Removed xfi related fields from ConnectedDeviceInfo.
Added new field extraProperties in Device to hold partner specific data in key-value pair
Removed retry mechanism for WebPA when response code returned is 404. Considering it as device is down.
Added keyword 'MTA_COMMUNITY_STRING' for SNMP communication using mta ipaddress. Generic tests will use this keyword in snmp commands where mta specific community string to be replaced by partner during test execution.
Fixed utility API in that verifies accessibility of non-rdk devices.
Added utility API to verify if device is accessible in
Update rest api /deviceManagement/getDeviceProps & /powerManagement/device/power/status request and response json handling to be same as given in API specification.
partner-applicationContext.xml is made optional in Core. Test execution based on REST based partner implementation can proceed without file partner-applicationContext.xml.