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In order to contribute code, first-time users are requested to agree to the license at https://wiki.rdkcentral.com/signup.action.
RDK components are hosted at code.rdkcentral.com. You can submit your code changes for review via that site using the workflow outlined below.
Clone the component repository from the Gerrit server https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/ into a local workspace
Clone with commit-msg hook (to add Change-ID footer to commit messages)
git clone https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/<component-name> <component-name> -b <branch-name> cd <component-name> gitdir=$(git rev-parse --git-dir); curl -o ${gitdir}/hooks/commit-msg https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/tools/hooks/commit-msg ; chmod +x ${gitdir}/hooks/commit-msg
Click here to find the details about <component-name> & <branch-name> for code submission .
Note: The commit-msg hook is installed in the local Git repository and is a prerequisite for Gerrit to accept commits. The inclusion of the unique Change-ID in the commit message allows Gerrit to automatically associate a new version of a change back to its original review.
Note: You may need to configure your Git identity on the cloned repository. The email address that your local Git uses should match the email address listed in Gerrit.
Example commands to run are as follows:
$ git config user.name "John Doe" $ git config user.email "john.doe@example.org"
Each commit constitutes a change in Gerrit and must be approved separately. It is recommended to squash several commits into one that represents a change to the project.
If necessary, it is possible to squash a series of commits into a single commit before publishing them, using interactive rebase:
$ git rebase --interactive
It is important to preserve the Change-Id line when editing and there should only be one "pick" entry at the end of this process. The end result is to submit one change to Gerrit.
Commits will be BLOCKED if the format of the commit message does not comply with the standard. You will see a warning as to why the commit was blocked.
Mandatory Information in Commit Message
$ git commit --amend
<Add your commit message in below format>
<JIRA TICKET #1>, <JIRA TICKET #2>, <JIRA TICKET #n> : <one line summary of change> <empty line> Reason for change: <explanation of change> Test Procedure: < test procedure> Risks: <side effects and other considerations> [Note: state None if there are no other considerations] <empty line> Signed-off-by: Your Name <your_name@email.com>
Submit your code changes for review
$ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/<branch>
When interfacing with Gerrit you push to a virtual branch /refs/for/<branch>, representing "code review before submission to branch". Gerrit will subsequently assign a unique URL for the change, to facilitate access and review via the web UI.
Component owners/reviewers/approvers, defined as specific groups in Gerrit, will be added to the review by default. You may request additional feedback by specifically adding reviewers via the Gerrit web GUI.
BlackDuck, copyright scanning and build jobs will be triggered automatically from CMF Jenkins. The output of these jobs is integrated into the Gerrit voting process via custom labels and will reflect any 'red flag' in a file that has new code changes, whether introduced in the new change/patch-set or not. Scans will post any findings as comments in the Gerrit review. Build jobs also do that, but in addition will upload the build log to the corresponding JIRA ticket (if there is one) as an attachment.
Reviewers can comment on and score a given change.
The default set of rules for enabling a code change for submission requires:
The result of the scoring process and validation rules is to enable the Submit action on the Gerrit Web UI and subsequent merge capability to the target branch.
Label: Code Review(Highlighted in yellow color) For a change to be mergeable, the latest patch set must have a '+2' value approval in this category or label, and no '-2 Do not submit'. Thus -2 on any patch set can block a submit, while +2 on the latest patch set enables it for merging.
Labels: Blackduck/Copyright/Component-Build (Highlighted in yellow color) For a change to be mergeable, the change must have a '+1' score on these labels, and no '-1 Fails'. Thus, '-1 Fails' can block a submit, while '+1' enables a submit.
Only authorized users, i.e. component owners, component approvers or admins, can submit the change allowing Gerrit to merge it to the target branch as soon as possible. A change can be submitted, having satisfied the approval conditions described earlier, by clicking the 'Submit Patch Set n' button within the Gerrit UI. When a change has been Submitted, it is automatically merged to the target branch by Gerrit.
