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Release Notes
RDKM Coverage Test cases (RDK-B)
Version: 9.0
13 July 2022
Revision History
Release No. | Date | Revision Description |
1.0 | 02 Nov 2021 | |
2.0 | 08 Dec 2021 | 2nd Release |
3.0 | 12 Jan 2022 | 3rd Release |
4.0 | 16 Feb 2022 | 4th Release |
5.0 | 16 Mar 2022 | 5th Release |
6.0 | 13 Apr 2022 | 6th Release |
7.0 | 18 May 2022 | 7th Release |
8.0 | 15 June 2022 | 8th Release |
9.0 | 13 July 2022 | 9th Release |
This Release Notes document details on the delivery of 30 RDKB test cases for RDK Community. Features covered in this release are
Following are the Test cases delivered in this release:
No | Test case ID | Cadence/Test Type | Steps | Description |
1 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CC-WIN-5003 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 6 | Test to verify that 802.11a should not be able to connect to CM when operating standard is 'b,g,n', 'g,n' mode |
2 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-FIRM-DWNL-5001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 25 | Verify the Time frame validation for DUT online |
3 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-5400 | 4HOUR | 4 | Verify Mount options for tmp directory |
4 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-1029 | 4HOUR | 2 | Verify accessibilty for ARM to Atom SSH |
5 | TC-RDKB-2GHZ-HOME-NTW-PSWD-1001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 6 | Verify the password validations when client connected to 2.4GHz |
6 | TC-RDKB-5GHZ-HOME-NTW-PSWD-1002 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 6 | Verify the password validations when client connected to 5GHz |
7 | TC-RDKB-LAN-HOME-NTW-PSWD-1003 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 6 | Verify the password validations when client connected to LAN |
8 | TC-RDKB-CDL-5502 | 4HOUR | 9 | Verify the TR-181 Code Download using HTTP Protocol for VBN/ DEV Builds is successful. |
9 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-CONFIG-5003 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 3 | Test To verify local UI no longer supports the ability to save/restore the config file from Admin page |
10 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-SCRTY-CHECK-1001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 12 | Validate Selecting open risky mode and cancelling it immediately should not gray out password field Ethernet client |
11 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-SCRTY-CHECK-1002 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 12 | Validate Selecting open risky mode and cancelling it immediately should not gray out password field Wifi 2.4Ghz client |
12 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-SCRTY-CHECK-1003 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 12 | Validate Selecting open risky mode and cancelling it immediately should not gray out password field Wifi 5Ghz client |
13 | TC-RDKB-RBUS-1001 | 2DAYS | 8 | Validate device status when rbus is enabled |
14 | TC-RDKB-LAN-GUI-7001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 7 | Verify that Wifi client gets a valid IPv6 prefix, when the gateway is configured with SLAAC |
15 | TC-RDKB-LAN-GUI-7002 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 7 | Verify that LAN client gets a valid IPv6 prefix, when the gateway is configured with SLAAC |
16 | TC-RDKB-DHCP-IPV6-1002 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 16 | Verify DHCPv6 address in 2.4Ghz WiFi connected client on changing Min Address and Max Address |
17 | TC-RDKB-DHCP-IPV6-1003 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 10 | Verify DHCPv6 address in 5Ghz WiFi connected client on changing Min Address and Max Address |
18 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-DFLT-ADM-LOGIN-5001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 13 | Verify Login into admin page using default password and Verify default values in Firewall IPV4, IPV6 and Managed Devices Pages |
19 | TC-RDKB-IDS-1006 | 2DAYS | 6 | Test to verify Removal of IDS |
20 | TC-RDKB-TMTRY_UPLD_RCVRY-1015 | 2DAYS | 30 | Telemetry upload failure recovery |
21 | TC-RDKB-PWD-MGMT-1001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 15 | Verify the password management for WEBUI user for Admin page |
22 | TC-RDKB-XDNS_SECURITYEDGE-1001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 13 | Validation of XDNS redirection when clients are excluded from security edge |
23 | TC-RDKB-CON-DEV-5001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 14 | Verify the details of connected clients can be retrieved from User admin page |
24 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8028 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 12 | Verify setting LAN Client ip as static ip and verify internet connectivity |
25 | TC-RDKB-PARE-CTRL-NEG-5001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 18 | Verify the Manage Sites and Managed Services should not accept rule which has Start time greater than End Time |
26 | TC-RDKB-WH-FR-RS-5001 | 2DAYS | 19 | Improved testing sequences for RDK-B WIFI warehouse |
27 | TC-RDKB-CHANNEL-BANDWIDTH-1001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 17 | Login to Lan side GUI page of device |
28 | TC-RDKB-SUBMSK-CHANGE-5001 | 2DAYS | 2 | Verify subnet mask range in router mode |
29 | TC-RDKB-DHCP-LANCLIENT-1001 | SUPPLEMENTARY | 4 | This test case is to Verify the DHCP Lan client |
30 | TC-RDKB-SYSCFG-1001 | NEW_FEATURE | 12 | Verify syscfg parameters after removing unencrypted /nvram/syscfg.db |
RDKB Generic Test Utils : https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/admin/repos/rdk/tools/automatics/rdkb-test-utils
RDKB Generic Tests : https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/admin/repos/rdk/tools/automatics/rdkb-tests
Branch: rdk-next
Reference RTAUTO : https://jira.rdkcentral.com/jira/browse/AUTOMATICS-140
Reference Documentation : https://wiki.rdkcentral.com/display/ASP/Automatics+Orchestration+User+Manual
Developer instructions : Automatics Providers List
Test Case Configurations: Automatics RDK-B Test Property configuration