C__DataModelParam | |
C_AppCtx | |
C_AppCtx.gl | |
C_AppCtx.gl | |
C_AppInfoData | |
C_ASSOCIATED_AUDIO_MIXING_DATA.data.AssociatedAudioMixingInfo | |
C_AUDIO_FORMAT_DATA.data.AudioFormatInfo | |
C_AUDIO_LEVEL_DATA.data.AudioLevelInfo | |
C_AUDIO_OUT_CONNECT_DATA.data.audio_out_connect | |
C_AUDIO_PORTSTATE_DATA.data.AudioPortStateInfo | |
C_AUDIOMODE_DATA.data.Audioport | |
C_BS_JournalData_t | |
C_BTRMGR_Beacon_PersistentData_t | |
C_BTRMGR_ConnectedDevice_t | Represents the details of device connected |
C_BTRMGR_ConnectedDevicesList_t | Represents the connected devices list |
C_BTRMGR_DeviceAdServiceData_t | |
C_BTRMGR_DeviceOpInfo_t | Represents the notification data |
C_BTRMGR_DeviceOpInfo_t.__unnamed__ | |
C_BTRMGR_DeviceService_t | Represents the supported service of the device |
C_BTRMGR_DeviceServiceList_t | Represents device services list |
C_BTRMGR_DeviceServiceList_t.__unnamed__ | |
C_BTRMGR_DevicesProperty_t | Represents the property of the device |
C_BTRMGR_DiscoveredDevices_t | Represents the discovered device's details |
C_BTRMGR_DiscoveredDevicesList_t | Represents the list of scanned devices |
C_BTRMGR_DiscoveryFilterHandle_t | |
C_BTRMGR_DiscoveryHandle_t | |
C_BTRMGR_EventMessage_t | Represents the event message info |
C_BTRMGR_EventMessage_t.__unnamed__ | |
C_BTRMGR_EventResponse_t | Represents the event response |
C_BTRMGR_EventResponse_t.__unnamed__ | |
C_BTRMGR_ExternalDevice_t | Represents the details of external devices connected |
C_BTRMGR_IARMAdapterDiscover_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMAdapterDiscoverable_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMAdapterName_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMAdapterPower_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMAdvtInfo_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMAudioInServiceState_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMBeaconDetection_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMConnectDevice_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMConnectedDevices_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMDDeviceProperty_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMDeviceVolumeMute_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMDiagInfo_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMDiscoveredDevices_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMDiscoveryStatus_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMEventResp_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMGATTServiceInfo_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMHidGamePadServiceState_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMLeProperty_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMLeProperty_t.__unnamed__ | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMMediaElementListInfo_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMMediaElementListInfo_t.__unnamed__ | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMMediaProperty_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMMediaProperty_t.__unnamed__ | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMPairDevice_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMPairedDevices_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMStreaming_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMStreamingStatus_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMStreamingType_t | |
C_BTRMGR_IARMWifiConnectInfo_t | |
C_BTRMGR_LeCustomAdvertisement_t | Structure for the custom advertisement payload |
