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"" script is used for monitoring Memory and CPU usage.
Located in the device path: "/fss/gw/usr/ccsp/tad/".

Selfheal – Process Monitoring


"" script is used for monitoring RDK-B processes. This is located is located at path: "/fss/gw/usr/ccsp/tad/". We can monitor any RDK-B processes by adding the process pid in this script.

Self-heal stores Reset Count and Reboot Count


In Raspberry Pi the functionality of self-heal feature is provided by systemd.

Code Flow Diagram
diagramNameCODE FLOW 1.drawio
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Resource Monitoring - Diagram
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  • monitors the Memory and CPU usage
  • Average memory and CPU thresholds will be obtained from syscfg.db (default avg_cpu_threshold:100, avg_memory_threshold:100)


Process Monitoring - Diagram
diagramNameprocess monitoring.drawio
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  • monitors the status of various taks periodically and takes the corrective action
  • Default monitoring interval is 15mins and can be modified using resource_monitor_interval in syscfg.db
  • Monitors
    • Health of peer processor, in case of dual core processors
    • Other tasks added as part of the script
  • New tasks can be added by editing the script


Connectivity Test - Diagram
diagramNameconnectivity test.drawio
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  • will run Ping and DNS tests.
  • ConnTest_PingInterval in syscfg.db specifies the frequency of the connectivity test.
  • If nothing specified, it is 60seconds by default.


  • runPingTest
    • Gets the IP (default_router IP) from syscfg.db
    • If no IP specified, it will try pinging to default gw
    • If ping fails, takes the corrective action, which is none by default.
  • runDNSPingTest
    • This is disabled by default. Can be enabled by selfheal_dns_pingtest_enable in syscfg.db
    • Gets the urlToVerify from syscfg.db
    • If nslookup fails, takes the corrective action, which is none by default


Self heal objects in its DML layer: 


Self heal can be Enabled/disabled by the below data model. By default, it is enabled

Code Block
$ dmcli eRT getv Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_Enable
CR component name is:
subsystem_prefix eRT.
getv from/to component( Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_Enable
Execution succeed.
Parameter    1 name: Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_Enable
               type:       bool,    value: true

Verify the selfheal feature running status

Code Block
$ ps -Af | grep -i self
 4449 root       0:00 {self_heal_conne} /bin/sh /usr/ccsp/tad/
18921 root       0:00 grep -i self

Resource monitoring

The Below DM is used to verify the Average CPU threshold. By default the value is set to 100

Code Block
$ dmcli eRT getv Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgCPUThreshold
CR component name is:
subsystem_prefix eRT.
getv from/to component( Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgCPUThreshold
Execution succeed.
Parameter    1 name: Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgCPUThreshold
               type:       uint,    value: 100

The Below DM is used to verify the Average Memory threshold. By default the value is set to 100

Code Block
$ dmcli eRT getv Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgMemoryThreshold
CR component name is:
subsystem_prefix eRT.
getv from/to component( Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgMemoryThreshold
Execution succeed.
Parameter    1 name: Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgMemoryThreshold
               type:       uint,    value: 100