Depending on the review outcome, it might be decided to abandon the change. The component owner or an authorised user may abandon the change by clicking the "Abandon Change" button. The abandoned changes are not removed from the Gerrit database and can be restored at a later stage.
If a change depends on another change that is still in review, it will enter this state. It will be merged automatically by Gerrit once all its dependencies are submitted and merged.
If you need to rework a change, you need to push another commit with the same Change-ID as the original in its commit message.
This is the mechanism Gerrit uses to associate or link the two items. The `--amend` option to the Git commit command prevents a new Change-ID being generated by the commit-msg hook.
The basic steps are outlined below.
First, fetch the change. If you still have the checkout that was used to push the original change, you can skip this step.
$ git fetch https://user@code.rdkcentral.com/r/component1 refs/changes/02/2/1 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
where the numbering scheme for fetching the changes is as follows:
refs/changes/<last two digits of change number> <change number> <patch set number>
Next, make any necessary source changes, and do:
$ git commit --amend $ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/<branch>
A new patch set is now appended to the Gerrit review item, and this will go through the same review process as before.
Essentially this means that the remote branch has evolved since this change was started and now software conflicts with changes in the remote branch. The developer must resolve the merge conflicts in their local clone and then push another patch-set.
The process is resumed at step 4, with the important distinction of committing with the --amend option, once the developer pulls the latest changes. Note: A summary of the steps involved, assuming the local branch still exists:
Rebase the local branch to the latest state of origin/<branch>;Resolve all conflicts; Commit with the `--amend` option; Push changes to Gerrit for review. After this change a new patch set is created for the change.
Note: If the local branch no longer exists, the steps are as follows :
$ git fetch https://user@code.rdkcentral.com/r/rdk_component_1 refs/changes/58/58/2 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD $ git rebase origin/<branch> [Edit the conflicting file, cleaning up the <<<<, ==== >>> markers surrounding the conflicting lines] $ git add <file> $ git commit --amend $ git push origin HEAD:refs/for/<branch>
Following RDK components are hosted at code.rdkcentral.com. Follow the Instructions to submit your code changes.
Example of how to use git clone for meta-rdk-ext component : git clone https://code.rdkcentral.com/r/rdk/components/generic/rdk-oe/meta-rdk-ext -b rdk-next
Component | Product Branch | License |
components/opensource/rbus | rdk-next | Apache |
components/opensource/rbuscore | rdk-next | Apache |
components/opensource/v4l2test | master | Apache |
components/opensource/wayland-egl-icegdl | master | Apache |
components/opensource/waymetric | master | Apache |
components/opensource/westeros | master | Apache |
manifests | rdk-next | manifests |
rdk/components/generic/aamp | stable2 | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/aampabr | stable2 | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/appmanager | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/audiocapturemgr | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/bluetooth | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/bluetooth_mgr | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/breakpad_wrapper | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/cobalt-wpe | master | cmf |
rdk/components/generic/cpuprocanalyzer | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/dca | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/dcm | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/devicesettings | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/diagnostics | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/dtcp | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/dvb/dtv-testapp | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/dvb/siparser | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/gst-plugins-rdk | rdk-next | LGPL |
rdk/components/generic/gst-plugins-rdk-aamp | stable2 | LGPL |
rdk/components/generic/hdmicec | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/hwselftest | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/iarmbus | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/iarmmgrs | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/injectedbundle | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/ledmgr | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/libSyscallWrapper | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/libusbctrl | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/lxc-container-generator | master | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/media_utils | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/netmonitor | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/netsrvmgr | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rdkapps | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rdkat | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rdkbrowser | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rdkbrowser2 | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rdkmediaplayer | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rdm | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rfc | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rmf_tools/generate_si_cache | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rmf_tools/tenableHDCP | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rne | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/sys_mon_tools/analyzers/scripts/host | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/sys_mon_tools/analyzers/scripts/target | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/sys_mon_tools/iarm_event_sender | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/sys_mon_tools/iarm_query_powerstate | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/sys_mon_tools/iarm_set_powerstate | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/sys_mon_tools/key_simulator | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/sys_mon_tools/mfr_data | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/sys_mon_tools/mfr_utils | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/sys_mon_tools/rdklogctrl | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/sys_mon_tools/si_cache_parser | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/sys_mon_tools/sys_resource | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/sys_mon_tools/sys_utils | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/sys_mon_tools/udhcpc-opt43 | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/syslog_helper | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/tr69hostif | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/trm | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/ttsengine | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/wifi | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/xupnp | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/opensource/oe/bitbake | rdk/morty | oe-mirrors |
rdk/components/opensource/oe/meta-openembedded | rdk/morty | oe-mirrors |
rdk/components/opensource/oe/meta-qt5 | rdk/morty | oe-mirrors |
rdk/components/opensource/oe/meta-raspberrypi | rdk/morty | oe-mirrors |
rdk/components/opensource/oe/meta-virtualization | rdk/morty | oe-mirrors |
rdk/devices/intel-x86-pc/emulator/devicesettings | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/devices/intel-x86-pc/emulator/rdkbrowser | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/devices/intel-x86-pc/rdkemulator/gst-plugins-rdk/playersinkbin | rdk-next | LGPL |
rdk/devices/intel-x86-pc/rdkemulator/gst-plugins-rdk/qamtunersrc | rdk-next | LGPL |
rdk/devices/raspberrypi/devicesettings | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/devices/raspberrypi/gst-plugins-rdk/playersinkbin | rdk-next | LGPL |
rdk/devices/raspberrypi/iarmmgrs | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/devices/raspberrypi/wifi | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/tools/tdk | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/generic/CcspLogAgent | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/generic/harvester | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/generic/servicemanager | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/generic/sso | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/generic/startParodus | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/CcspCMAgent | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/CcspCommonLibrary | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/CcspCr | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/CcspDmCli | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/CcspEPONAgent | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/CcspEthAgent | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/CcspHomeSecurity | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/CcspLMLite | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/CcspMoCA | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/CcspMtaAgent | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/CcspPandM | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/CcspTr069Pa | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/CcspWifiAgent | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/CcspXDNS | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/FirmwareSanity | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/GwProvApp | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/GwProvApp-ePON | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/GwProvApp-EthWan | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/hal | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/halinterface | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/hotspot | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/MeshAgent | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/PowerManager | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/sysint | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/TestAndDiagnostic | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/Utopia | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/webui | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/webui-bwg | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/Xconf | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/devices/intel-x86-pc/emulator/sysint | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/devices/intel-x86-pc/emulator/tdkb | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/devices/raspberrypi/hal | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/devices/raspberrypi/sysint | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/devices/raspberrypi/tdkb | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/devices/rdkbemu/ccsp/rdkb | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/devices/rdkbemu/rdkbemu_xb3 | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/tools/tdkb | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkc/components/opensource/configMgr | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkc/components/opensource/cvr | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkc/components/opensource/httpClients | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkc/components/opensource/ledmgr | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkc/components/opensource/plugins | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkc/components/opensource/rms | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkc/devices/raspberrypi/mediastreamer | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkc/tools/tdkc | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rdk-oe/meta-cmf | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rdk-oe/meta-cmf-broadband | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rdk-oe/meta-rdk-broadband | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rdk-oe/meta-rdk | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rdk-oe/meta-rdk-ext | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rdk-oe/meta-cmf-raspberrypi | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rdk-oe/meta-cmf-mesh | rdk-next | Apache |
rdk/components/generic/rdk-oe/meta-rdk-video | rdk-next | Apache |
rdkb/components/opensource/ccsp/RdkCellularManager | rdk-next | Apache |