Released Thunder Test Cases

Features covered  

SI NoAutomation IDStepsSummaryRelease 
1TC-BTTHUNDERAPI-100113Test case to verify Bluetooth Thunder API related methods and eventsRevision 1
2TC-THUNDERNW-10035Test case to query IP address based on provisioning mode.Revision 2
3TC-THUNDERTIMERAPI-10018Test case to verify Timer Thunder APIRevision 2
4TC-THUNDER-NETWORK-00017Test case to verify when AllowDisableDefaultNetwork feature is disabledRevision 4
5TC-THUNDER-NETWORK-00023ETest case to verify Thunder Network Plugin API when AllowDisableDefaultNetwork feature is enabledRevision 4
6TC-THUNDER-DSAPI-00034Test case to verify hdmi audio methods of Display Settings Thunder pluginRevision 4
7TC-THUNDER_ZOOMSETTING-20012Test case to verify aspect conversion using thunder pluginRevision 4
8TC-THUNDER-DIAL-10013Supports opt-out of DIAL capabilitiesRevision 4
9TC-THUNDER-FP-100117Migrates the Front Panel Service Manager API to a Thunder PluginRevision 4
10TC-THUNDER-RDKNOTIFN-10019Implements European power down requirementsRevision 4
11TC-THUNDER-AUDIOCAPABILITIES-10019API to query settop audio capabilitiesRevision 4
12TC-THUNDER_DEVICEDIAG-1001 3Verify the Thunder Automation for Device DiagnosticsRevision 4
13TC-THUNDER_SCREENCAPTURE-10012verify the ScreenCapture of the device using thunder APIRevision 4
14TC-THUNDER_ACTIVITYMONITOR-10012The ability to access service manager api's from RDK Browser.Revision 4
15TC-THUNDER_FRAMERATE-10014Implements European power down requirementsRevision 4
16TC-THUNDER_LOGPREF-10014The ability to access service manager api's from RDK Browser.Revision 4
17TC-THUNDER_UPAPI-10013verify the user Preferences of the device using thunder APIRevision 4
18TC-THUNDER_HDCP_PROFILE-10012Verify the HDCP Profile and Hdmi Input of the device using thunder APIRevision 7
19TC-THUNDER-SYSTEM-000110Test case to verify System Thunder APIRevision 11
20TC-THUNDER-SYSTEM-00022Test case to verify System Thunder APIs device specific fieldsRevision 11
21TC-PERSISTANT-PATH-VALIDATION-10012Automating the Defect for Thunder Persistent PathRevision 1
22TC-THUNDERTIMERAPI-10017Test case to verify Timer Thunder APIRevision 4
233DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-LOCATION-10013To valiadate location pluginRevision 13
243DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-DEVICEINFOR-10034To validate deviceinfor pluginRevision 13
253DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-OPENCDMI-10023To validate open cdmi methodRevision 13
263DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-MONITOR-10014To validate monitor pluginRevision 13
273DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-TRACECONTROL-10013To validate trace control pluginRevision 13
283DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-ACTIVITYMONTOR-10014To validate activity monitor pluginRevision 13
293DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-DEVICEDIAGN-1001 4To activate device diagnostics pluginRevision 13
303DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-HDMICEC-100112To validate hdmicec pluginRevision 13
313DOTO-TC-DEVICE-SETTINGS-10016Test case to change HDR attribute ON/OFF from Device SettingsRevision 13
323DOTO-TC-THERMAL-PROTECTION-100012Test case to check the Hardware health test using Thunder API.Revision 14
333DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-DEVICEIDENT-10013To activate device identification pluginRevision 14
343DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-USRPREFERENCES-10013To validate user preferences pluginRevision 14
353DOTO-TC-THUNDER-PERF-SEQUENTIAL-10001Verify thunder performance in Sequential execution modeRevision 14
363DOTO-TC-THUNDER-PERF-RANDOM-10001Verify thunder performance in Random Execution modeRevision 14
373DOTO-TC-THUNDER_RDKCLEANUP-10018Deprecate RDKServices API'sRevision 15
383DOTO-TC-THUNDER-XCAST-10025System Plugin implement set/getFriendlyName API end eventRevision 15
393DOTO-TC-XCAST-10033Implement thunder API to unregister application list.Revision 15
403DOTO-TC-LAUNCH-METRICS-10003Test case to verify whether Launch metrics Key value retrieved successfully or notRevision 16
413DOTO-TC-HDMI-OUTPUT-PROPERTIES-10016Test case to verify Thunder API that provides HDMI Output Properties to a third party appRevision 16
423DOTO-TC-THUNDER-PERSISTENTSTORE-10016Test case to verify Thunder Plugin Enhancements to Support Encrypted Data and notification for changesRevision 16
433DOTO-TC-TERRITORYCHECK-100119Testcase for getting territory and regionRevision 16
443DOTO-RDKSERVICES-LOGGINGPREFRNS-10015To validate LoggingPreferences pluginRevision 16
453DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-SYSTEM-100144To validate system pluginRevision 16
463DOTO-TC-VIDEO-FORMAT-10004Test case to verify Various Video Format using Thunder APIRevision 16
473DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-DISPINFO-100022To validate DisplayInfo pluginRevision 17
483DOTO-TC-THUNDER_DEVICEINFO-100120Testcase for testing new thunder api'sRevision 17
493DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-RDKSHELL-100234To validate RDK Shell pluginRevision 17
503DOTO-TC-HDMI-CEC-MENU-10013Test case to check When the device receives the Get Menu Language command, the device responds with the Set Menu Language command.Revision 17
513DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-SLEEP-TIMER-100115To validate sleep timer pluginRevision 18
523DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-RDKSHELL-100324To validate RDK shell pluginRevision 18
533DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-RDKSHELL-100626To validate RDK shell pluginRevision 18
543DOTO-TC-AUDIOCAPABILITES-10014Dolby Atmos Audio for AppRevision 18
553DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-USBACCESS-10006Test case to verify UsbAccess RDK Service for usb not connected scenarioRevision 19
563DOTO_TC-RDKSERVICES-WIFI-100118To validate WIFI pluginRevision 19
573DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-PERSISTENT-100111To validate Persistent pluginRevision 19
583DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-FRONTPANEL-100111To validate Frontpanet pluginRevision 19
593DOTO-TC-PERSISTENCE-HDMICEC-10014Test case to validate whether HDMI-CEC setting persists after rebootRevision 19
603DOTO-TC-DEVICE-INFORMATION-10015Test case to retrieve the device-related information using Thunder APIRevision 19
613DOTO-TC-ETHERNET-PHYSICALINTERFACE-100012Avoiding multiple interfaces for IPv4 and Use physical Ethernet and WiFi interfaces for IPv4Revision 19
623DOTO-TC-RDKSERVICES-FRONTPANEL-100020Test to validate thunder plugin FrontpanelRevision 19
63TC-THUNDER-GAP-ANALYSIS-10003Verify Thunder Plugins Availability Gap in the build under testRevision 20
643DOTO-TC-DEEPSLEEP-TIMERWAKEUP-10014Test case to verify  Suspend to RAM Productization on AmlogicRevision 20
65TC-WXRE-50093Test case to verify dirty/clean status of a device in the warehouseRevision 21
663DOTO-TC-NETWORK-INTERFACE-10007To validate sample network plugin and to verify whether the connected Network Interface is ETHERNETRevision 21
67TC-FACTORY-RESET-10015Test case to verify Factory ResetRevision 26
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