Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


On Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, if you are unable to upgrade your git version using apt-get, then follow the below steps in order to upgrade  

$     sudo apt-get install python-software-properties

$     sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa

$     sudo apt-get update

$     sudo apt-get install git


Once git is installed, configure your name and email using the below commands


$ repo init -u -m emulator.xml

Note: For latest code iteration, check the RDK-V Releases page to get the latest iteration branch

$ repo sync

$ source meta-cmf/setup-environment       


-       ${HOME}/emulator/build-qemux86hyb-morty/tmp/deploy/images/(Build Type)

Note: The qt3d repo has changed and this causes older builds (10/24 and earlier) to fail while fetching qt. A fix can be applied by changing the repo in the qt3d recipe.

Before you build, you need to edit the file /meta-qt5/recipes-qt/qt5/ and set the QT_MODULE_BRANCH to "dev" instead of "master" as outlined below:

For more information regarding the change, please refer:


Bringing up the Emulator on Virtual Box


  • Once you have the IP address you may SSH into your VM from your linux shell console. Use root as the ssh user.
  • Use the “mount” command to see the current status of connected hard disks
$ mount

  • Use fdisk command to list out connected hard drives. You may note that in the screenshot below, there are two hard drives listed. hda and hdb. hdb is the external hard drive that we have created in the previous step.
$ fdisk -l

  • Use fdisk to create your new hard disk partition
$ fdisk /dev/hdb

Review the description of the steps during fdisk operation below and the following screenshot for reference before proceeding.

  • Use fdisk to create your new hard disk partition
    • Use the command "n" to add a new partition
$ Command (m for help): n
    • Select partition type as the suggested default "p" for primary partition

$ Partition type:

p primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free)

e extended

Select (default p): p

    • Set your partition number as the suggested default. In the example case: 1
$ Partition number (1-4, default 1): 1
    • Press "Enter" key for First sector & Last sector prompts
    • Select the command "p" to print the partition table on screen for review
$ Command (m for help): p
    • Select the command "w" to write the partition table to disk and exit fdisk
$ Command (m for help): w

  • Format your newly created partition with ext3 file system
$ mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb1

  • Create a folder for mounting your new partition at /ext_hdd
  • Mount your newly created hard disk partition to /ext_hdd

$ mkdir /ext_hdd

$ mount /dev/hdb1 /ext_hdd

STEP 5: Copy a Single Program Transport stream to your file system to be used for emulator video playback.

  • Pre-requisite to the step is assumed that /ext_hdd is already mounted with the external hard disk partition on your emulator VM
  • Copy your SPTS video file from your host machine to /ext_hdd folder on the emulator VM 
  • Note: The following command is performed from your Host Machine
$ scp <your_spts_file_name>.ts root@<your_emulator_vm_ip>:/ext_hdd
  • Back on your emulator VM, create a link in /opt/www/ to point to the external hard drive at its mount point /ext_hdd
$ ln -sf /ext_hdd/<your_spts_file_name> <your_spts_file_name>
  • In the screenshot below<your_spts_file_name> is assumed to be "received_spts1.ts" as an example.

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