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titleHow to add a package to my project?

As with any complex system, the real answer is it depends, but of course that is not very helpful. The simplest method for adding a single package to your build is to add a line like this to add 

the below line to conf/local.conf:

  • IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " package"

Use your own package name in place of package. Note the leading space before the package name. If you want to add multiple packages, you can use multiple lines like the above, or list all packages on a single line with:

  • IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " package1 package2 package3"

Although If we you add in local.conf , that is not permanent change. For permanent addition of that package in final rootfs, you need to be added in image recipe or any package group which is included in the image recipe.

titleHow to handle prebuilts? 
OE/Yocto has a feature called SSTATE(shared state) to deliver prebuilts amongst users. Shared state is currently configured with OE/Yocto projects.

Prebuilds are handled internally by Yocto by using sstate-cache. If a prebuilt from a known good build is available, the build can point to that folder via the conf file inside the ./build<buildtype>/conf/ folder so that the prebuilts are picked up from the location

titleHow long do the builds/single component builds take?
  • If you use sstate and use the jenkins build node configuration, a complete build to generate images takes about 20 to 30 mins when nothing is modified.
  • Single component builds vary depending on how deep they are entangled in build dependency chain. e.g. if you modified say C library (libc) this is pretty deep in stack and it would end up rebuilding dependent components if you were to build full image with this changed libc it might take 30+ minutes. But if you changed a leaf component which is on top of dependency stack then you will probably need less than 5 mins to rebuild it

    This depend entirely on multiple factors like capacity of build machine, first time build or repeated build in the same work space as well as changes in components on which the component in question depends on( if there is a change, the depending component is first built and then the dependent component ) and hence cannot be answered directly.

    titleWhat are the commands to build a specific sub-component (WPE, Utopia etc...)? 

    When you checkout sandbox every component is independently buildable, and bitbake ( OE's build engine) is responsible to identify and sort the component dependency chain and ensure its built along. if you were to build a single component the commands are

    bitbake <component>

    where component is in one to one relation with .bb ( recipe ) file that can be found in the Yocto/OE metadata ( meta-rdk* layers ) e.g. if you were to build rdkbrowser then you would see that its recipe is housed in generic layer called meta-rdk-cmf and recipe is called so you the command would dobe

    bitbake rdkbrowser

    However this will only generate CMF component and for packaging it up into final image you still will have to build the image component to repackage rdkbrowser

    bitbake rdk-generic-hybrid-wpe-image

    would generate the CMF generic image for hybrid devices. it will only rebuild the affected components when building the image if nothing has changed it will not recreate the image.

    titleWhat is the substitute for rebuild, build-only, skip-package? Paying specific attention to when/if any new source is pulled?

    bitbake has division of work into individual tasks for a component. Secondly, the recipes are wired to notice changes in upstream repository as well when you do repo sync. You can use below command to see what all individual tasks are available.

    bitbake -c listtasks <component>

    It will show an output like

    do_build                       Default task for a recipe - depends on all other normal tasks required to 'build' a recipe
    do_bundle_initramfs            Combines an initial ramdisk image and kernel together to form a single image
    do_checkuri                    Validates the SRC_URI value
    do_checkuriall                 Validates the SRC_URI value for all recipes required to build a target
    do_clean                       Removes all output files for a target
    do_cleanall                    Removes all output files, shared state cache, and downloaded source files for a target
    do_cleansstate                 Removes all output files and shared state cache for a target
    do_compile                     Compiles the source in the compilation directory

    You can rerun any of the above tasks

    bitbake -C compile rdkbrowser

    would force recompile of servicemanager, if you wish to perform all the build steps for a component you can do that too by

    bitbake -c cleansstate rdkbrowser; bitbake rdkbrowser

    Similarly, in general we you can have:

    bitbake <target> -c<task_to_be_executed>

    This will ensure do_<task_to_be_executed>() will be called.

    task_to_be_executed can be can  fetch, unpack, configure, compile, install, package etc

    If we were to draw parallels

    --rebuild = bitbake -c cleansstate <component> ; bitbake <component>

    --build-only = bitbake <component>

    --skip-package is delegated to shared state mechanism to figure out at present.

    titleHow do we ensure that source code is not updated unless user does an explicit code fetch using repo sync or a similar command?

    Unless you do 'repo sync' sources should will not be updated

    'repo sync' can cover only components with external src support, it means that in cases when SRCREV is set to AUTOREV and component doesn't support external src, then bitbake will try to update sources from a remote repository during build time.

    There is no documentation for AUTOREV, but it's doing only one function - check remote repository for any new sources updates.

