Grep string for CDAI issue.

2022 Sep 30 12:19:25.276093 WPEWebProcess[9772]:  [AAMP-PLAYER][0][WARN][FoundEventBreak][8241][CDAI] Found Adbreak on period[831433512] Duration[90023]AAMP detected upcoming ad break[SCTE 35 event] 
2022 Sep 30 12:19:25.901524[3827]:  220930-12:19:25.900631 [mod=RDKBROWSER2, lvl=INFO] [tid=6004] onConsoleLog:rdkbrowser.cpp:1124 [ConsoleAPI:2]: FreeWheelInTimelineAdManager: Received 3 ads in the slot. : 2022-09-30T12:19:25.898ZThe log line will tell us how many ads  AAMP received from freewheel
2022 Sep 30 12:19:26.230450 WPEWebProcess[9772]:  [AAMP-PLAYER][0][WARN][FulFillAdObject][722]New Ad successfully added[Id=33042948_0 New ad is added to the MAP. 
2022 Sep 30 12:19:49.861624 WPEWebProcess[9772]:  [AAMP-PLAYER][0][WARN][DeliverAdEvents][8296]PrivateInstanceAAMP:, [CDAI] Delivered AdEvent[AAMP_EVENT_AD_RESERVATION_START] to JSPP. Adbreak playback starts 
PLAYER][0][WARN][DeliverAdEvents][8296]PrivateInstanceAAMP:, [CDAI] Delivered AdEvent[AAMP_EVENT_AD_RESERVATION_END] to JSPP.Adbreak playback ends 
2022 Sep 30 12:19:49.875033 WPEWebProcess[9772]:  [AAMP-PLAYER][0][WARN][DeliverAdEvents][8296]PrivateInstanceAAMP:, [CDAI] Delivered AdEvent[AAMP_EVENT_AD_PLACEMENT_START] to JSPP.Ad playback starts
2022 Sep 30 12:21:23.150248 WPEWebProcess[9772]:  [AAMP-PLAYER][0][WARN][DeliverAdEvents][8296]PrivateInstanceAAMP:, [CDAI] Delivered AdEvent[AAMP_EVENT_AD_PLACEMENT_END] to JSPP.Ad playback ends
2022 Aug 22 05:04:38.742952 WPEWebProcess[9626]:  [AAMP-PLAYER][0][WARN][onAdEvent][10731][CDAI]: State changed from [*Current state] => [IN_ADBREAK_AD_NOT_PLAYING].
*Possible current states are
An event that indicates that the current ad playback failed. The event can be used to calculate total ad failures
2022 Oct 21 19:43:30.138160 WPEWebProcess[27645]:  [AAMP-PLAYER][0][WARN][onAdEvent][11306][CDAI]: State changed from [*current state] => [IN_ADBREAK_AD_PLAYING].
Possible current states are

An event that indicates that the current ad playback started. The event can be used to calculate successful ad playback count

Expected error strings:

AAMPLOG_ERR("[CDAI]: Error on manifest fetch");
AAMPLOG_WARN("StreamAbstractionAAMP_MPD: [CDAI] Ad fragment not available. Playback failed.");
AAMPLOG_WARN("[CDAI]: Found a scte35:Signal in manifest without scte35:Binary!!");
AAMPLOG_WARN("[CDAI]: AdIdx[%d] in the AdBreak[%s] is invalid. Skipping.", adIdx, brkId.c_str());
AAMPLOG_WARN("[CDAI]: BasePeriodId in Adbreak. But Ad not available. BasePeriodId[%s],Adbreak[%s]", mBasePeriodId.c_str(), brkId.c_str());
AAMPLOG_WARN("[CDAI]: Ad Playback failed. Going to the base period[%s] at offset[%lf].Ad[idx=%d]", mBasePeriodId.c_str(), mBasePeriodOffset,mCdaiObject->mCurAdIdx);
AAMPLOG_WARN("[CDAI]: AdIdx is invalid. Skipping. AdIdx[%d].", mCdaiObject->mCurAdIdx);
AAMPLOG_WARN("[CDAI]: Ad playback failed. Not able to download Ad manifest from FOG.");

DRM Related logs

preferred DRM2022 Oct 31 20:32:21.396934 WPEWebProcess[5099]:  [AAMP-PLAYER][1][INFO][createDrmSession][962]StreamType :0 keySystem is
License URL2022 Oct 31 20:32:21.598744 WPEWebProcess[5099]:  [AAMP-PLAYER][1][WARN][aampGenerateKeyRequest][236]destinationURL is (default value used as drm server)
Send  license request to the server2022 Oct 31 20:32:21.600821 WPEWebProcess[5099]:  [AAMP-PLAYER][1][WARN][getLicense][718] Sending license request to server : 
License acquisition success2022 Oct 31 20:32:21.842898 WPEWebProcess[5099]:  [AAMP-PLAYER][1][WARN][getLicense][826] acquireLicense SUCCESS! license request attempt 1; response code : http 200

Tune failures

AAMP: init failed|AAMP: init failed (unable to download manifest)|AAMP: init failed (manifest missing tracks)|AAMP: init failed (corrupt/invalid manifest)|AAMP: init|failed (unable to download video playlist)|AAMP: init failed (unable to download audio playlist)|AAMP: init failed (unsynchronized tracks)|AAMP: Manifest Download failed|AAMP: Authorization failure|AAMP:|fragment download failures|AAMP: init fragment download failed|AAMP: DRM error untracked error|AAMP: DRM Initialization Failed|AAMP: InitData-DRM Binding Failed|AAMP: DRM Session ID Empty|AAMP: DRM|License Challenge Generation Failed|AAMP: DRM License Request Timed out|AAMP: DRM License Request Failed|AAMP: Invalid Key Error, from DRM|AAMP: Unsupported Stream Type|AAMP: No supported Audio Types in Manifest"|AAMP: Failed to parse key id from PSSH|AAMP: Failed to get access token from Auth Service|AAMP: DRM failure due to Bad DRMMetadata in stream|AAMP: DRM Decryption Failed for Fragments|AAMP: DRM format Unsupported|AAMP: DRM license request aborted by player|AAMP: Error from gstreamer pipeline|AAMP: Resource was not found at the URL(HTTP 404)|AAMP: Failed to process DRM key|AAMP: Device not provisioned|AAMP: HDCP|Compliance Check Failure|AAMP: Invalid Manifest, parse failed|AAMP: Playback failed due to PTS error|AAMP: init fragments missing in playlist|AAMP: Unknown Failure

VSS related logs

Recieved Common Key Duration :|Created MPD|Error while processing MPD|aamp_tune:|Period ID changed from|New VSS Period|SecClient_AcquireLicense|destinationURL|MoneyTrace|Virtual Stream ID from|Sending license request to server| License request ready for|acquireLicense|Deleting drmSesson for slot|accessAttributes : 

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