Versions Compared


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Manifest Caching

For VOD  and Cold CDVR (complete recordings):

  • Player does the Caching of Manifest ( DASH/ HLS ) and Playlist files (HLS)
  • In case Player switches to Another App ( Ex: Netflix / Amazon) which is not using AAMP Player and exit back to VOD , then player will use cached  Manifest for a faster tune .

For Linear / Hot CDVR

  • For DASH , Player will never Cache Manifest for Live Stream
  • For HLS , Player will cache Main Manifest file for Live Stream , but Playlist files are not Cached .

TTL Cache / DNS Cache

  • For TTL Cache , Player does 3 mins of DNS Cache timeout setting
  • When a player instance is created , player creates a Curl instances for download files . Now the Curl instance is configured to maintain the DNS cache for 3 mins  ( If any url is attempted again on the same curl instance , it will reuse the Cached info )
  • After Tune Complete or when moved to next channel , Player does closure of all the curl instance it created , that means DNS timeout set with that instance is closed with that instance .
  • For new channel  , a new player or if same player instance a new curl instance will be created.
  • So setting DNS Cache timeout  will apply or benefit if same curl instance is used for download  . But across channel changes , new curl instances are created .
  • In Conclusion : Player is not doing TTL caching across channel changes.

Multi-CDN Location Protocol

Given linear locator, i.e.

JSPP gets list of locators from traffic router,  i.e.

“locations”: [”,”,