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Table of Contents


Objective is to create containerized application based on OCI standard and managing the application using Dobby tool in Rpi for RDK-B build.

Things to do:

  • Enable Dobby support in Rpi RDK-B build.
  • Include DAC SDK in Rpi RDK-B Code.

  • Create an OCI image for a sample application using meta-dac-sdk
  • Create platform specific lib json to generate container configuration for respective platform
  • Install Bundlegen in a VM or any host machine
  • Generate OCI bundle from the OCI image using Bundlegen tool
  • Start/Stop OCI bundle using Dobby

Enable Dobby support in Rpi RDK-B build

           Note :  From RDKB_2023q2_dunfell branch below changes are not needed.
Code Block
+++ b/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-rdk-ccsp-broadband.bbappend
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ RDEPENDS_packagegroup-rdk-ccsp-broadband_append = "\
     libseshat \
     notify-comp \
     start-parodus \
+    dobby \
+    crun \
Code Block
root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~# systemctl status dobby
● dobby.service - RDK Dobby (Container) daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/dobby.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-08-23 05:47:12 UTC; 1 months 17 days ago
   Main PID: 233 (DobbyDaemon)
      Tasks: 10 (limit: 3092)
     Memory: 2.8M
     CGroup: /system.slice/dobby.service
             └─233 /usr/sbin/DobbyDaemon --nofork --noconsole --journaldAug 23 05:47:11 RaspberryPi-Gateway DobbyDaemon[233]: NFO: Logging socket created at '/tmp/dobbyPty.sock'
Aug 23 05:47:11 RaspberryPi-Gateway DobbyDaemon[233]: NFO: entered Ipc service change thread
Aug 23 05:47:11 RaspberryPi-Gateway DobbyDaemon[233]: NFO: Created log relay from /tmp/dobby-syslog to /dev/log
Aug 23 05:47:11 RaspberryPi-Gateway DobbyDaemon[233]: NFO: Created log relay from /tmp/dobby-journald to /run/systemd/journal/socket
Aug 23 05:47:11 RaspberryPi-Gateway DobbyDaemon[233]: NFO: Dobby Logger socket monitoring thread started
Aug 23 05:47:11 RaspberryPi-Gateway DobbyDaemon[233]: NFO: entered Ipc service change thread
Aug 23 05:47:11 RaspberryPi-Gateway DobbyDaemon[233]: NFO: started SIGCHLD monitor thread
Aug 23 05:47:11 RaspberryPi-Gateway DobbyDaemon[233]: NFO: starting watchdog timer with period 7500000
Aug 23 05:47:11 RaspberryPi-Gateway DobbyDaemon[233]: MIL: started Dobby daemon
Aug 23 05:47:12 RaspberryPi-Gateway systemd[1]: Started RDK Dobby (Container) daemon.

root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~# DobbyTool -V
Version: 3.6.3-e747921419aca764d3f758be2a3b2f39f3a024a0

  • Verify the crun version
Code Block
root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~# crun -V
crun version 1.7.2
commit: 0356bf4aff9a133d655dc13b1d9ac9424706cac4
rundir: /run/crun
spec: 1.0.0

Include DAC SDK in Rpi RDK-B dunfell build

Code Block
repo init -u -m rdkb-extsrc.xml -b dunfell
repo sync -j `nproc` --no-clone-bundle --no-tags
git clone
  • Include the meta-dac-sdk to bblayers :  conf/bblayer.conf

Refer to build app using meta-dac-sdk toolchain - Quickstart: Building, Installing and Running DAC apps#SetupSDKandbuildyourfirstDACapp

Create an OCI image for a sample application using meta-dac-sdk

View file

Add below files inside meta-dac-sdk for building sample "helloworld-test" application

      recipes-example/example/helloworld-test/main.cpp ( main.cpp )

To create OCI Image for the sample application, run the respective recipe

Code Block
MACHINE=MACHINE=raspberrypi4-rdk-broadband source meta-cmf-raspberrypi/setup-environment
bitbake dac-image-helloworld-test

Image path :  build-raspberrypi-rdk-broadband/tmp/deploy/images/raspberrypi-rdk-broadband*/

Image name : dac-image-*.oci-image.tar

Example -  build/tmp/deploy/images/raspberrypi3/dac-image-helloworld-test-raspberrypi3-20230325195708.rootfs-oci-latest-arm-linux.oci-image.tar

Note : In latest rdk-b releases meta-qt5 layer is not included , while building one might face the below issue 
Issue observed in RDKB_2023q2_dunfell and rdk-next branch.

ERROR: ParseError at /home/dbhat/dac_check_2023q2_64bit/meta-dac-sdk/recipes-example/example/ Could not inherit file classes/qmake5.bbclass
To resolve this error , follow any of below approach.
  • remove/comment the line "inherit qmake5" in recipe file
  • download meta-qt5 and include the layer in bblayer.conf

Create platform specific lib json to generate container configuration for respective platform

Refer -

**Note : Already available for Rpi3, support for Rpi4 is in progress

Install Bundlegen in a VM or any host machine

Reference : Containerization feature integration in Raspberry-Pi RDK Video stack  [ Currently the page is restricted to RDKM ]

Requirement : Ubuntu 22

Reference for Bundlegen :

# Install dependencies

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt upgrade

$ sudo apt install -y make git go-md2man

# Install Go 1.13

$ wget

$ tar -xvf go1.13.12.linux-amd64.tar.gz

$ sudo mv go /usr/local

$ mkdir -p $HOME/go

$ echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/go' >> $HOME/.bashrc

$ echo 'export GOROOT=/usr/local/go' >> $HOME/.bashrc

$ echo 'export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH' >> $HOME/.bashrc

