Released App Related Test Cases

Following scripts are part of the Metro app testcases

SI NoAutomation IDStepsSummaryRelease
1TC-SUNRISE-APP-LAUNCH-12To verify launch of Sunrise AppRelease 8
2TC-SUDOKU-APP-LAUNCH-12To verify launch of Sudoku AppRelease 8
3TC-MYTUNER-APP-LAUNCH-12To verify launch of Mytuner AppRelease 8
4TC-PWKIDS-APP-LAUNCH-12To verify Launch of PWKIDS AppRelease 8
5TC-X1-APP-LAUNCH-15Launch X1 App and verify Video PlaybackRelease 8
6TC-DW-APP-LAUNCH-14To verify Launch of DW App and verify Video PlaybackRelease 7
7TC-TASTEMADE-APP-LAUNCH-14To verify Launch of Tastemade App and verify Video PlaybackRelease 7
8TC-AQUARIUM-APP-LAUNCH-12To verify Launch of AQUARIUM AppRelease 7
9TC-FIREPLACE-APP-LAUNCH-12To verify Launch of FIREPLACE AppRelease 7
10TC-ALJ-APP-LAUNCH-17To verify Launch of ALJ AppRelease 3
11TC-BLM-APP-LAUNCH-16To verify Launch of BLM AppRelease 3
12TC-EUN-APP-LAUNCH-17To verify Launch of EUN AppRelease 3
13TC-GTC-APP-LAUNCH-15To verify Launch of GTC AppRelease 3
14TC-RADIO-APP-LAUNCH-15To verify Launch of RADIO AppRelease 3
15TC-VIMEO-APP-LAUNCH-17To verify Launch of VIMEO AppRelease 3
16TC-WN-APP-LAUNCH-15To verify Launch of WN AppRelease 3
17TC-CNN-APP-LAUNCH-14To verify Launch of CNN AppRelease 2
18TC-ACCUWEATHER-APP-LAUNCH-12To verify Launch of AccuWeather AppRelease 2
19TC-WSJ-APP-LAUNCH-12To verify Launch of WallStreetJournal AppRelease 2
20TC-HTML-APP-LAUNCH-12Verify the HTML App launchRelease 1
21TC-RESIDENT-APP-LAUNCH2Verify launch of ResidentAppRelease 1
22TC-RESIDENT-APP-MOVE-BEHIND-12Verify Move Behind behavior in ResidentAppRelease 1
23TC-APPS-10444YouTube verificationRelease 10
24TC-XUMO-APP-LAUNCH-13Launch Xumo App Revision 19
25TC-MovieDB-APP-LAUNCH-UI-10015Verify Movie DB app Launch through UIRevision 24
26TC-GuessThatCity-APP-LAUNCH-UI-10015Verify Guess That City App Launch through UIRevision 24
27TC-Sudoku-APP-LAUNCH-UI-10015Verify Sudoku App Launch through UIRevision 24
28TC-XUMO-APP-LAUNCH-UI-10012Verify Xumo App Launch through UIRevision 24
29TC-AQUARIUM-APP-LAUNCH-UI-10012To verify launch of Aquarium App from RDK HOMERevision 25
30TC-FIREPLACE-APP-LAUNCH-UI-10012To verify launch of Fireplace App from RDK HomeRevision 25
31TC-SWITCH-APP-10004To verify App content while switching from one app to anotherRevision 27

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