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Table of Contents


Protocol Agents are CCSP components that directly interface to the Cloud. These components facilitate remote administration/management of GW device profiles. The Protocol Agents provides the necessary abstraction to the internal CCSP architecture and internal CCSP components for interacting with the Cloud. The internal CCSP components are not required to be aware of any protocol specific details on the cloud interfaces. As a Protocol Agent could be an SNMP PA or a TR-069 PA..etc.


Figure 1 shows the overview of TR-069 Protocol Agent. Diagram
diagramNameCCSP TR-069 PA System Overview.drawio
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Figure 1 CCSP TR-069 PA System Overview


As you can see from figure 1, when TR-069 PA receives a request from ACS, it resolves namespace with CR, and makes a normalized action invocation over message bus into target functional component. Once TR-069 PA receives response or error from functional component, it construct CWMP SOAP message back to ACS. Diagram
diagramNameTR-069 PA SetParameterValues data flow.drawio
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Figure 2 TR-069 PA SetParameterValues data flowImage Removed Diagram
diagramNameTR-069 PA GetParameterNames data flow.drawio

Figure 3 TR-069 PA GetParameterNames data flow


  •  Notifies TR069 PA, in  case of any value change on notify enabled parameters. Device.TR069Notify.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_TR069_Notification
  •  No VALUE CHANGE notification may be sent to the ACS when the origin of the change is a SetParameterValues through TR-069. The TR-069 PA  discard value change events based on the event's   origin. 
  •  Persistence of "VALUE CHANGE" events across reboots or CcspTr069PaSsp restart , In current implementation, Value change event is getting lost in passive notification if reboot or restart happened.

Recent TR-069 Enhancements

  • Support for TR-069 active and passive notifications.
    • Dependency: notify_comp and its recipe.
    • Dependency: when using an older release of RDK-B, be sure to apply the following locking bug fix, which prevents a race condition on a bulk parameter value set that results in intermittent loss of notifications for some changed parameters.
    • Tr069PA support in notify_comp.
    • No VALUE CHANGE notification may be sent to the ACS when the origin of the change is a SetParameterValues through TR-069. The TR-069 PA must discard value change events based on the event's origin.
    • Reliable delivery of events across TR-069 agent restart. If a VALUE CHANGE notification is not delivered before restart, it must be retried until successful, even across reboots.
  • Support for TR-069 diagnostics complete notifications.
    • Send 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE to the ACS only when the diagnostics test was initiated through TR-069. Supported for Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRoute and Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing.
  • Custom Mapper to translate the internal data model to a different one offered through TR-069. This can fix:
    • TR-069 data model violations such as Device.SelfHeal
    • CableLabs (CM-SP-eRouter) instance index standardisation, e.g. Device.WiFi.Radio.10000. and Device.WiFi.SSID.10001
    • MSO-specific data model object and parameter names

Enhancement under Consideration

  • Device-Gateway Association, TR-069 Annex F.
    • This implies changes to the DHCPv4 and (optionally) DHCPv6 server; V-I Vendor Specific options sent and parsed, leases exposed in Device.ManagementServer.ManageableDevice., notification support for Device.ManagementServer.ManageableDeviceNumberOfEntries.

Identified Limitations

  1. When several changes are made to a parameter that is configured for active notification, only a single VALUE CHANGE event is delivered, with the latest value. This only applies when the notifications are somehow prevented from being delivered immediately (e.g. WAN down or ACS down or unreachable). This is a design choice.
  2. There is no support for lightweight notifications. Only active and passive notifications, SetParameterAttributes values 1 and 2, are supported.
  3. There is no support for notifications on partial paths. This may require more fundamental changes to the notification system of the RDK bus.
    Because of this and lack of event notification support in some data model parameters, Set/GetParameterAttributes test cases in od_128.tcl of the TR-069 CDRouter add-on fail.
  4. There is no support for HTTPS. This requires provisioning of a CA certificate list for server authentication, and a (secure handled) device private key and certificate pair for client authentication.
  5. TR-069 strongly recommends random generation of the path of the ConnectionRequestURL. Currently, if Device.ManagementServer.X_CISCO_COM_ConnectionRequestURLPath is not set, a non-random value is generated.
  6. If AccessListChange is true in a SetParameterAttributes method call, and no AccessList is provided, the Parameter provided as a Name is set to read only. The scope of this problem may be wider. In general, take care to set AccessListChange to false.
