Versions Compared


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  • EthWAN provides the functionality to enable wan side connection through Ethernet port.
  • The functionality is being used in deployments with ONU and Gateways.
  • It can co-exist with DOCSIS, so that the WAN source can switch between EthWAN or DOCSIS
  • If syndication partners want to deploy Comcast gateway and Wi-Fi solution for customers who have fiber connection, they will require this EthWAN feature.
  • In other words this feature allows our syndication partners to offer service to their fiber customers.


  • Once enabled in device all internet data traffic including voice and device management will be done through Ethernet Port of the device.
  • In Ethernet WAN mode device will connect to ONU* (at the customer premises) before it connects to Internet.
      *ONU = Optical Network Unit.This is fiber MODEM equivalent of Cable MODEM (DOCSIS device)


  • Adds two new components to RDK-B
     CcspEthAgent                  – Ccsp component to control EthWAN feature along with data model support
     Gw-prov-app-EthWAN    – Gateway provisioning component for EthWAN
  • diagram

Important Data models

DM Description
Device.Ethernet.X_RDKCENTRALCOM_WAN.EnabledThe DML is used to ON/OFF the EthWan Feature. The
default value is OFF.
Device.Ethernet.X_RDKCENTRALCOM_WAN.PortThe DML provides the port number that is configured if
the feature is ENABLED with
Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRALCOM_EthernetWAN.CurrentOperationalModeThe DML is used to verify in which MODE the box is
currently operating

How to Enable EthWan

TR-69 Data model:


To support manual configuration via local GUI (user side) to change configuration to Ethernet WAN or DOCSIS WAN is under Gateway> Connection > WAN Network

Code Flow

Ccsp EthAgent DMCLI Code flow


Commands to get EthWAN info from hal
hal_test ethwan enableEthwanTo enable EthWan
hal_test ethwan disableEthwanTo disable EthWan
hal_test ethwan GetEthWanInterfaceNameTo get the EthWan Interface name
hal_test ethwan getEthWanEnabledTo get the EthWan status (enabled or disabled)
hal_test ethwan getEthWanPortTo know which port is enabled for EthWan feature
hal_test ethwan setEthWanPort_eth0Set eth0 port as EthWan interface
hal_test ethwan setEthWanPort_eth1Set eth1 port as EthWan feature

*All are Broadcom specific commands
