare between the source file generated in step 2 (which will have the required changes) and the source file generated in step-3 (which will have the patch appied on to it).
  3. During comparing between source files make sure that you take only the required changes (changes available in actual source file step-2) to the patched file generated in step-3.
  4. Once all changes are taken , you can verify the patch by checking the option file/format as patch in the tool. Save the updated file and copy it to your repo (repo generated in step-2).
  5. Now in your repo , you will have 2 source file (for ex: one will be index.php --original file with the required changes and index_bk.php --updated file with patch applied and also your changes).
  6. In terminal , you can use command "diff -ruN  file1 file2 > new_patch_file.patch" to generate a  new patch.
  7. For ex : diff -ruN index.php index_bk.php > new_index.patch
  8. Step 5 :

  9. Open the newly created patch file, update the file location correctly and save it. For ex :

--- git/source/Styles/xb3/code/index.php 2019-05-20 05:56:54.047078876 +0000
+++ git.1/source/Styles/xb3/code/index.php 2019-05-20 06:26:56.000000000 +0000

  1. Step 6 :

  2. In order to verify the newly created patch, you can create a temporary folder, clone the repo, checkout the required branch. Now copy the latest patch (new_index.patch) here. 
  3. In the terminal, give the command  patch -p1 <  new_index.patch, will apply the patch to the source file. It should not fail.
  4. step 7 :

  5. Now for pushing the latest patch, clone the repo for patch (step-1)
      1. $ mkdir push
      2. $cd push/
      3. $ git clone ssh:// .
  6. checkout the required branch.
      1. $ git checkout 1905_sprint
  7. copy the latest patch(new_index.patch in this case) to the actual patch file available in the repo.
      1. $ cp ../src/new_index.patch meta-pacexf3/recipes-ccsp/ccsp/ccsp-webui/index.patch
      2. $ git status
  8. It will show the file as modified. Perform git add.
      1. $ git add meta-pacexf3/recipes-ccsp/ccsp/ccsp-webui/index.patch
      2. $ git commit
  9. Update if any commit message has to be added and try to push the changes.
      1. $ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/1905_sprint
  10. It fails for commit message upload. For ex : you may get error like this :
      1. remote: ERROR: [6b429fb] missing Change-Id in commit message footer
      2. remote:
      3. remote: Hint: To automatically insert Change-Id, install the hook:
      4. remote: gitdir=$(git rev-parse --git-dir); scp -p -P 29418 ${gitdir}/hooks/
      5. remote: And then amend the commit:
      6. remote: git commit --amend
  11. Run the command mention in logs.
      1. $ gitdir=$(git rev-parse --git-dir); scp -p -P 29418 ${gitdir}/hooks/
      2. $ git commit --amend (No change-id is assigned to the change.)
      3. $ git commit --amend  (change-id has assigned now.)
      4. $ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/1905_sprint
  12. This will push the changes successfully to the branch. You can open the gerrit link and verify.
  13. Put the same topic name for the patch and the source file , trigger the verification.
