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CCSP components in the CCSP Services Layer call into OS primitives via POSIX interfaces. Since the CCSP platform is implemented and optimized for Linux OS, there is no need for an additional RTOS abstraction Layer. The necessary abstraction is provided by POSIX.

CCSP Component Model

A CCSP component is one or more run-time processes, which consist of a reusable set of software to provide a defined set of service(s). A CCSP component can send and/or receive and handle requests via the CCSP Message Bus. All CCSP components extend from a Base CCSP Component that defines the core methods common to all CCSP components.

For performance optimization, more than one CCSP components can combine into a single run time process or decoupled into individual processes, without requiring any software change to the component. Having this capability allows each Component to be instantiated and work in its own process during testing and verification but later combined with other components into a single process (for performance optimization) in production environments. It also aids in resolving and isolating issues such as crashes, memory clobbers etc.

Component Interfaces

All components implement the base component interface as described in CCSP Base Component Interfaces.


All CCSP Message Bus interfaces of the component must be made available via D-Bus/R-Bus introspection XML. The introspection XML defines all the interfaces and associated methods/APIs along with input and output parameters. The introspection XML is then used by a D-Bus/R-Bus binding tool to auto-generate client proxy and Adapter bindings.

Refer to for details on the D-Bus introspection XML and supported argument types.

CCSP Base Component Interfaces

This section defines the CCSP Base Component Interface. All CCSP components should implement these interfaces. The APIs defined in this section are the minimal set that each component should implement. More APIs will be added as needed.


CCSP Base Component Interfaces

CCSP Framework

The CCSP framework provides basic mechanisms for component management and message dispatching. This section describes all the Framework elements shown in CCSP High Level Architecture.

CCSP Message Bus

CCSP Message Bus is used by the CCSP components to communicate with each other and send notifications to registered subscribers in a single processor environment. CCSP message bus uses D-Bus/R-Bus for IPC.

For more details on D-Bus and R-Bus , refer  CCSP Message Bus 

CCSP Message Bus Adapter

CCSP Message Bus Adapter is a core framework Component that enables inter-processor communication. The other processor may also run CCSP Message Bus Adapter to facilitate communication.

The internal implementation of the CCSP Message Bus Adapter may use TCP/IP sockets for communicating with the peer message bus adapter running on the other processor.

CCSP Component Registrar (CR)

CCSP Component Registrar is a centralized database of all registered CCSP components/services. It supports dynamic learning of registered components and supported capabilities - message types/namespaces. In addition it signals events to registered subscribers when components get unregistered, either gracefully or due to a fault condition.

... Diagram
diagramNameComponent Registry

Component Registry

Protocol Agents

Protocol Agents are components that directly interface to the Cloud. These components facilitate remote administration/management of the device. The Protocol Agents provides the necessary abstraction to the internal CCSP architecture and components for interacting with the Cloud. The internal CCSP components are not required to be aware of any protocol specific details on the cloud interfaces. . The TR69 ACS uses HTTP/SOAP to communicate with the device. The TR69 Protocol Agent hides all the protocol specific details and communicates internally using internal namespaces and APIs over the CCSP message bus.


  • Authenticate and establish secure session with their corresponding cloud adaptors during initialization.
  • Perform low level protocol handling for downstream and upstream traffic.
  • Routes cloud messages to internal functional components registered for consumption/processing of those namespaces by looking up which component handles a particular namespace via the Component Registrar.
  • “Action” Normalization
    • Internal CCSP components use normalized action / RPC methods to process requests. The normalized methods are defined in the base interface supported by all CCSP components.
  • Protocol Agents may define an XML based Mapping Schema that defines the mapping from external constructs to internal constructs. These constructs may include:
    • External Objects and parameters to Internal Objects and parameters
    • Format Conversions
    • Internal Errors to External Errors
  • Signals errors and routes responses to corresponding cloud adapters
  • Performs all transactions as an atomic operation.
    • For example, if a transaction involves a “SetParameterList” action of 10 key-value pairs, then the Protocol Agent applies the changes to all of the specified key-value pairs atomically. That is, either all of the value changes are applied together, or none of the changes are applied at all.
    • In cases where a single transaction involves multiple Components, the PA aggregates the response from all the components before sending the results back to PA.
  • Manages the order of operations within a transaction and across transactions.
    • The PA serializes all transactions from its cloud interface and only allows one transaction at a time.
  • Generates and maintains Context for asynchronous notifications and transactions. This is explained in more details in the next section.

