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Table of Contents


Injected bundle is an Integration layer between Service Manager and the player in RDK Browser and WPE

  • Adds an ability to send messages from JavaScript to UI side and vice versa.
  • Supports ACL for the JavaScript objects.

Code Block
titleJavaScript Bridge implementation
The JS Bridge consists of 2 parts:
    - execution backend (written in C++)
    - client interface to execution backend (this one)

  Each part consists of 2 layers:
   - object interface (methods calls)
   - general messaging (serialized messages)

  Each method call JS => C++ is serialized into JSON, trasfered via IPC,
  received on another side, mapped into the corresponding method call.
  So, the route is:

  C++                        JS
  -------------------       -------------------
  object interface  <      < object interface
  ------------------ |     |-------------------
  general messaging  |     | general messaging
  ------------------ |     |-------------------
  IPC                 <===<  IPC

  Responses and events are transferred in opposite direction (C++ => JS)

Implementation Details

How to Expose C/C++ API using injectedbundle

  • Define an Injectedbundle CB that's invoked when a page is loaded

Define an object of WKBundlePageLoaderClientV1 with your own function callback for didCommitLoadForFrame. This callback gets invoked when a page's DOM contens finishes loading. This will also provide the mainFrame instance in which the JS object is to be loaded.

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WKBundlePageLoaderClientV1 client {
        {1, clientInfo},
        // Version 0.
        nullptr, // didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame;
        nullptr, // didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame;
        nullptr, // didFailProvisionalLoadWithErrorForFrame;
        didCommitLoad, // didCommitLoadForFrame;
        nullptr, // didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame;
        nullptr, // didFinishLoadForFrame;
        nullptr, // didFailLoadWithErrorForFrame;
        nullptr, // didSameDocumentNavigationForFrame;
        nullptr, // didReceiveTitleForFrame;
        nullptr, // didFirstLayoutForFrame;
        nullptr, // didFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayoutForFrame;
        nullptr, // didRemoveFrameFromHierarchy;
        nullptr, // didDisplayInsecureContentForFrame;
        nullptr, // didRunInsecureContentForFrame;
        nullptr, // didClearWindowObjectForFrame;
        nullptr, // didCancelClientRedirectForFrame;
        nullptr, // willPerformClientRedirectForFrame;
        nullptr, // didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame;
        // Version 1.
        nullptr, // didLayoutForFrame
        nullptr, // didNewFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayout_unavailable
        nullptr, // didNewFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayout_unavailable
        nullptr, // globalObjectIsAvailableForFrame
        nullptr, // globalObjectIsAvailableForFrame
        nullptr, // didReconnectDOMWindowExtensionToGlobalObject
        nullptr // willDestroyGlobalObjectForDOMWindowExtension

  •  void didCommitLoad(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame) // WKBundleFrameRef frame provides the JS context in which to load JS/C++ bindings
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void didCommitLoad(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleFrameRef frame)
    JSGlobalContextRef context = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptContext(frame);


  • Using the context obtained from frame you can load custom JS objects, but first you need to define a JS class definition which provides a standard set of callbacks and properties for the JS object
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titleReference - usr/include/JavaScriptCore/JSObjectRef.h
typedef struct {
    int                                 version; /* current (and only) version is 0 */
    JSClassAttributes                   attributes;
    const char*                         className;
    JSClassRef                          parentClass;
    const JSStaticValue*                staticValues;
    const JSStaticFunction*             staticFunctions;
    JSObjectInitializeCallback          initialize;
    JSObjectFinalizeCallback            finalize;
    JSObjectHasPropertyCallback         hasProperty;
    JSObjectGetPropertyCallback         getProperty;
    JSObjectSetPropertyCallback         setProperty;
    JSObjectDeletePropertyCallback      deleteProperty;
    JSObjectGetPropertyNamesCallback    getPropertyNames;
    JSObjectCallAsFunctionCallback      callAsFunction;
    JSObjectCallAsConstructorCallback   callAsConstructor;
    JSObjectHasInstanceCallback         hasInstance;
    JSObjectConvertToTypeCallback       convertToType;
} JSClassDefinition;

The important parameters for any JS object are staticValues, staticFunctions which helps to implement (get/set) and JSObject.function()

You may find more about the structure of JSStaticValue and JSStaticFunction in JSObjectRef.h

  • Once the class and corresponding callbacks are defined, you may load this object onto the context that is retrieved from the frame object in injectedbundle
Code Block
static const JSClassDefinition JS_class_def;
void LoadJS(JSGlobalContextRef context)
        //Create a custom object that holds the context and any other variables that are required, for eg- seesion keeping var.
        struct CustomObject* obj = new CustomObject();
        JSClassRef classDef = JSClassCreate(&JS_class_def);
        JSObjectRef classObj = JSObjectMake(context, classDef, obj);
        JSObjectRef globalObj = JSContextGetGlobalObject(context);
        JSStringRef str = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("JSObject"); //If you would like to name your object as JSObject and access like
        JSObjectSetProperty(context, globalObj, str, classObj, kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly, NULL); //this loads the JSObject to  page


  • Once the page is loaded, you may add an event listenet for onDOMContentLoaded and verify if the JSObject is defined ( if(typeof global.JSObject !== "undefined" {console.log ("JSObject available")})

 How to Invoke a JS API from C/C++

  • Pass the JS API function pointer to Native code and store it as a JSObjectRef
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JSObject.addEventListener(eventType, eventListener) //with eventListener having a definition like "function eventListener(event: any) {....}"
static JSValueRef addEventListener(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception)
        JSObjectRef callbackObj = JSValueToObject(context, arguments[1], NULL);
        if (callbackObj != NULL && JSObjectIsFunction(context, callbackObj))
              //Store the callbackObj in a variable
              eventListener = callbackObj;
              JSValueProtect(context, callbackObj);
              return JSValueMakeUndefined(context);
        return JSValueMakeNull(context);
  • To invoke the JS API from C/C++, call JSObjectCallAsFunction with the callbackObj and arguments

    Code Block
    JSObjectCallAsFunction(context, callbackObj, NULL, 1, args, NULL);  //args is the list of arguments if required