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CPE has many metrics that are powerful for the analysis of trends and performance insights. Some sources of those metrics are applications or any of the RDK subsystems and TR-069 values. An easy way to get some application metrics is through the log strings they write to log files. The conventional way of accessing this content has been through the upload of these files to servers and then processing the data from them. However, this content has not been available to the range of operations engineers, analysts, managers, and others who want to search for and monitor issues. Moreover, the current response time is inadequate; a delay of 24 hours is excessive in many instances. To enhance timeliness, the 'Telemetry' component is created that enables devices to transmit specific metrics from designated logs and TR-069 at near-real-time intervals.
RDK Telemetry improved on the early practice where the RDK would simply bundle log files once a day and transfer the bundle to a file server. Both RDK-V and RDK-B devices provide telemetry with several key features: more real-time data, configurable metrics or events that the CPE should retrieve and send, improved upload frequency that made the timeliness of this data more relevant to analysts, more sources of metrics and events such as log files or TR-069 parameters, an improved cloud solution for analytics using big data solutions for receiving streams and storing data for reporting, and real-time metrics using terse key/value pairs (e.g., {"Report":[{"mac":"AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF"},{"TelemetryEnabled":"true"},{"CpuUsage":"48"},{"Uptime":"824"},{"FreeMem":"2036476"},{"TotalMem":"1212772"}]}.
RDK telemetry data is sent periodically from every RDK device, with XConf sending certain parameters during bootup, specifying what parameters to gather and where to retrieve them from, such as logs or status information (e.g., CPU load, memory usage) using system commands. The CPE sends a request to the server with version and device details, and based on server rules, the telemetry agent retrieves telemetry markers from the server, gathers the required data from logs, and packages it into a JSON message. This message is then sent to a server where it is processed and updated in storage, with the server configuring how often it needs telemetry data.
The telemetry upload process is controlled through the dcm-log service
Refer Xconf Server - User guide for configuration and feature validation for detailed steps.
Please note that Telemetry is a generic implementation applicable to RDK-V and RDK-B. As a sample, the examples given are purely based on RDK-B.
Video client side setup details are captured below:
# DCM properties file # Log server details LOG_SERVER=xconf.rdkcentral.com # Log upload server details DCM_LOG_SERVER=https://xconf.rdkcentral.com/xconf/logupload.php DCM_LOG_SERVER_URL=https://xconf.rdkcentral.com:19092/loguploader/getT2Settings # SCP server details DCM_SCP_SERVER=xconf.rdkcentral.com # LA server details DCM_LA_SERVER_URL=https://xconf.rdkcentral.com/xconf/logupload.php
tr181 -s -t boolean -v true Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.Telemetry.Enable tr181 -s -t string -v 2.0.1 Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.Telemetry.Version tr181 -s -t string -v https://xconf.rdkcentral.com:19092/loguploader/getT2Settings Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.Telemetry.ConfigURL
urn:settings:GroupName=RDKV-PIF-Telemetry urn:settings:CheckOnReboot=true urn:settings:CheckSchedule:cron=2 1 1 1 * urn:settings:CheckSchedule:DurationMinutes=0 urn:settings:LogUploadSettings:Message=null urn:settings:LogUploadSettings:Name=RDKV-PIF-Telemetry-Logupload urn:settings:LogUploadSettings:NumberOfDays=0 urn:settings:LogUploadSettings:UploadRepositoryName=RDKV-PIF-Telemetry-Repo urn:settings:LogUploadSettings:RepositoryURL=https://xconf.rdkcentral.com/test urn:settings:LogUploadSettings:UploadOnReboot=true urn:settings:LogUploadSettings:UploadImmediately=false urn:settings:LogUploadSettings:upload=true urn:settings:LogUploadSettings:UploadSchedule:cron=2 1 1 1 * urn:settings:LogUploadSettings:UploadSchedule:levelone:cron=null urn:settings:LogUploadSettings:UploadSchedule:leveltwo:cron=null urn:settings:LogUploadSettings:UploadSchedule:levelthree:cron=null urn:settings:LogUploadSettings:UploadSchedule:DurationMinutes=0 urn:settings:VODSettings:Name=null urn:settings:VODSettings:LocationsURL=null urn:settings:VODSettings:SRMIPList=null "urn:settings:TelemetryProfile":{"id":"e112c868-d82a-45f6-ba75-4e77beb900ac","telemetryProfile":[ {"header" : "branch_split","content" : "BRANCH=","type" : "version.txt","pollingFrequency":"1"} ,{"header" : "mem_syslogd","content" : "syslogd","type" : "top_log.txt","pollingFrequency":"1"},{"header" : "Version_split","content" : "VERSION=","type" : "version.txt","pollingFrequency":"1"},{"header" : "FREE_MEM_split","content" : "FREE_MEM:","type" : "top_log.txt","pollingFrequency":"1"},{"header" : "USED_MEM_split","content" : "USED_MEM:","type" : "messages.txt","pollingFrequency":"1"},{"header" : "CpuPV_split","content" : "AVS CPU PV =","type" : "messages.txt","pollingFrequency":"1"},{"header" : "SYST_ERR_KernelPanic_reboot","content" : "PREVIOUS_KERNEL_OOPS_DUMP_START","type" : "messages.txt","pollingFrequency":"1"},{"header" : "rfc_split","content" : "Features Enabled]-[ACTIVE]:","type" : "rfcscript.log","pollingFrequency":"1"},{"header" : "cpuinfo_split","content" : "sysint","type" : "<event>","pollingFrequency":"1"},{"header" : "SYST_INFO_ETHConn","content" : "sysint","type" : "<event>","pollingFrequency":"1"},{"header" : "WIFIV_INFO_NOV6ROUTE","content" : "sysint","type" : "<event>","pollingFrequency":"1"},{"header" : "imagename_spilt","content" : "imagename:","type" : "version.txt","pollingFrequency":"1"},{"header" : "mem_TOP","content" : "USED_MEM:","type" : "top_log.txt","pollingFrequency":"1"}],"schedule":"/5 *","expires":0,"telemetryProfile:name":"RDKV-PIF-Rule","uploadRepository:URL":"","uploadRepository:uploadProtocol":"HTTP"}