Asynchronous Notifications (Eventing)

The Protocol Agents (PA) maintains a notification table of external notification requests on the Data model parameters. On receiving requests for notifications/eventing topics from the cloud, the protocol agents


Asynchronous Notification

CCSP OS Abstraction Layer

CCSP platform is implemented and optimized for Linux OS. As such the OS abstraction is provided by the POSIX APIs. All CCSP components must use the POSIX APIs for all OS services such as threads, mutual exclusion, semaphores, shared memory etc.

Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)

HALs provides the necessary abstraction to the CCSP components to interface with SoC vendor specific hardware components such as audio/video encoders/decoders. The HAL is a thin layer above SoC vendor’s driver software distribution. This decouples the CCSP framework from any particular SoC platform.


5. If there is a use case for all CCSP components to access certain hardware capabilities, then such an interface should be made available in the CCSP Base component interface. This interface, however, should be part of the common HAL.

Data Plane

This section is intended to explicitly list out best practices and guide lines for fast communication between components and processes running on a single processor and across multi processors.

Single Process communication

Components within a single process should communicate via well-defined APIs. The APIs should abstract, encapsulate and hide any internal representation of the component.


Care must be taken to free the memory after processing is complete.

Inter Process communication

Inter process communication is facilitated by CCSP Message Bus that uses D-Bus/R-Bus IPC. Components across processes communicate via well-defined APIs using the bus daemon. The D-bus/R-Bus daemon provides a publish-subscribe interface and routes signals/events to all registered subscribers.


As mentioned in Single Process communication above, this approach too requires the format and structure of the data to be known in advance for the components to process data correctly. It is recommended to define a common message format structure and pass version of the message format to the communicating component along with the file descriptor.

Inter Processor communication

Inter processor communication is facilitated by the CCSP Message Bus Adapter. As explained in CCSP Framework, the Message Bus Adapter is a component that runs on all the processor cores and uses TCP/IP sockets to communicate with each other. This allows the processor cores to potentially run different OS stacks and yet be able to seamlessly communicate with each other.

On the CCSP frame work the message bus Adapter exposes its services via APIs on the D-Bus/R-Bus. Other CCSP components use these APIs on the message bus Adapter communicate with components running on other processor cores.

Inter Subsystem Communication

CCSP architecture is intended to be sufficiently flexible to allow communication between CCSP components that reside across multiple subsystems. This document references several complex use cases with multiple subsystems. Simpler products without this complexity are also supported. This document defines the following subsystems along with their associated prefix.


More details available at  D-Bus Remote Communication Capabilities  in CCSP Message Bus

Inter Subsystem Communication Architecture

The following architecture is based on the assumption that each subsystem is managed independently by external Cloud Management Servers. However the assumption is not a restriction and works/scales even if all subsystem were managed by a single subsystem.


Inter Subsystem Communication Architecture

Use Cases

eCM and eRT communication

  • The eCM and eRT subsystems will always coexists in all use cases that use DOCSIS as their WAN frontend.
  • An eCM Message Bus Adapter component registers with the eRT CR for all "eCM" prefixed supported parameters.
  • Any request for eCM parameters will be routed to this component which uses SNMP or other protocols to talk to the  cable modem firmware in the backend

Session Integrity

Some CCSP components such as the TR69 Protocol Agents require session integrity. In other words from the time a session is initiated until the session is terminated, the device must ensure the transactional integrity of all Parameters accessible via the protocol Agent. During the course of a session, all configurable Parameters of the device must appear to the Protocol Agent as a consistent set modified only by the corresponding ACS. Throughout the session the device must shield the ACS from seeing any updates to the Parameters performed by other entities/components. This includes the values of configurable parameters as well as presence or absence of configurable parameters and objects. Session integrity can be achieved by leveraging Message Bus signalling.

Access Control

As with session integrity, some components such as TR69 Protocol Agents require write access control on data model parameters. A TR69 ACS may choose to have exclusive write access on specified parameters and prohibit other components from modifying those parameters. It should be noted that all Protocol Agents have write access to all parameters at all times. This requirement is to allow for cases when a protocol agent may need to assert exclusive write access to the specified parameters.