C_BTRMGR_MediaDeviceStatus_t | Represents Media Element List |
C_BTRMGR_MediaElementInfo_t | Represents Media Element details |
C_BTRMGR_MediaElementListInfo_t | Represents Media Element List |
C_BTRMGR_MediaInfo_t | Represents the media info |
C_BTRMGR_MediaInfo_t.__unnamed__ | |
C_BTRMGR_MediaPositionInfo_t | Represents the media position info |
C_BTRMGR_MediaTrackInfo_t | Represents the media track info |
C_BTRMGR_PairedDevices_t | Represents the paired devices information |
C_BTRMGR_PairedDevicesList_t | Represents the list of paired devices |
C_BTRMGR_PersistentData_t | |
C_BTRMGR_Profile_t | |
C_CECHost_Callback_t | |
C_CECHost_DeviceStatus_t | |
C_CECHost_DeviceStatus_t.data | |
C_CECHost_Policy_t | |
C_CECMgr_EventData_t | |
C_COMPOSITE_IN_CONNECT_DATA.data.composite_in_connect | |
C_COMPOSITE_IN_SIG_STATUS_DATA.data.composite_in_sig_status | |
C_COMPOSITE_IN_STATUS_DATA.data.composite_in_status | |
C_connectionContext | |
C_ConnectionResetData | |
C_DCM_DATA.data.startTimeUpdate | |
C_DeviceStatus_t | |
C_DFC_DATA.data.dfc | |
C_discovery_config_t | |
C_dsAllmStatusParam_t | |
C_dsAssociatedAudioMixingParam_t | |
C_dsAudioARCStatus_t | Structure that defines ARC status for the HDMI ARC/EARC port |
C_dsAudioCompressionParam_t | |
C_dsAudioDelayOffsetParam_t | |
C_dsAudioEnableARCParam_t | |
C_dsAudioFormatParam_t | |
C_dsAudioGainParam_t | |
C_dsAudioGetEncodingModeParam_t | |
C_dsAudioGetHandleParam_t | |
C_dsAudioGetMS11Param_t | |
C_dsAudioGetMS12Param_t | |
C_dsAudioOutIsConnectedParam_t | |
C_dsAudioPortConfig_t | Structure that defines audio port configuration |
C_dsAudioPortId_t | Structure that defines the audio port type and associated ID |
C_dsAudioSADList_t | |
C_dsAudioSetAtmosOutputModeParam_t | |
C_dsAudioSetDuckingParam_t | |
C_dsAudioSetLevelParam_t | |
C_dsAudioSetMutedParam_t | |
C_dsAudioSetSADParam_t | |
C_dsAudioSetStereoAutoParam_t | |
C_dsAudioSetStereoModeParam_t | |
C_dsAudioTypeConfig_t | Structure that defines audio output device configuration |
C_dsBassEnhancerParam_t | |
C_dsColorDepth_t | |
C_dsColorSpace_t | |
C_dsCompositeInGetNumberOfInputsParam_t | |
C_dsCompositeInGetStatusParam_t | |
C_dsCompositeInScaleVideoParam_t | |
C_dsCompositeInSelectPortParam_t | |
C_dsCompositeInStatus_t | |
C_dsCPUThermalParam | |
C_dsCurrentOutputSettings_t | |
C_dsDialogEnhancementParam_t | |
C_dsDisplayEDID_t | Defines the structure that is used to get the EDID information of the video display |
C_dsDisplayGetAspectRatioParam_t | |
C_dsDisplayGetEDIDBytesParam_t | |
C_dsDisplayGetEDIDParam_t | |
C_dsDisplayGetHandleParam_t | |
C_dsDRCModeParam_t | |
C_dsEdidIgnoreParam_t | |
C_dsEdidVersionParam_t | |
C_dsEnableHDCPParam | |
C_dsEot_t | |
C_dsFaderControlParam_t | |
C_dsFPDBlinkParam | |
C_dsFPDBrightParam | |
C_dsFPDColorConfig_t | |
C_dsFPDColorParam | |
C_dsFPDIndicatorConfig_t | |
C_dsFPDModeParam | |
C_dsFPDScrollParam | |
C_dsFPDSettings_t_ | |
C_dsFPDStateParam | |
C_dsFPDTextBrightParam | |
C_dsFPDTextDisplayConfig_t | |
C_dsFPDTimeFormatParam | |
C_dsFPDTimeParam | |
C_dsGetAudioAtmosCapabilityParam_t | |
C_dsGetAudioCapabilitiesParam_t | |
C_dsGetAudioDelayParam_t | |
C_dsGetEDIDBytesInfoParam_t | |
C_dsGetHDMIARCPortIdParam_t | |
C_dsGetHdmiPreferenceParam_t | |
C_dsGetHDMISPDInfoParam_t | |
C_dsGetHDRCapabilitiesParam_t | |
C_dsGetLEConfigParam_t | |
C_dsGetMS12CapabilitiesParam_t | |
C_dsGetSocIDFromSDKParam_t | |
C_dsGetSupportedARCTypesParam_t | |
C_dsGetVideoFormatsParam_t | |
C_dsGrpahicEqualizerModeParam_t | |
