There are 6 different rule types: FirmwareRule, DCM Rule (Formula), TelemetryRule, TelemetryTwoRule, SettingRule and FeatureRule (RFC Rule).

Extended from Rule object: DCM Rule, TelemetryRule, TelemetryTwoRule. It means that rule object itself has rule structure, corresponding rule fields like negated, condition, compoundParts and relation are located in root json object itself.

Otherwise there is rule field.

TelemetryRule json extended by Rule object:

    "negated": false,
    "compoundParts": [
        "negated": false,
                "type": "STRING",
                "name": "model"
            "operation": "IS",
                        "java.lang.String": "TEST_MODEL1"
        "compoundParts": []
        "negated": false,
        "relation": "OR",
                "type": "STRING",
                "name": "model"
            "operation": "IS",
                        "java.lang.String": "TEST_MODEL2"
        "compoundParts": []
    "boundTelemetryId": "ad10dd05-d2ff-4d00-8f52-b0ca6956cde6",
    "id": "fb4210ac-8187-4cba-9301-eb8f27fcdaa8",
    "name": "Arris_SVG",
    "applicationType": "stb"

FeatureRule json, which contains Rule object:

    "id": "018bfb79-4aaf-426e-9e45-17e26d52ad49",
    "name": "Test",
        "negated": false,
                "type": "STRING",
                "name": "estbMacAddress"
            "operation": "IS",
                        "java.lang.String": "AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA"
        "compoundParts": []
    "priority": 13,
    "featureIds": ["68add112-cdc9-47be-ae3b-86e753c8d23e"],
    "applicationType": "stb"

Rule Object

There are following fields there:
negated - means condition is with not operand.
condition - key and value statement.
compoundParts - list with multiple conditions.
relation - operation between multiple conditions, possible values OR, AND.

Condition structure

Each condition has freeArg and fixedArg field. freeArg typed key. fixedArg value meaning.

If rule has only one condition there are no compoundParts, relation field is empty. If there are more than one condition - they are located in compoundParts object. First condition does not have any relation, next one has a relation.

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