Versions Compared


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Output resolution  

The resolution on the output device. the dimensions seen on the television 1080, 720, etc. These can be set in 

Device Settings -> Video Display -> Output resolution

Video plane

 A plane dedicated to video-only output

Graphics plane

A destination for rendering. Is often used to mean a frame-buffer


The television.  

Device settings library (DS) 

RDK Component to interact with various hardware components on the STB.  HDMI, Component, and Composite video display ports are managed via the device settings library, as is the front panel brightness. 


Application maintains a scene graph of Guide resources and draws these resources in a back-to-front ordering. The scene graph is rendered either via OpenGL ES or DirectFB. 

Planes and Coordinates Spaces

There are three coordinate spaces that the graphics developer needs to be aware of when working with graphics related code or when consulting with SOC developers on the proper implementation of various integration points

NOTE: All coordinate systems all have an origin in the upper left corner and increase down and right.

  1. Guide Plane - This is the coordinate space that the Guide Resources are using. These coordinates are already transformed into an absolute size and position. The size of this space is of particular importance to the UI engine. 
  2. Graphics Plane Space - This is typically the size of the graphics Framebuffer. Under special circumstances, the Graphics Plane may not the exactly the same size as the Framebuffer, but it is still backed by a Framebuffer. The terms Graphics Plane and Framebuffer are often used interchangeably. 
  3. Screen Space - This is the output resolution.

Below is a hypothetical example of how the setup might look on a 4k display.

  1. The XRE resources are drawn to a coordinate space of 1280x720. 
  2. The Receiver scales those resources using an OpenGL fragement shader onto a 1920x1080 Framebuffer.  Remember  "Framebuffer" and Graphics Plane are the same thing. 
  3. The underlying display driver further scales the Framebuffer to match the Screen Size. 

So in affect, the XRE server drew a GUIDE in 1280x720 and it appeared perfectly scaled on a 3840x2160 TV. 

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