C_dsHdmiInCap_t | |
C_dsHdmiInGetNumberOfInputsParam_t | |
C_dsHdmiInGetResolutionParam_t | |
C_dsHdmiInGetStatusParam_t | |
C_dsHdmiInScaleVideoParam_t | |
C_dsHdmiInSelectPortParam_t | |
C_dsHdmiInSelectZoomModeParam_t | |
C_dsHdmiInStatus_t | |
C_dsIntelligentEqualizerModeParam_t | |
C_dsIsOutputHDRParam_t | |
C_dsLEConfigParam_t | |
C_dsMatrixCoefficients_t | |
C_DSMgr_EventData_t | |
C_DSMgr_EventData_t.data | |
C_dsMgrAVPortStateParam_t | |
C_dsMgrLEDStatusParam_t | |
C_dsMgrRebootConfigParam_t | |
C_dsMgrStandbyVideoStateParam_t | |
C_dsMISteeringParam_t | |
C_dsMS12AudioProfileList_t | |
C_dsMS12AudioProfileListParam_t | |
C_dsMS12AudioProfileParam_t | |
C_dsMS12ConfigParam_t | |
C_dsMS12SetttingsOverrideParam_t | |
C_dsPreferredSleepMode | |
C_dsPrimaryLanguageParam_t | |
C_dsQuantizationRange_t | |
C_dsScartParamParam_t | |
C_dsSecondaryLanguageParam_t | |
C_dsSetAudioDelayParam_t | |
C_dsSetBackgroundColorParam_t | |
C_dsSetDolbyVolumeParam_t | |
C_dsSetHdmiPreferenceParam_t | |
C_dsSupportedGameFeatureList_t | |
C_dsSupportedGameFeatureListParam_t | |
C_dsSupportedResolutionParam_t | |
C_dsSurroundDecoderParam_t | |
C_dsSurroundVirtualizer_t | |
C_dsSurroundVirtualizerParam_t | |
C_dsVesrionParam | |
C_dsVideoConfig_t | Structure that defines video device configuration for the output |
C_dsVideoDeviceGetHandleParam_t | |
C_dsVideoDeviceSetDFCParam_t | |
C_dsVideoPortEnabledParam_t | |
C_dsVideoPortGetHandleParam_t | |
C_dsVideoPortGetHDCPProtocolVersion_t | |
C_dsVideoPortGetHDCPStatus_t | |
C_dsVideoPortGetResolutionParam_t | |
C_dsVideoPortGetSurroundModeParam_t | |
C_dsVideoPortIsActiveParam_t | |
C_dsVideoPortIsDisplayConnectedParam_t | |
C_dsVideoPortIsDisplaySurroundParam_t | |
C_dsVideoPortPortConfig_t | Structure that defines video port configuration settings |
C_dsVideoPortPortId_t | Structure that defines port id associated with video port |
C_dsVideoPortResolution_t | Structure that defines video port resolution settings of output video device |
C_dsVideoPortSetResolutionParam_t | |
C_dsVideoPortTypeConfig_t | Structure that defines the video output port configuration |
C_dsVideoRect | |
C_dsVolumeLeveller_t | |
C_dsVolumeLevellerParam_t | |
C_EISS_APP_ID.data.eissAppIDList | |
C_EISS_STATUS.data.eissEventData | |
C_FADER_CONTROL_DATA.data.FaderControlInfo | |
C_FPD_TIME_FORMAT.data.FPDTimeFormat | |
C_GLCtx | |
C_GstMSESrc | |
C_GstMSESrcClass | |
C_GstMSESrcPrivate | |
C_gwyDeviceData | |
CTSProcessor::_H264PPS | Holds PPS parameters |
CTSProcessor::_H264SPS | Holds SPS parameters |
C_HDCP_PROFILE.data.hdcpProfileData | |
C_HDCP_PROTOCOL_DATA.data.HDCPProtocolVersion | |
C_HDMI_HDCP_DATA.data.hdmi_hdcp | |
C_HDMI_HPD_DATA.data.hdmi_hpd | |
C_HDMI_IN_ALLM_MODE_DATA.data.hdmi_in_allm_mode | |
C_HDMI_IN_CONNECT_DATA.data.hdmi_in_connect | |
C_HDMI_IN_SIG_STATUS_DATA.data.hdmi_in_sig_status | |
C_HDMI_IN_STATUS_DATA.data.hdmi_in_status | |
C_HDMI_IN_VIDEO_MODE_DATA.data.hdmi_in_video_mode | |
C_HDMI_RXSENSE_DATA.data.hdmi_rxsense | |
C_HostIf_MsgData_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_CECHost_DeviceStatus_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_CECHost_DeviceStatusChanged_EventData_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_CECHost_DeviceStatusChanged_EventData_t.data | |
