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Automatics Login

User can login into Automatics through any one of the two authentication modes - Self-Authentication or LDAP Authentication.

By giving the respective credentials such as username & password and selecting either of the Self Authentication/LDAP Authentication modes from the drop down, user can login to Automatics Tool.

User will be able to see the below Homepage after a successful login.

User can see the Builds Processed Details for a default time period of 30 days. User can change the date and click on filter to see the required details.

User can also see the Execution Details of Last 4.

Manage Scripts

To perform test execution, user needs to add test details to Automatics system. This can be done from Manage Scripts page.

Add Script

Script Details

To add a new script, user can click on “Add New” link on the right top of page. Field “Automation Id” should be unique name that identifies an automated test. This id should match with the automation id in automated test case.  Automatics considers RDK builds in any of the 3 categories ‘Sprint’, “Stable” and “Release”. A test case can be mapped to execute in any or all of the build types.

On Next page, Environment can be selected. In the screen shown below, the test is RDKV device related. So mapping the test against RDKV environment. Next applicable device model/s can be selected. End point “RACK_DEVICE” refers to devices managed by rack system and “DESK DEVICE” refers to desk devices.  Head end field refers to device head end. If head end is provided, then during execution, Automatics can request for devices from given head end.

On Next page, user can select the feature required by device during execution of test. Here, as we are adding MOCA related test case, feature “MOCA” is selected. During execution of this test, Automatics will request for device with feature “MOCA” from inventory. If a test case can mapped to a particular RDK component testing, then it can be mapped with Field “RDK Component”.  Then Click on “Save”.

Script Steps

Using filter option, display the newly added test case and click on “Update Step Details“.

We can add test steps from here and to add new step click on “Add Row” button.

Enable Script

After adding test steps, the scripts should be enabled. Only enabled scripts will be considered for execution by Automatics.

Tick mark shows that the script is enabled.

Edit Script

To edit the script details, click on 'Edit Option'.

User can edit the script details from here.

Update Step Details

To update the step details, click on 'Update Step Details' option.

User can update the step details from below page.

Delete Script

To delete script details and test steps configured, please click on 'Delete Script Details' option.

Add Script from Existing Copy

To reduce the effort for user to add new script details, user can clone existing test script and update required details as required.

Trigger Test Execution

User can trigger a test execution from “Trigger Execution Manually” page.

Service Name “FUNCTIONAL VERIFICATION” refers to functional testing. “CI_VERIFICATION” refers to CI testing. In Build Name field, user can provide the build name that is currently loaded in device. End Point “RACK_DEVICE” and “DESK_DEVICE” which indicates Rack device and Desk device. From Environment Type, user can select values like “RDKV” or “RDKB” and test type like “1HOUR”, “4HOUR” etc.

When “Is Quick Test Required”, it means before executing tests like 1HOUR or others, an image upgrade is to be done on device. QT refers to “Quick Test” which is a special test that will load the device with image mentioned in Build Name field. Only if QT is success, other type of tests will be executed by Automatics. If QT box is unchecked, then image upgrade is not performed.

Navigate to next page. In 2nd page, user can select test cases to be executed.

Next, navigate to 3rd page Device Details. User can provide device details from here. Automatics gets devices for execution either from user or via pool based mechanism.

Select the option, ‘Specify Device MAC Address’ for user to provide the mac address. If option ‘Take Boxes from pool’ is selected, then devices will be fetched by Automatics from partner’s inventory. The device needed for execution are identified from test script features added in Manage Script page.

‘Build Appender’ field has different functions in job execution. It is used in 2 different ways.

  1. Build Appender – execution grouping.

During execution, when user provides a custom appender value, then in job manager page the jobs are displayed in separate tab with appender name. In results page, the results will be displayed in against buildname with appender so that execution results for the same build with and without appender are displayed as 2 entries.

  1. Build Appender – pre-test initializer.

Partner can configure pre-defined appender values in orchestration via System config. If user selects any of the pre-defined appender, then partner can add support at partner side implementation to perform device initialization based on appender value. The Automatics core sends appender to partner during initialization. This helps user to enable specific configurations in device before test execution.

When execution is triggered successfully, below pop message will be displayed.

Job Manager

User can verify the status of the job executions from Job Manager page. Also, user can cancel or re-trigger a job, view child jobs, navigate to Jenkins executions are other features provided by Job Manager.

Navigate to Manage Test Trigger, click on Job Manager under RDKV/RDKB.

Here, user can find the status of job executions. Quick Test(QT) is always the parent job of any other jobs. All other job types will be created under QT as child jobs. If user selected QT, then QT will be executed first on all selected devices and only when QT execution status is “COMPLETED” child jobs will start executing. If QT job status is “FAILURE”, then all child jobs become “CANCELLED”. Click on Action to view child jobs.

In scenario where user skips QT, then QT job with dummy QT test will be created and child jobs will be added under it.  User can find the details of job by hovering on the job name.

