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To execute tests on devices, partner has to configure device models and the device details in Automatics.
To execute tests on a new device model in Automatics, partner has to configure device model details in Device Manager, Automatics Orchestration and Automatics Properties.
The detailed steps of configuring device models in each component is given below.
Devices to be used in the Automatics System should be configured in Device Manager. These devices are provided to Automatics Orchestration during test execution. Follow the below steps to add device details to the device manager database.
To Invoke API defined for Device Manager application using Swagger UI tool which is integrated with Device Manager application.
Steps to invoke an API on Swagger UI tool is available at Device Manager API Documentation#SwaggerUIUsage.
Automatics identifies a device model from its build name. For this, admin user has to configure device model and its corresponding build name. It requires only to map the device model and initial starting sub string of build name. The starting few letters(image prefix) in build name should be unique to a device model and this should be added in 'Image Name Prefix' text.
Steps to configure device model in Automatics Orchestration is available at Automatics Orchestration Configure Device Model.
Partner has to configure model details in device_config.json deployed with Automatics Properties. The file can be found at VM where Automatics Properties is deployed at location {Apache_Tomcat_Home_Directory}/webapps/automatics/device_config.json. Edit this file and add models details as shown below.
{ "name":"Raspberry Pi-RDKB", "automaticsModelName": "Rpi-RDKB", "rackModelNames":["Rpi-RDKB"], "groups":[""], "category":"RDKB", "inventoryModelName":"Rpi-RDKB", "accessibleMechanism":"SSH", "accessbilityCheck": false, "waitTimeAfterHardReboot": 300000 }
Devices to be used in the Automatics System should be configured in Device Manager. These devices are provided to Automatics Orchestration during test execution. Follow the below steps to add device details to the device manager database.
To Invoke API defined for Device Manager application using Swagger UI tool which is integrated with Device Manager application.
Steps to invoke an API on Swagger UI tool is available at Device Manager API Documentation#SwaggerUIUsage.
The steps for configuring connected clients is same as configuring standalone device as mentioned in section 1. Configure device details in Device Manager, except that it requires additional data like device login details etc to be included while adding the device.
For eg: For wifi clients, the extra properties should have following fields.
Wifi Clients
Property Required | Description |
username | User name to login to client device |
password | Password to login to client device |
connectionType | Expected values: "Wi-Fi" or "Ethernet" |
wifiCapability | Wifi Capability eg: Dual Band |
wifiMacAddress | Wifi Mac Address |
ethernetMacAddress | Ethernet mac address, which is same as value configured in field ecm mac address/estb mac address |
deviceIp | Ip address of the device, which is same as value configured in field estb ip address/ecm ip address |
devicePort | Tests can connect to client using deviceIp and devicePort |
osType | OS running in client. Eg: Linux, Windows |
nodePort | Port used for selenium connection |
For Automatics to use devices from partner's inventory, device groups have to be configured. The device group name in inventory should be added here so that user can execute tests on devices within these groups only. Admin user can map device groups to users so that only those users mapped to device group can execute tests on device.
The steps for configuring connected clients is same as configuring standalone device except that it requires additional data like device login details etc.. to be included while adding the device.
Extra properties can be configured in 2 ways as shown below.
Eg: “username”:”root”
Device Manager UI User Manual#EditDeviceExtraProperties