    AUTOREV = "${@bb.fetch2.get_autorev(d)}"

    You can prevent this behaviour by changing BB_SRCREV_POLICY variable in you local <sandbox>/conf/local.conf

    BB_SRCREV_POLICY = "cache"

    Defines the behavior of the fetcher when it interacts with source control systems and dynamic source revisions. The BB_SRCREV_POLICY variable is useful when working without a network.
    The variable can be set using one of two policies:
    cache - Retains the value the system obtained previously rather than querying the source control system each time.
    clear - Queries the source controls system every time. With this policy, there is no cache. The "clear" policy is the default.


    titleHow do I locate logs for a particular component in the Yocto/OE folder structure?
    • You can find log files for each task in the recipe's temp directory. Log files are named log.taskname-Eg:compile logs are present in the file log.do_compile. Bitbake maintains logs separately for each of the tasks that run while building the component. These tasks are typically the fetch task, the compile task, install task and so on.
    • Eg: For a RPI device, typically logs are present under the build-raspberrypi-rdk-hybrid//tmp/work/<*-rdk-linux> and under the component directory. Other devices would have logs present under similar folders. On my systemFor instance, logs are present under build-raspberrypi-rdk-hybrid/tmp/work/<*-rdk-linux>/rdkbrowser/1.99+gitAUTOINC+8c3f17fdc6_fa6c8b4334_dc33f7d6bc_4bc1f2f4c9-r0/temp


    titleHow to solve the error occured during enabling net-snmp in device?
    * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for packagegroup-...:
    *             net-snmp *
    * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package packagegroup-....

    Such errors mean this The above error indicates that :

    You asked for adding net-snmp ( the package ) not ( the recipe ) now net-snmp ( the recipe ) may generate a number of ( packages ) so you should add the packages ( runtime items) to the package groups and not the recipes ( build time items). Usually yocto/OE does generate a output package with same name as input recipe so for there will be a net-snmp ipk but thats just a common case not a hard and fast rule.

    Now in this particular case when a package has nothing to emit into the ${PN} package the package is left empty and hence not emitted. If you want to emit the package regardless you have to add

    ALLOW_EMPTY_<package> = "1" in the recipe,but this is less of a usecase to demand empty packages. If you expressed the packagegroup RDEPENDS correctly you would not need it.


    titleHow to resolve repo sync failures when the branch is few commits behind the master or when it has uncommitted changes?
    • Sometimes when you have a working branch which is not checked out or has uncommitted changes then repo will fail when you try to sync to the latest code base.
    • The

      Sample failure logs

      might look something like below.


    error: generic/devicesettings/generic/: contains uncommitted changes

    error: generic/rdkbrowser/: branch master is published (but not merged) and is now 11 commits behind

    error: meta-rdk-oem-X/: contains uncommitted changes

    • To resolve this you need to checkout the branch and rebase it to the master using below commands.

    git rebase —abort

    git rebase rdkgerrit/master ( or rdkgerrit/stable2)

    • During the process git might throw conflict errors if it cannot merge files automatically. Then you need to merge manually using Vim or any other text editors. But it can be simple if you know exactly what changes needs to be saved / removed.
    • For example you can use below command to keep your changes

    git checkout --ours FILE

    • If you want to run on multiple files then use below command.

    grep -lr ‘<<<<<<<<’.  |  xargs git checkout --ours

    • Similarly,  you can use below commands if you want to keep other changes.

    git checkout --yours FILE

    grep -lr ‘<<<<<<<<’.  |  xargs git checkout –theirs


    titleHow to debug a common build failure seen during rootfs creation?

    Common build failures are reported in Yocto builds. Some build failures are hard to analyze with logs, unless we get access to the failure workspace. In most cases they are hard to reproduce on local workspace. We go through multiple iteration of builds, lock down the node and then debug. To debug these failures use Packages file found under tmp/deploy/ipk directory on you local workspace .


    titleHow to solve this Build issue - Platform target mismatch Error: File format not recognized?

    This should be because of arch architecture bit mismatch . To overcome this should either choose the right target platform or put the executable file as a tar file in bb file.


    titleBitbake fails with "fatal: Not a git repository" after selection of option in meta-cmf/setup-environment, and why?


    The issue is observed during setup and machine selection stage, setup-environment script will through throw unexpected error about non-existing layer paths.

    Example console log:

    gpsahu01@dvm-wcdcc-tata-001:~/cmf/emulator-2.1-20160919$ source meta-cmf/setup-environment

    1) meta-raspberrypi/conf/machine/raspberrypi0.conf             7) meta-rdk-bsp-emulator/conf/machine/qemux86hyb.conf

    2) meta-raspberrypi/conf/machine/raspberrypi2.conf             8) meta-rdk-bsp-emulator/conf/machine/qemux86mc.conf


    Please enter your choice of machine [1..11]: 7

    ### Shell environment set up for builds. ###

    Writing auto.conf ...

    Writing versions.txt ...

    -bash: cd: ../meta-browser//: No such file or directory

    fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /mnt)

    Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).