C_IARM_Bus_CECHost_DevMgrStatus_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_CECHost_EnableDevMgr_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_CECHost_GetDeviceStatus_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_CECHost_GetOSDName_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_CECHost_SetOSDName_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_CECMgr_AddLogicalAddress_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_CECMgr_Enable_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_CECMgr_GetLogicalAddress_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_CECMgr_GetPhysicalAddress_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_CECMgr_Send_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_CECMgr_Status_Updated_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_Device_Update_Error_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_DeviceUpdate_AcceptUpdate_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_DeviceUpdate_Announce_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_DeviceUpdate_DownloadInitiate_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_DeviceUpdate_DownloadStatus_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_DeviceUpdate_LoadInitiate_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_DeviceUpdate_LoadStatus_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_DeviceUpdate_ReadyToDownload_t | |
C_IARM_BUS_DISKMgr_EventData_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_FOG_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_IRMgr_GetRepeatInterval_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_IRMgr_SetRepeatInterval_Param_t | |
C_IARM_BUS_MFRLIB_API_WIFI_Credentials_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_MFRLib_CommonAPI_WriteImageCb_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_MFRLib_GetBootImageName_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_MFRLib_GetDFAST2Data_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_MFRLib_GetImageWriteProgress_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_MFRLib_GetPathConfiguration_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_MFRLib_GetSerializedData_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_MFRLib_Reboot_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_MFRLib_SerializedData_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_MFRLib_SetBLPattern_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_MFRLib_SetCableCardType_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_MFRLib_SetHostFirmwareInfo_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_MFRLib_SetImageWriteProgress_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_MFRLib_WriteImage_Param_t | |
C_IARM_BUS_MfrMgr_StatusUpdate_EventData_t | |
C_IARM_BUS_NetSrvMgr_Iface_EventData_t | IARM Bus struct contains active streaming interface, origional definition present in homenetworkingservice.h |
C_IARM_BUS_NetSrvMgr_Iface_EventData_t.__unnamed__ | |
C_IARM_BUS_NetSrvMgr_Iface_EventData_t.__unnamed__ | |
C_IARM_BUS_NetworkManager_EventData_t | |
C_IARM_BUS_PWRMgr_DeepSleepTimeout_EventData_t | Structure which holds the Deep sleep timeout value |
C_IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_GetPowerState_Param_t | Structure which holds the current power state of the CPE |
C_IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_GetPowerStateBeforeReboot_Param_t | Structure which holds the power state before reboot of the CPE |
C_IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_NetworkStandbyMode_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_RebootParam_t | Structure to pass reboot reason argument with the reboot call |
