
Automatics core is the framework that manages the test execution.  It performs following functionality

  • Initialize devices for execution
  • Identify tests and create testng suite at runtime
  • Perform Pre-Test initialization
  • Execute testng tests
  • Update test results to Automatics orchestration
  • Perform Post-Test cleanup


Automatics Core captures device trace logs and generates html execution report of tests execution. They are available at artifacts location of executed jenkins Job.

Html Report - target/logs/

Trace logs - target/settoptrace/


Automatics Core is required to be deployed as artifact in maven repository. The details for building the project and deploy are given below.

Software Requirement

  • Self-hosted maven artifact repository
  • Maven 3
  • JDK 17

Build Steps

Following page will provide details on creating Jenkins job for Automatics Core deployment. The job will clone the RDKM source repository, build the project and deploy artifact automatics-core-{version}.jar to partner's self hosted artifact repository.

Automatics Core : Jenkins Deployment Job configuration

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