Getting Started

Please setup Automatics system if not already done following Automatics Tool Setup

Follow below steps to deploy CDRouter service in Automatics System.

Zephyr Gateway Service Setup

Software Requirement

  • JDK 17

  • Maven 3

JDK 17 Setup Details

Follow Steps below to install Java 17 on CentOS/linux.

    • Update before installing any new program

      yum -y update
    • Install Java 17

      yum install java-17-openjdk
    • Verify Java is Installed

      java –version

Building Zephyr Service Source Code

  1. Clone Zephyr Gateway Service source code from Zephyr Gateway Service
  2.  Open zephyr-gateway/src/main/resources/ in source code and update the following properties and save the changes.
    1. automatics.url with automatics base url.
    2. base.url with zephyr server base url
    3. accessToken with the ZephyrServer access token
    4. privateKey with the zephyr server private key 
  3. Build the source code using maven to generate the jar file

"mvn clean install


  1. Copy the jar file to the VM where Zephyr Gateway Service to be deployed.
  2. Create 2 directories zephyr-gateway and logs in VM.
  3. Copy the jar file to zephyr-gateway directory.
  4. Run the below command from zephyr-gateway directory to bring the  up in the VM.

    nohup java -XX:+UseSerialGC -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true -jar zephyrgatewayservice-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar > logfile.log 2>&1 &

  5. zephyrGatewayService.log file will be created in the logs directory and we can check the real time logs of the Zephyr Gateway Service using this file.
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