Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Verify the existing(default) value of TR181 parameters

            root@RaspberryPi  root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~# dmcli eRT getv   Device.DeviceInfo.X_Comcast_com_ParentalControl.ManagedSites.Enable Device.X__RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.TR069support.Enable
            CR component name is:
            subsystem_prefix eRT.
            getv from/to component( Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.TR069support.Enable
            Execution succeed.
            Parameter    1 name: Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.TR069support.Enable
                                type:       bool,    value: true

            root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~# dmcli eRT getv Device.X_Comcast_com_ParentalControl.ManagedServicesManagedSites.Enable
            CR component name is:
            subsystem_prefix eRT.
            getv from/to component( Device.X_Comcast_com_ParentalControl.ManagedSites.Enable
            Execution succeed.
            Parameter    1 name: Device.X_Comcast_com_ParentalControl.ManagedSites.Enable
                         type:       bool,    value: false

           root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:~#  dmcli eRT getv Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.PresenceDetect.Enable
          CR component name is:
          subsystem_prefix eRT.
          getv from/to component( Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.PresenceDetectManagedSites.Enable
            type:       bool,    value: falseExecution succeed.
            Parameter    2  1 name: Device.DeviceInfo.X_Comcast_com_ParentalControl.ManagedServicesRDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.PresenceDetect.Enable
                  type   type:       bool,    value: truefalse

            Image Removed  

  • Xconf Server UI Configuration
    Change Application to stb in top right corner of the window.


  • Define the Feature
    Flow : Xconf-Server -> RFC -> Feature ->Create
    Feature Instance: <Unique Identifier>
    Name: <Unique Identifier>
    Config Data: < tr181 parameter with its new value>
    Effective immediate: true
    Enable: true

          Image Added

          Image Removed Image Added

  • Define the Feature Rule
    Flow: Xconf-server -> RFC -> Feature Rule -> Create
    Name : <Unique Identifier>
    Priority: 1
    Feature : choose your RFC feature ( Previously created)
    Rule : estbMacAddress IS <MAC Address>
    estbIP IS <IP Address>

          Image Removed Image Added

  • RFC- Test Page
    Flow: Xconf-server -> RFC -> Test Page
    Parameter : estbMacAddress IS <MAC Address>
    estbIP IS <IP Address>

           Image RemovedImage Added

           Image RemovedImage Added

  • Once it is successful, rfc-parsed.txt will be created under /tmp directory.
  • Configured data’s that are parsed to the client can be verified at /tmp/rfc_configdata.txt

           Image RemovedImage Added

  • Verify with DM

          Image Removed Image Added

  • Verify the logs in /rdklogs/logs/dcmrfc.log file

           Image Removed

           Image Removed

           Image Removed

           Image Removed

Firmware Upgradation for RPI using Xconf Server


          Image Removed Image Added

         Image RemovedImage Added

  • Change the TFTP address in /etc/


  • Sample Log
  • root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:/rdklogs/logs#
    root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:/rdklogs/logs# cat swupdate.log
    Started executing and device type is :broadband
    Main app & Triggering
    URL_CMD: curl -w %{http_code} '' -o /tmp/cloudurl.txt >> /tmp/cloudhttpresp.txt
    No error in curl command and curl http code is:200
    cloud version is rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20211118174413
    RPI version is rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20211118184509
    Active bank is:2
    rpiimageModel in dev is :rdkb
    cloudimageModel  is :rdkb
    no of parts is :4
    active bank is 0 so fetch info from passive and partition is:2
    since bank1 p3 is broadband and pass bank is rdkv cloud is broadband check broadband version and upgrade if mismatches
    check broadband versions and upgrade if mismatches !!
    Device type is broadband !!
    Image Upgrade During Bootup ..!
    Main APP of devinitFWDNLD---
    2021-11-22 07:15:14 version = rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20211118184509
    2021-11-19 07:15:14 buildtype = dev
    Mac in jsonstr:B8:27:EB:22:16:36&model=RPI&capabilities=RCDL&capabilities=supportsFullHttpUrl
    2021-11-22 07:15:14 JSONSTR: B8:27:EB:22:16:36&model=RPI&capabilities=RCDL&capabilities=supportsFullHttpUrl
    Trying to communicate with XCONF server
    URL_CMD: curl -w %{http_code} '' -o /rdklogs/logs/response.txt >> /rdklogs/logs/xconf_curl_httpcode
    CKP: got no error in curl command!!!!!!!!!!!!!200
    Curl return code : 0
    ret = 0, http_code: 200 for XCONF communication
    2021-11-22 07:15:15 HTTP request success. Processing response..
    OUTPUT1 :
    2021-11-22 07:15:16 cloudFWFile: rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20211118174413.rootfs.wic
    2021-11-22 07:15:16 cloudFWLocation:
    2021-11-22 07:15:16 cloudFWVersion: rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20211118174413
    2021-11-22 07:15:16 cloudProto: tftp
    2021-11-22 07:15:16 cloudImmediateRebootFlag: false
    2021-11-22 07:15:16 myFWVersion = rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20211118184509
    2021-11-22 07:15:16 myFWFile =
    2021-11-22 07:15:16 lastDnldFile:
    2021-11-22 07:15:16 cloudFWVersion: rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20211118174413
    2021-11-22 07:15:16 cloudFWFile: rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20211118174413.rootfs.wic
    Xconf image Check
    Firmware versions are different myFWVersion : rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20211118184509 cloudFWVersion : rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20211118174413
    cloudfile :rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20211118174413.rootfs.wic
    2021-11-22 07:15:16 Starting Image Flashing ...
    2021-11-22 07:15:16 Upgrade Server =
    2021-11-22 07:15:16 Upgrade File = rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20211118174413.rootfs.wic
    2021-11-22 07:15:16 Reboot Flag = 0
    2021-11-22 07:15:16 Upgrade protocol = 1
    2021-11-22 07:15:16 PDRI Upgrade =
    CKP !!!!!!!!! calling rpi_sw_install
    Checking available partition for bank switch and image upgrade...
    Creating additional partition for storage area and box will go for reboot...
    storage partition mmcblk0p4 is available
    file system type check count partition p3 is 0
    Creating ext4 file system for partition mmc0blkp3...
    Discarding device blocks: done
    Creating filesystem with 524288 4k blocks and 131072 inodes
    Filesystem UUID: 2fbcfc3a-6b84-48b0-a171-86dd13cbf82b
    Superblock backups stored on blocks:
            32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912

    Allocating group tables: done
    Writing inode tables: done
    Creating journal (16384 blocks): done
    Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
    file system type check count partition p4 is 0
    Creating ext4 file system for partition mmc0blkp4...
    Discarding device blocks: done
    Creating filesystem with 524288 4k blocks and 131072 inodes
    Filesystem UUID: 1c2075c1-9de9-4fb0-b9ab-f9ca277f54d7
    Superblock backups stored on blocks:
            32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912

    cloud proto is :1
    set IPtable rules for tftp !!
    cloudfile is:rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20211118174413.rootfs.wic
    cloudlocation is:
    Downloading already deployed checksum file from server rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20211118174413.rootfs.wic
    tftp download checksum file
    checksum file to download is rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20211118174413.txt
    Downloading rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20211118174413.rootfs.wic ...

  • Verify the tftp download is happening by noticing the change of file size using below command:
    ls /extblock/tftpimage/imagedwnldls -sh  (use this command frequently to verify the file size change)