C_IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_SetDeepSleepTimeOut_Param_t | Structure which holds the timeout value to set for Deep sleep |
C_IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_SetPowerState_Param_t | Structure which holds the new powerstate to be set to the device |
C_IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_SleepTimer_Param_t | Structure which holds the sleep timer information |
C_IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_StandbyVideoState_Param_t | |
C_IARM_BUS_PWRMgr_WareHouseOpn_EventData_t | Structure which holds warehouse opn status value |
C_IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_WareHouseReset_Param_t | Structure which holds the ware house reset time |
C_IARM_Bus_Receiver_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_Receiver_Param_t.data | |
C_IARM_Bus_RouteSrvMgr_RouteData_Param_t | |
C_IARM_BUS_SYSMgr_EventData_t | |
C_IARM_BUS_SYSMgr_EventData_t.data | |
C_IARM_Bus_SYSMgr_GetSystemStates_Param_t | |
C_IARM_BUS_SYSMGR_GetXUPNPDeviceInfo_Param_t | |
C_IARM_BUS_SYSMGR_HDCPProfileInfo_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_SYSMgr_IntrusionData_t | |
C_IARM_BUS_SYSMGR_KEYCodeLoggingInfo_Param_t | |
C_IARM_BUS_VREXMgr_EventData_t | |
C_IARM_BUS_VREXMgr_EventData_t.data | |
C_IARM_BUS_WiFi_DiagsPropParam_t | |
C_IARM_BUS_WiFi_DiagsPropParam_t.data | |
C_IARM_BUS_WiFiSrvMgr_EventData_t | |
C_IARM_BUS_WiFiSrvMgr_EventData_t.data | |
C_IARM_Bus_WiFiSrvMgr_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_WiFiSrvMgr_Param_t.data | |
C_IARM_Bus_WiFiSrvMgr_SpecificSsidList_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_WiFiSrvMgr_SsidList_Param_t | |
C_IARM_Bus_WiFiSrvMgr_SwitchPrivateResults_Param | |
C_IARM_Bus_WiFiSrvMgr_WPS_Parameters_t | |
C_IRKEY_DATA.data.fpkey | |
C_IRKEY_DATA.data.irkey | |
C_IRMgr_EventData_t | |
C_IRMgr_EventData_t.data | |
C_KEY_CODE_LOG.data.keyCodeLogData | |
C_LANGUAGE_DATA.data.AudioLanguageInfo | |
C_MAINT_STATUS_UPDATE.data.maintenance_module_status | |
C_mediaServerCfg | |
C_mfrDFAST2Params_t | |
C_mfrHostFrmwareInfo_t | |
C_mfrSerializedData_t | |
C_mfrUpgradeStatus_t | |
C_mfrUpgradeStatusNotify_t | |
C_MockCurlInstanceData | |
C_MockCurlOpts | |
C_MockOpenCdmCallbacks | |
C_MockOpenCdmInstanceData | |
C_MockSessionInfo | |
C_MODE_DATA.data.state | |
C_netMgrConfigProps | |
C_notify_params | |
C_RDMMgr_EventData_t::_pkg_info | |
C_procMemCpuInfo | |
C_propertyValue | |
C_PWRMgr_EventData_t | Structure which holds the event data |
C_PWRMgr_EventData_t.data | |
C_PWRMgr_LED_Settings_t | |
C_PWRMgr_Settings_t | |
C_Radio_Data.data.radio | |
C_Radio_Stats_Data.data.radio_stats | |
C_RDMMgr_EventData_t | |
C_RESOLUTION_DATA.data.resn | |
C_routeEventData_t | |
C_routeInfo | |
C_setWiFiAdapter | |
C_SLEEP_MODE_DATA.data.sleepModeInfo | |
C_SourceNameEntry | |
C_SPEECH_BEGIN_EVENT.data.begin | |
C_SPEECH_END_EVENT.data.end | |
C_SPEECH_FRAGMENT_EVENT.data.fragment | |
C_Ssid_Data.data.ssid | |
C_ssidList | |
C_stAudioWavHeader | |
C_stBTAdapterInfo | |
C_stBTAdServiceData | |
C_stBTDeviceInfo | |
C_stBTDeviceSupportedService | |
C_stBTDeviceSupportedServiceList | |
C_stBtIfceHdl | |
C_stBTLeCustomAdv | |
C_stBTLeGattChar | |
C_stBTLeGattDesc | |
C_stBTLeGattInfo | |
C_stBTLeGattService | |
C_stBTLeManfData | |
C_stBTLeServData | |
C_stBTMediaBrowserUpdate | |
C_stBTMediaInfo | |
C_stBTMediaStatusUpdate | |
C_stBTMediaStatusUpdate.__unnamed__ | |
C_stBTMediaTrackInfo | |
C_stBTPairedDeviceInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreAdapter | |
C_stBTRCoreAdServiceData | |
