Please follow the below steps to deploy automatics core to Artifact repositories from Jenkins job

1.Creating Jenkins job

  • From Jenkins, select “New Item”,
  • Specify name of the new job to be created.
  • Select ‘OK’ button.

2. Configuration of Jenkins Job

Configure General Settings

  • In ‘General’ settings, add proper description in the ‘Description’ section
  • Check ‘Discard old builds’ checkbox

Configure Source Code Management

  • In ‘Source Code Management’, select git and under ‘Repository’ add the repo detail

 eg : ‘’ and also add the repo credentials

  • Also add the branch of the repository in ‘Branches to build’

    eg : */rdk-next

Configure Build Triggers

  • In build triggers section select ‘Poll SCM’ and enter the schedule. By this configuration, there will be a polling to the repo for any changes periodically and if there are any changes then the Jenkins build will be executed

    Eg : @hourly means the job will check for any changes in the remote repo for every 1 hour and if there are any changes, then the build will run

Configure Build Environment

  • In ‘Build Environment’, select ‘Delete workspace before build starts’

Configure Build Settings

  • In the ‘Build’ settings, Click on ‘Add build step’ and Select ‘Invoke top-level Maven level targets’


  • Add the following maven step in the text box
    clean deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=<id>::default::<Artifact repository path>
    altDeploymentRepository – Specifies an alternative repository to which the project artifacts should be deployed
  • Click on Advanced button in ‘Invoke top-level Maven level targets’ and add following maven configuration. In the image shown below, maven settings.xml is place at /mnt/maven directory.  Update the settings.xml path based on its location in partner's VM.


           Reference -

Save the Configuration

  • Click on ‘Apply’ and ‘Save’

  • No labels


  1. Hi there,

    I got problem when deploy Automatic Core with Jenkins:

    I follw the instructions in Automatics Jenkins Setup, but Jenkins can not startup, seems the newest Jenkins(v2.375.2) can not use JDK 1.8 and need JAVA 11, so I upgrade JDK to v11 and Jenkins startup correctly.

    But when deploy Automatic Core, compile fail with following error:

    [ERROR] /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/RDK-Auto/src/main/java/com/automatics/region/[20,33] package javax.xml.bind.annotation does not exist

    Seems caused by JDK11 does not support javax.xml.bind package anymore.

    So, seems that Automatic Core need JDK1.8 but Jenkins need JDK11.

    Any suggestion?

  2. JDK11 doesn't include javax.xml* as default which caused this error. Please refer and add required dependencies to pom.xml

  3. Hi,

    All Automatics application including Automatics core now supports JDK 11 and 17. Our recommended version is now JDK17. Hope this resolved your issues


