Versions Compared


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  • EthWAN provides the functionality to enable wan side connection through Ethernet port.
  • The functionality is being used in deployments with ONU and Gateways.
  • It can co-exist with DOCSIS, so that the WAN source can switch between EthWAN or DOCSIS
  • If syndication partners want to deploy Comcast gateway and Wi-Fi solution for customers who have fiber connection, they will require this EthWAN feature.
  • In other words this feature allows our syndication partners to offer service to their fiber customers.


  • Once enabled in device all internet data traffic including voice and device management will be done through Ethernet Port of the device.
  • In Ethernet WAN mode device will connect to ONU* (at the customer premises) before it connects to Internet.
      *ONU = Optical Network Unit.This is fiber MODEM equivalent of Cable MODEM (DOCSIS device)

         Network < -- > ONU < -- > EthWAN XB6

  • Adds two new components to RDK-B
     CcspEthAgent                  – Ccsp component to control EthWAN feature along with data model support
     Gw-prov-app-EthWAN    – Gateway provisioning component for EthWAN
  • diagram

Important Data models

DM Description
Device.Ethernet.X_RDKCENTRALCOM_WAN.EnabledThe DML is used to ON/OFF the EthWan Feature. The
default value is OFF.
Device.Ethernet.X_RDKCENTRALCOM_WAN.PortThe DML provides the port number that is configured if
the feature is ENABLED with
Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRALCOM_EthernetWAN.CurrentOperationalModeThe DML is used to verify in which MODE the box is
currently operating

How to Enable EthWan

TR-69 Data model:

dmcli eRT setv Device.Ethernet.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_WAN.Enabled bool True
dmcli eRT setv Device.Ethernet.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_WAN.Port uint 0

Xfinity page 


To support manual configuration via local GUI (user side) to change configuration to Ethernet WAN or DOCSIS WAN is under Gateway> Connection > WAN Network

Code Flow

Ccsp EthAgent DMCLI Code flow


GW Prov Ethwan Code flow


Commands to get EthWAN info from hal
hal_test ethwan enableEthwanTo enable EthWan
hal_test ethwan disableEthwanTo disable EthWan
hal_test ethwan GetEthWanInterfaceNameTo get the EthWan Interface name
hal_test ethwan getEthWanEnabledTo get the EthWan status (enabled or disabled)
hal_test ethwan getEthWanPortTo know which port is enabled for EthWan feature
hal_test ethwan setEthWanPort_eth0Set eth0 port as EthWan interface
hal_test ethwan setEthWanPort_eth1Set eth1 port as EthWan feature

*All are Broadcom specific commands

EthWAN interface configuration details

Once we get the interface name from HAL, below are the steps to create the interface.
Below is the example for eth0 interface.

# ifconfig eth0 down                                           //Bring down the eth0 interface

# vlan_util del_interface brlan0 eth0                   // Delete interface eth0 under brlan0

# ip link set erouter0 name dummy-rf               // Rename erouter0 interface to “dummy-rf”

# brctl addbr erouter0;                                       // Add a new bridge erouter0

# brctl addif erouter0 eth0;                                // Add interface eth0 under erouter0

# ifconfig erouter0 down;                                  // Bring down the erouter0 interface

# ifconfig erouter0 hw ether                             //Assign the mac address to erouter0 interface

# sysevent set eth_wan_mac                            //Set eth_wan interface mac as erouter0 mac

# ifconfig erouter0 up                                      // Bring up the erouter0 interface

Once completed, the interface status can be verified by the below commands.

              # brctl  show
              erouter0      8000.021018d8443c    no      cm0