The RBUS_METHOD element defines the details that will be used when Protocol="RBUS_METHOD".  Protocol "RBUS_METHOD" can be used when the generated report should be sent via a component on the device that implements the desired protocol.  That component would advertise itself as a handler for the method named in the RBUS_METHOD "Method" property.


    “Parameters”: [
        {“name”:“msg_type”, “value”:”event”},
        {“name”:“source”, ”value”:”telemetry2”},
        {“name”:”MAC”, “Device.DeviceInfo.X_COMCAST-COM_WAN_MAC”},
        {“name”:”dest_root”, “value”:”myProfile-report”},
        {“name”:”dest_path”, “value”:”Profile.Name”},
        {“name”:”contentType”, “value”:”Profile.EncodingType”},
        {“name”:”qos”, “value”:”0”}

RBUS_METHOD Protocol Properties



The name of the method to invoke via the rbusMethod_InvokeAsync API.  For instance, "mqtt_sendData" and "Device.X_RDK_Xmidt.SendData".  These methods would be implemented by some component on the device that registers as a provider for the method.


  • is required
  • Type: string


Set of name-value pair objects that define the input parameters for the Method. This is an ad-hoc list of parameters, based on the Method being used.  For instance, MQTT would require a parameter "topic", while Xmidt would not. The Telemetry component will attempt to resolve values to data model if value is a data model name, e.g., Profile.Name; else, the exact value will be used.


  • is optional
  • Type: object[]

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