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To view live streaming video from rpi-camera to in your mobile mobile you need the mapp-camera* mobile app in your mobile. Please download the apk from here and install in your android deviceto follow the below steps

Step 1: Please download the app-release.apk and install in your android device.

Step 2: Have your R-PI board connected to the R-PI Camera & your R-PI board connected to the internet, Make sure your R-PI board flashed with the camera image contains peer_connection_client binaries from OpenWebRTC

With the above 2 steps you have your clients ready to communicate with each other. Now, we need to create the communication server to establish the connection b/w two clients. To create server we are using OpenWebRTC build from this repo.

Execute the below commands to take the build of OpenWebRTC repo

export PATH=$PATH:/home/user/Desktop/openwebrtc-m72/buildtools/linux64/

gn gen out/Default --args='is_debug=false target_os="linux" rtc_libvpx_build_vp9=false rtc_use_h264=true rtc_libvpx_build_vp9=false
rtc_use_gtk=false rtc_build_opus=false rtc_include_opus=false libyuv_use_neon=false rtc_include_tests=false
build_libsrtp_tests=false rtc_include_pulse_audio=false rtc_use_x11=false rtc_build_with_neon=false is_clang=false rtc_use_gtk=false
treat_warnings_as_errors=false rtc_enable_protobuf=false use_custom_libcxx=false rtc_use_metal_rendering=true'

ninja -C out/Default/

Step 3: After completion of successful build, Navigate to Open_WebRTC/openwebrtc-m72/out/Default and ./peerconnection_server hit Enter to start the server

Step 4: SSH into R-PI and enter "./peerconnection_client" which asks for the server IP & Enter Server IP (Your machine IP where peerconnection_server is running) and port number as 8888.

Step 5: Open your mobile app and click on scan in live-feed page to get the list of cameras in your network.

Step 6: Select the camera you want to watch the live feed.

Note: Make sure your R-PI board and mobile app should be in the same network.

Mobile App Features

Following are the mobile application features.