$ source $HOME/.bashrc

# Build/install umoci

$ go get -d

$ cd $GOPATH/src/

$ make

$ sudo make install

# Install skopeo

$ . /etc/os-release

$ sudo sh -c "echo 'deb

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install skopeo

Install Bundlegen

git clone

cd BundleGen

$ python3 build

$ python3 install

Generate OCI bundle from the OCI image using Bundlegen tool

  • Copy the oci image (dac-image-*.oci-image.tar) to local VM where Bundlegen is installed.
  • Run ./test/ <VM_IP>  dac-image-*.oci-image.tar
  • Above step will generate an oci bundle image ( .gz), and uncompressed folder.
    example : rpi3_reference-dac-image-helloworld-test-raspberrypi-rdk-broadband-20230325195708.rootfs-oci-latest-arm-linux.oci-image.tar.gz  

Note :  Once the OCI bundle is created , verify the config.json for extra mount options and extra libraries, remove them from config.json.

Start/Stop OCI bundle using Dobby

To run the OCI bundle using dobby, copy the above generated bundle to Rpi board

Code Block
cd /
mkdir dac
copy bundle image to /dac
tar -xvzf rpi3_reference-dac-image-helloworld-test-raspberrypi-rdk-broadband-20230325195708.rootfs-oci-latest-arm-linux.oci-image.tar.gz
chmod -R 744 rpi3_reference-dac-image-helloworld-test-raspberrypi-rdk-broadband-20230325195708.rootfs-oci-latest-arm-linux.oci-image
DobbyTool start helloworld-test rpi3_reference-dac-image-helloworld-test-raspberrypi-rdk-broadband-20230325195708.rootfs-oci-latest-arm-linux.oci-image/
DobbyTool list
Code Block
root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:/# cd dac/

root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:/dac# ls
root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:/dac# chmod -R 777 rpi3_reference-dac-image-helloworld-test-raspberrypi-rdk-broadband-20230325195708.rootfs-oci-latest-arm-linux.oci-image/

root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:/dac# DobbyTool -v start helloworld-test rpi3_reference-dac-image-helloworld-test-raspberrypi-rdk-broadband-20230325195708.rootfs-oci-latest-arm-linux.oci-image/
0000000260.953013 NFO: < M:Main.cpp F:main L:1264 > starting dbus service
0000000260.953307 NFO: < M:Main.cpp F:main L:1265 >   bus address 'unix:path=/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket'
0000000260.953533 NFO: < M:Main.cpp F:main L:1266 >   service name 'org.rdk.dobby.test.pid14388'
0000000260.958383 NFO: < M:SDBusIpcService.cpp F:eventLoopThread L:1287 > started sd-bus event loop thread
0000000260.958559 NFO: < M:DobbyProxy.cpp F:containerStateChangeThread L:1165 > entered container state change thread
0000000260.959260 NFO: < M:SDBusIpcService.cpp F:eventLoopThread L:1318 > starting sd-bus event loop
started 'helloworld-test' container, descriptor is 734
0000000261.416063 NFO: < M:DobbyProxy.cpp F:containerStateChangeThread L:1224 > exiting container state change thread
0000000261.417027 NFO: < M:SDBusIpcService.cpp F:eventLoopThread L:1323 > stopping sd-bus event loop
root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:/dac# DobbyTool list
descriptor | id                               | state
        734 | helloworld-test                  | running
root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:/dac# cat rpi3_reference-dac-image-helloworld-test-raspberrypi-rdk-broadband-20230325195708.rootfs-oci-latest-arm-linux.oci-image/rootfs/my_file.txt
********************Hello World ********************

root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:/dac# journalctl -fu dobby
-- Logs begin at Tue 2023-03-21 04:26:19 UTC. --
Mar 24 15:22:01 RaspberryPi-Gateway helloworld-test[14410]: Loaded plugin 'thunder' from '/usr/lib/plugins/dobby/'
Mar 24 15:22:01 RaspberryPi-Gateway helloworld-test[14410]: Plugin logging has nothing to do at postStart
Mar 24 15:22:01 RaspberryPi-Gateway helloworld-test[14410]: Plugin networking has nothing to do at postStart
Mar 24 15:22:01 RaspberryPi-Gateway helloworld-test[14410]: Hook poststart completed
Mar 24 15:22:01 RaspberryPi-Gateway DobbyDaemon[234]: NFO: No file size limit size for container log - setting to unlimited
Mar 24 15:22:01 RaspberryPi-Gateway DobbyDaemon[234]: NFO: Configuring logging for container 'helloworld-test' (pid: 14395)
Mar 24 15:22:01 RaspberryPi-Gateway DobbyDaemon[234]: NFO: container 'helloworld-test' started, controller process pid 14395
Mar 24 15:22:01 RaspberryPi-Gateway DobbyDaemon[234]: MIL: container 'helloworld-test'(734) started
Mar 24 15:22:30 RaspberryPi-Gateway DobbyDaemon[234]: NFO: List()
Mar 24 15:22:30 RaspberryPi-Gateway DobbyDaemon[234]: NFO: GetState('734')

Debugging Guide

Log files path
/var/log/<> →This log file name will be mentioned in config.json

Observed Error 

Code Block
root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:/dac# cat /opt/logs/crun.log
error stat'ing file `/usr/share/X11/xkb`: No such file or directory
error stat'ing file `/usr/lib/`: No such file or directory

Once the OCI bundle is created , verify the config.json for extra mount options and extra libraries, remove them from config.json.
For, helloworld application , these libraries mount is not needed, hence modified the config.json. 
default config.json : config_default.json 
Modified config.json : config.json