C_stBTRCoreAVMediaCtData | |
C_stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfoList | |
C_stBTRCoreAVMediaHdl | |
C_stBTRCoreAVMediaInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreAVMediaItem | |
C_stBTRCoreAVMediaItem.__unnamed__ | |
C_stBTRCoreAVMediaItemFilter | |
C_stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreAVMediaPlayer | |
C_stBTRCoreAVMediaPositionInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate | |
C_stBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate.__unnamed__ | |
C_stBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUserData | |
C_stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreBTDevice | |
C_stBTRCoreConnCBInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreConnCBInfo.__unnamed__ | |
C_stBTRCoreDevMediaInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreDevMediaPcmInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreDevStateInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreDiscoveryCBInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreFilterMode | |
C_stBTRCoreGetAdapters | |
C_stBTRCoreHdl | |
C_stBTRCoreLeCustomAdv | |
C_stBTRCoreLeGattChar | |
C_stBTRCoreLeGattDesc | |
C_stBTRCoreLeGattInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreLeGattProfile | |
C_stBTRCoreLeGattService | |
C_stBTRCoreLeHdl | |
C_stBTRCoreLeManfData | |
C_stBTRCoreLeServData | |
C_stBTRCoreLeUUID | |
C_stBTRCoreLeUUIDList | |
C_stBTRCoreListAdapters | |
C_stBTRCoreMediaCtData | |
C_stBTRCoreMediaElementInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreMediaElementInfoList | |
C_stBTRCoreMediaPositionInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreMediaStatusCBInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreMediaStatusUpdate | |
C_stBTRCoreMediaStatusUpdate.__unnamed__ | |
C_stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo | |
C_stBTRCoreOTskInData | |
C_stBTRCorePairedDevicesCount | |
C_stBTRCoreScannedDevicesCount | |
C_stBTRCoreSupportedService | |
C_stBTRCoreSupportedServiceList | |
C_stBTRCoreTaskGAqData | |
C_stBTRCoreUUID | |
C_stBTRCoreUUIDList | |
C_stBTRMgrACHdl | |
C_stBTRMgrAVMediaPcmInfo | |
C_stBTRMgrCapSoHdl | |
C_stBTRMgrInASettings | Represents the audio input settings |
C_stBTRMgrMediaStatus | Represents the media file status |
C_stBTRMgrMPEGInfo | Represents the MPEG codec details |
C_stBTRMgrOutASettings | Represents the audio output settings |
C_stBTRMgrPCMInfo | Represents the PCM codec details |
C_stBTRMgrPersistDevice | This API initializes bluetooth manager's persistent storage interface |
C_stBTRMgrPersistProfile | |
C_stBTRMgrPIHdl | |
C_stBTRMgrSBCInfo | Represents the Subband coding (SBC) audio codec information |
C_stBTRMgrSDHdl | |
C_stBTRMgrSIGst | |
C_stBTRMgrSIHdl | |
C_stBTRMgrSOGst | |
C_stBTRMgrSOHdl | |
C_stBTRMgrStreamingInfo | |
C_stBTRMgrSysDiagStatus | |
C_stunConfigProps | |
C_Surface | |
C_SystemStates.data.systemStates | |
C_Throw_e | |
C_tr181Data | |
C_tr69HostIfMgr_EventData_t | |
C_TRMDiagInfo_t | |
C_UIMgr_Settings_t | |
C_unBTOpIfceProp | |
C_USB_DETECT.data.usbData | |
C_USB_MOUNT.data.usbMountData | |
C_VIDEO_FORMAT_DATA.data.VideoFormatInfo | |
C_wifi_associated_dev | |
C_wifi_diag_ipping_result | |
C_wifi_diag_ipping_setting | |
C_WiFi_EndPoint_Diag_Params | |
C_WiFi_EndPoint_Security_Params | |
C_WiFi_EndPoint_Stats_Diag_Params | |
C_WIFI_ERROR.data.wifiError | |
C_wifi_halSettings | |
C_wifi_neighbor_ap | |
C_wifi_pairedSSIDInfo | SSID information |
C_WiFi_Radio_Diag_Params | |
