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Briefly describe in general terms the system/application and the purpose for which it is intended, written in non-technical terminology. Consider including a high-level architecture diagram for the system. The description should include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Key features or major functions/use cases performed by the system/application
  • Architecture of the system in non-technical terms (e.g., client server, Web-based, etc.)
  • System environment or special conditions

Backup and Restore is a Additional Setting feature.


Backup and Restore is a Troubleshooting feature developed for the WebUI considering RPi as the reference platform.

Its key features are as follows:

  • Backup allows user to save all the existing User Settings in a form of tar file containing encrypted database files and download to their local PC.
  • Restore allows the user to retrieve the user settings from the backup created earlier. The backed up file from local PC can be uploaded to the server and the settings from the decrypted database files will be loaded to the WebUI.

Device will be rebooted after loading saved settings, to ensure the settings are applied.

These features are placed as a sub menu under the main menu Troubleshooting in WebUI.

Backup option in WebUIImage AddedRestore option in WebUIImage AddedIts key features are as follows:

Environment Setup

  • Set-up Considerations

<Briefly describe and graphically depict as appropriate the equipment, communications, and network configuration of the system in a way that a non-technical user can understand>

  • User Access Considerations

<Briefly describe and graphically depict as appropriate the equipment, communications, and network configuration of the system in a way that a non-technical user can understand>

  • Accessing the System

<Provide detailed information and describe the procedures necessary to access the system. If applicable, include how to get a user ID and log on to the system, as well as the actions a user must take to change and/or reset a password.>

  • System Work Flow

<Describe how system flow is happening mentioning checkpoints which can be verified during flow to ensure system is working as expected>

  • Exiting the System

<Mention the validation artifacts that are essential to ensure the functionality is working as expected. Also any limitation while closing the validation process>

Executing System

Describe the specific system function or feature in detail and depict graphically by including screen prints and descriptive narrative as appropriate. Ensure each screen print is captioned and has an associated tag providing appropriate alternative text

Follow the above for sub feature / use cases


  • Error Messages

<Identify the error messages that a user may receive and the likely cause(s) and/or possible corrective actions for the error>

  • Special Considerations

Backup and Restore functionalities are supported by a set of script files. Following are the mentioned script files:

   →   ConfPhp

   →   download_user_settings.php

   →   upload_user_settings1.php

   →   upload_user_settings2.php

   →   backup_user_settings.php

   →   backup_enc_key.php

   →   ajax_at_saving_backup_key.php

These script files which are already present in the RDK build, will execute when the Backup and Restore buttons are clicked.

  • Accessing the System

The User needs to login to the WebUI using <username> admin and <password> password (These are default username and password). Once logged in, the following procedure has to be followed:

Backup: Under the main menu Troubleshooting, Backup User Settings sub menu is selected and Backup button is clicked. The user is asked to enter a Secure key to encrypt the files.  Once key is entered, a pop up to download the Current User settings in the form of a tar file in Local PC.

            Troubleshooting → Backup User Settings → Backup (button) → Enter Secure key → Click Save → Pop up to Save → Select Save  .

Please check the following figure for reference:

Image AddedBackup feature stepsImage Added

Restore: Under the main menu Troubleshooting, Reset / Restore Gateway is selected and Restore User Settings button is clicked. The file which needs to be uploaded has to be selected from local PC, the secure key previously used to encrypt the files should be entered to decrypt the files and Restore is clicked to apply the settings.

           Troubleshooting → Reset / Restore Gateway → Restore User Settings (button) → Browse (To select the file from Local PC) → Enter Secure key to decrypt files → Restore (button).

Please check the following figure for reference:

Image AddedImage Added

  • System Work Flow

Once Backup is performed, the following path can be checked to ensure that backup has executed as expected.

   → In the RPi image → /tmp/ folder can be checked if a backup file has been created "backup.tar"

   → In the Local PC → Downloads/ folder can be checked for "backup.tar" file to be saved.

Please check the following figure for reference:

tmp folder contents after backupImage AddedDownload folder contents after backupImage Added

Once Restore is performed, the following path can be checked to ensure that Restore has been executed as expected.

   → In RPi image before automatic reboot, /var/tmp/ folder can be checked for backup.tar file to be present.

   → In RPi image, /nvram/syscfg.db or /nvram/bbhm_cur_cfg.xml file can be checked manually to confirm if the changes have been applied.

   → In WebUI, the changes in settings can be observed after reboot of device.

Please check the following figure for reference:

var contents after restoreImage Added

  • Exiting the System

Care should be taken that before Backup is performed, backup.tar file already existing in Download folder of Local PC has to be deleted or renamed to avoid creation of duplicate file.

Please check the following figure for reference:

Duplicate files created in local PCImage Added

Executing System

The Backup feature creates a tar file in the /tmp/ folder. This tar file contains all the necessary files like, bbhm_bak_cfg.xml, syscfg.db and bbhm_cur_cfg.xml required for backing up all the user settings. The same tar file is downloaded to local PC.

The Restore feature copies the uploaded file temporarily to /var/tmp/ folder and restores all the settings from the tar file to the WebUI. The restore changes can be observed in WebUI and the files in /nvram/ folder.

Image AddedImage Added

Backup Example:

The current settings show Managed Sites is Enabled.

Image AddedImage Added

These settings will be saved in the encrypted backup files.

Restore Example:

In the current setting, Managed Sites is disabled.

Image AddedImage Added

If User wants to load the backed up settings, Restore option is used and Managed sites will be Enabled in WebUI after device reboot.


  • Error Messages

If restore is success, the following message will be displayed before automatic device reboot.

Image Added

In case of Error, one among the following will be displayed.

       * backup file not selected:

Image Added

       * Empty secure key entered

Image Added

       * Invalid secure key entered

Image Added

  • Special Considerations

The backed up and restored files are by default named as backup.tar (if changed, will cause misbehavior in feature execution).<If applicable, describe any special circumstances, actions, exceptions, etc., that should be considered for troubleshooting.>







Rajkumar Narayanan

L&T Technology Service Ltd.


<Contact Name>




<Role>Program manager