Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Then you need to modify the following test varstestvars:

No Format
testvar wanIspIp               
testvar wanIspMask             

If you don't connect CDRouter's designated LAN port to RPi using an ethernet to USB dongle, then you must connect a network switch to CDRouter's designated LAN port instead and set the lanMode testvar to 'static':

No Format
testvar lanMode                          static


Replace the "USP Add-On" section in the configuration with the text below.

If you are testing using a different MTP than STOMP, modify the testvar uspControllerMTP appropriately.

No Format
SECTION "CDRouter USP Add-On" {

    testvar supportsUSP                      yes

    SECTION "Basic Controller Configuration" {

        # testvar uspControllerID                  proto::controller-id
        # testvar uspControllerInterface           wan

        # testvar uspControllerIpMode              ipv4-only
        testvar uspControllerIpv4      
        # testvar uspControllerIpv6                6000::2
        # testvar uspControllerPort                auto
        # testvar uspControllerPath                /controller-path

        testvar uspControllerUseNonPayloadProtection no
        testvar uspControllerUseSessionContext   no
        testvar uspControllerMTP                 stomp
        testvar uspControllerMTPEncryption       no
        # testvar uspControllerUSPEncryption       no
        # testvar uspControllerDomain    

        # testvar uspSegmentationEnable            no
        # testvar uspSegmentationSize              auto

        testvar uspControllerMTPCertPath         /usr/cdrouter/tests/cdroutertest.pem
#        testvar uspControllerMTPCaCertPath       /usr/cdrouter/tests/eco_agent_root.crt

        # testvar uspControllerUSPCaCertPath       /usr/cdrouter/tests/
        # testvar uspControllerUSPCertPath         /usr/cdrouter/tests/

        # testvar uspControllerSenderCertPath      /usr/cdrouter/tests/
        testvar uspControllerVerifyRecordIntegrity no

        # testvar uspControllerHost                any
        # testvar uspControllerUsername            qacafe
        # testvar uspControllerPassword            qacafe123


    SECTION "Basic Agent Configuration" {

        # testvar uspAgentID                       proto::agent-id

        # testvar uspAgentIpv4                     auto
        # testvar uspAgentIpv6                     auto
        # testvar uspAgentPort                     auto
        # testvar uspAgentPath                     /agent-path

        # testvar uspMessageTimeout                30


    SECTION "USP Scenarios" {

        # testvar uspScenarioPath                  /home/dev/myUSPScenario.usp
        # testvar uspScenarioSingleMode            no
        # testvar uspScenarioBootstrap             /home/dev/myBootstrapScenario.usp


    SECTION "Data Model" {

        # testvar uspSkipParameters                empty
        # testvar uspModifyParameters              empty
        # testvar uspSupportedDataModel            all

        SECTION "Custom USP Data Model" {

            IGNORE testvar_group usp_profile_1 {

                # testvar uspProfileName                   myVendorParameters
                # testvar uspProfilePath                   /home/dev/myVendorParameters.xml




    SECTION "USP Agent Data Model Configuration" {

        testvar uspParameterPath1                Device.DeviceInfo.ManufacturerOUI
        testvar uspParameterPath2                Device.IP.Interface.1.Name
        testvar uspMissingParameterPath          Device.DeviceInfo.DeviceCategory
        testvar uspExternallyChangeableParam     Device.LocalAgent.Controller.1.MTP.1.CoAP.Host

        # testvar uspNotificationParamManualChange yes
        # testvar uspNotificationParamNewValue     myCustomParameterValue

        testvar uspObject1                       Device.Bridging.Bridge.
        testvar uspObject2                       Device.RouterAdvertisement.InterfaceSetting.

        testvar uspValidSearchPath               {Device.IP.Interface.[Name=="brlan0"].}
        testvar uspValidSearchPathResultParam    Alias
        testvar uspValidSearchPathResultValue    "Primary LAN"

        testvar uspFirmwareImage                 /home/qacafe/imageC.txt
        testvar uspOriginalFirmwareImage         /home/qacafe/imageA.txt
        testvar uspInactiveFirmwareSlot          Device.DeviceInfo.FirmwareImage.2