    -bash: ../patches/rdk-oe/meta-linaro//*.patch: No such file or directory

    -bash: cd: ../meta-openembedded//: No such file or directory

    fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /mnt)

    Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).

    Possible solution:

    If the host PC has set colored terminal output for commands then it may cause unexpected errors being shown during execution of meta-cmf/setup-environment script. To fix the problem we can run following command:

    gpsahu01@dvm-wcdcc-tata-001:~/cmf/emulator-2.1-20160919$ alias ls='ls --color=no'

    titleNetwork related issues
    titlea) How to resolve "Fetch failure/ timeout errors" Eg:"error: Exited sync due to fetch errors"?


    Fetch timeout or failure can happen due to following network problems.

    -          Network not accessible

    -          Restriction in Firewall

    -          Invalid Proxy configuration

    -          Unable to resolve DNS in IPv6 networks

    Example console log:

    Fetching projects: 96% (91/94) Fetching project openembedded/meta-linaro
    Fetching projects: 97% (92/94) fatal: read error: Connection timed out
    fatal: read error: Connection timed out
    fatal: read error: Connection timed out
    error: Cannot fetch meta-virtualization
    warn: --force-broken, continuing to sync
    Fetching projects: 98% (93/94) error: Cannot fetch meta-java
    warn: --force-broken, continuing to sync
    Fetching projects: 100% (94/94)
    error: Exited sync due to fetch errors

    Possible solution:

    -          Using VPN may have some restrictions sometime it may not allow GIT access.

    -          Ensure that the ports for HTTPS, SSH, HTTP are opened by the firewall and the policy doesn’t block common open source repositories.

    -          In case of IPv6 networks issues, force GIT to use IPv4.

    Also Following options can be considered while debugging:

    Option #1) Need to flush the IP rules:
    enter the command
    $ iptables -F
    and check
    $) git clone git://

    Option #2) Check for the port 22 is open or not by doing nmap
    $ nmap -p 22"
    (check for ipaddress
    $ ssh -v
    if it adds it will ask for input()yes/no- Type yes
    $ git clone git://;branch=lighttpd-1.5.x

    Option #3) replacing the git// with https:// which uses port 443
    $ git config --global url."https://".instead of git://
    and try $ "git clone git://"

    Option #4) in a few cases, the access to GIT repository is via SSH. To use SSH URLs with GIT repository, an SSH key-pair must be generated on the build PC and add the public key to your GitHub account.
    For information on setting up an SSH key-pair, see "Generating an SSH key."


    titleWhile building image for "rdk-generic-mediaclient-image”, the build is almost completed (98%) but getting virtual memory exhausted error and the build fails with failed with exit code '1' fails with exit code ' 1' for wpe-webkit. What is the solution?

    Looks like memory issue hence changing Ubuntu to 64 bit version should resolve the issue. The below are the Ubuntu configurations,

    • Ubuntu 16.04 - 64 bit
    • 6GB RAM

    16GB Swap

    titleHow to enable/disable a FEATURE in build?

    To include a specific feature that is not available in base build, enable the feature specific DISTRO flag in platform specific config file. For example to include USPA feature in Rpi build,

    Add the DISTRO specific flag in Rpi platform specific conf file

    In File meta-cmf-raspberrypi/conf/distro/include/

    Add DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " usppa" (to include the feature if not there)

    DISTRO_FEATURES_remove = " usppa" (to remove the feature)

    Make sure the recipe is part of the package build

    In File meta-rdk/recipes-core/packagegroups/


    must be included as a DISTRO protected feature

    RDEPENDS_packagegroup-rdk-ccsp-broadband += " \ ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'usppa', "usp-pa", "", d)}"

    titleHow to solve error due to RDK_FLAVOR not defined?
    ERROR: ParseError at /home/a1602446/build-raspberrypi-rdk-broadband/conf/local.conf:247: Could not include required file conf/distro/include/

    Above error occurs intermittently, which can be fixed by retrying the source command for setup_environment file.

    In case of Rpi, it is 

    • source meta-cmf-raspberrypi/setup-environment
    titleHow to enable or disable any feature using macro?

    Please refer Compile-time Build Variants Flags


    titleHow to solve ”Invalid syntax” error due to python version mismatch during repo commands?

    Sample Error Example Console Log :

    repo: warning: Python 2 is no longer supported; Please upgrade to Python 3.6+.
    Downloading Repo source from
    remote: Finding sources: 100% (32/32)
    remote: Total 32 (delta 14), reused 32 (delta 14)
    Unpacking objects: 100% (32/32), done.
    File "/mnt/home /cmf/.repo/repo/", line 79
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    If you're using an older system without Python 3.6+, try downloading an older version of the Repo Launcher that still supports Python 2.7.

    Possible Solution :

    # create a bin directory

    mkdir ~/bin

    export PATH=~/bin:$PATH

    curl > ~/bin/repo

    chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