Details of JOB status are

Job Status



Job is created and waiting for free Jenkins job for execution


Found free Jenkins job and it is scheduled for execution


Jenkins job execution in progress


Jenkins job cancelled


Jenkins job execution completed successfully. The job has executed the tests.


Jenkins job execution was not completed. The job has failed to executed tests.


Device provided for execution is locked by some other execution. Execution cannot proceed.


Device inventory is down. Automatics couldn’t get devices for execution.


Jenkins job execution could not be completed due to device issue


As pre-test verification, Automatics core will check if the build in device is same as user provided. If it is not same, then execution will fail with this status


As post-test verification, Automatics core will check if the build in device is same as user provided. If it is not same, then execution will fail with this status


Automatics core will check the accessibility of device before starting test execution. If device is not accessible, then execution fails with this status

Initially, the status will be QUEUED. When the job is triggered in Jenkins it changes to SCHEDULED and when job execution is going on, then status will become IN PROGRESS. Once, it is completed you can see the status as COMPLETED.

Action tab on the page supports features in the order as “Go To Jenkins Job”, “Re-trigger”, “View Execution Results”, “View Child Jobs” and “More Options”. User can cancel a job from “More Options”.


User will be to view and download the various reports of Build Execution Results, Device Usage, Script Health & Script Execution Time reports from the Reports section.

Execution Results

From execution results page, user can view the results of the triggered build executions. It shows the total count of test steps and its Pass, Fail, NT(Not Tested), NR(Not Run) and NA(Not Applicable) counts.

Now, click on Reports and go to Execution Results under RDKV/RDKB.

Following details will be displayed as shown below:

Now, click on the Build name under the Image Name column to see the Test Case Results as below.

You can verify the required information from the Execution Result Details for that particular build.

Execution Results – TC

User can get an idea on the execution results from test case count via this page.

Now, click on Reports and go to Execution Results - TC under RDKV/RDKB.

Select the date for the required result details.

Following details will be displayed as shown below:

Device Usage Report

User will be able to generate the usage reports of a particular device within the required dates.

Now, click on Reports and go to Device Usage Report.

Enter the following details of Device Mac Address, Date and Time as shown below.

After the entering the details click on Generate.

The following data/details of that particular device will be generated as shown below.

Script Health Report

User can generate the Health Report of the test scripts.

Click on Reports and go to Script Health Report.

Now, enter the following required details of Select Start Date & End Date followed by Select Category Type as shown below and click on Generate.

After clicking on Generate the following data/details will be generated as show below.

Also, by clicking on Download Report you can download the report to your local in order to see the data offline.

Script Execution Time Report

User can generate the Execution Time Report of the test scripts for the required dates.

Click on Reports and go to Script Execution Time Report.

Now, enter the following details of Select Category Type, Select Start Date, End Date followed by Select Test Type as shown below and click on Generate.

After clicking on Generate the following data/details will be generated as show below.

Also, by clicking on Download Report you can download the report to your local in order to see the data offline.

RDK E2E Manager

RDK/CI portal sends execution requests to Automatics orchestration. Automatics based on filters configured decides if execution to be performed or not.

RDK E2E Manager has 2 sections.

  • E2E RDK Request
  • E2E RDK Request Filter

E2E RDK Request

User will be able to see the incoming RDK Requests from the RDK Portal from this page.

Navigate to RDK E2E Manager and click on E2E RDK Request under RDKV/RDKB.

If the request status is accepted, then execution will be triggered by Jenkins. Or else if the status is REJECTED, then no execution will be triggered.


E2E RDK Request Filter

User can configure RDK filters so that when request comes from RDK portal, Automatics can decide based on it, if execution should trigger or not.

Now, navigate to RDK E2E Manager and click on E2E RDK Request Filter under RDKV/RDKB.

User will be able to see the existing RDK Request Filters, if any present already like the above screen having.

We can Enable/Disable the Request Filters by clicking on the below Enable Selected Records/ Disable Selected Records. Only enabled filters will be considered by Automatics.

Also, we can show/hide the params of the request filter by clicking on Show/Hide Filter Params button above.

Edit Request Filter Details

We can Edit the Request Filter, by clicking on Edit Request Filter Details under the Action column.

Edit the required details of the request filter and click on Save Results.


Add new Request Filter Details

We can add a new Request Filter, by clicking on Add Request Filter Details button above.

Now, enter the required Settings details & Automation ID details of the filter and click on Save Results.

Email Server configuration - SMTP

Automatics orchestration has the functionality to send email notifications. For sending an email notification an SMTP server is required. One an SMTP server is available the below are the configuration which need to be configured for sending email notification's from Automatics Orchestration. The configuration can be added via "System Configuration" page under "Settings" menu

Configuration NameDescription
SMTP_PROTOCOLIt is the protocol used for sending email. The value can either be SMTP or SMTPS. If the SMTP server connection should SSL enabled but not TLS then the value should be configured as SMTPS. In all other scenarios SMTP should be configured.
SMTP_HOSTIt is the IP address or domain of the SMTP server.
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