C_WiFi_Radio_Stats_Diag_Params | |
C_wifi_radioTrafficStats | |
C_wifi_radioTrafficStatsMeasure | |
C_wifi_radius_setting_t | |
C_wifi_roamingCtrl_t | Roaming Control information (pre assoc data structure} |
C_wifi_securityModes | |
C_WiFi_SSID_Diag_Params | |
C_WIFI_SSID_LIST.data.wifiSSIDList | |
C_wifi_ssidTrafficStats | |
C_wifi_sta_stats | |
C_WIFI_STATECHANGE_DATA.data.wifiStateChange | |
C_wifi_telemetry_ops_t | Telemetry callback functions |
C_wifi_wps_pbc_ap | |
C_WiFiConnectedSSIDInfo | |
C_WiFiConnection | |
C_WiFiConnectionStatus | |
C_wifiLnfPrivateResults | |
C_WiFiLnfSwitchPrivateResults | |
C_wifiMgrConfigProps | |
C_WiFiPairedSSIDInfo | |
C_wifiSsidData_t | |
C_XUPNP_DATA.data.xupnpData | |
CAAMP_JS | Data structure of AAMP object |
CAAMPAbrInfo | ABR info structure |
CAampCacheHandler | Handles Aamp Cahe operations |
CAampCCManager | Handle the CC manager instance |
►CAampCCManagerBase | Handles closed caption operations |
CAampRDKCCManager | Handling CC operations |
CAampSubtecCCManager | Handling Subtec CC operation |
CAampChallengeInfo | Aamp challenge info to get the License |
CAampcli | |
CAampConfig | AAMP Config Class defn |
CAampConfigLookupEntry | AAMP Config lookup table structure |
CAampConfigLookupEntry.Max | |
CAampConfigLookupEntry.Min | |
►CAampDrmCallbacks | DRM callback interface |
CPrivateInstanceAAMP | Class representing the AAMP player's private instance, which is not exposed to outside world |
►CAampDrmHelper | AampDRM helper to handle DRM operations |
CAampClearKeyHelper | Class handles the clear key license operations |
CAampPlayReadyHelper | Handles the operation for Play ready DRM operations |
CAampVanillaDrmHelper | Handles the operation foe Vanilla DRM |
CAampVerimatrixHelper | |
CAampVgdrmHelper | Handles the operation for Vg DRM |
CAampWidevineDrmHelper | Handles the operation for Wide vine DRM operation |
CAampDrmHelperEngine | Helper Engine for Aamp DRM operations |
►CAampDrmHelperFactory | Helper class to Maintain DRM data |
CAampClearKeyHelperFactory | Helper Factory class to maintain Aamp DRM data |
CAampPlayReadyHelperFactory | Handles operations to support play ready DRM |
CAampVerimatrixHelperFactory | |
CAampVgdrmHelperFactory | Helps to operate Vg DRM |
CAampWidevineDrmHelperFactory | Helps to handle widevine DRM |
►CAampDrmSession | Base class for DRM sessions |
CAAMPOCDMSession | Open CDM DRM session |
►CAAMPOCDMSessionAdapter | Open CDM DRM session |
CAAMPOCDMBasicSessionAdapter | OCDM session Adapter |
CAAMPOCDMGSTSessionAdapter | OCDM Gstreamer session to decrypt |
CClearKeySession | Open CDM DRM session |
CPlayReadyDRMSession | Class for PlayReady DRM operations |
CAampDrmSessionFactory | Factory class to create DRM sessions based on requested system ID |
CAampDRMSessionManager | Controller for managing DRM sessions |
CAAMPEvent | Structure of the AAMP events. Recommend new AAMP integration layers to use AAMPEventObject based listener For new event definition, should use AAMPEventObject class TODO: Deperecate in future, kept for backward compatibility only |
CAAMPEvent.data | |
CAAMPEvent.data.adPlacement | Structure for ad placement events |
CAAMPEvent.data.adReservation | Structure for ad reservation events |
CAAMPEvent.data.adResolved | Structure for ad fulfill status event |
CAAMPEvent.data.anomalyReport | |
CAAMPEvent.data.bitrateChanged | Structure of the bitrate change event |
CAAMPEvent.data.bufferingChanged | Structure of the buffering changed event |
CAAMPEvent.data.bulktimedMetadata | Structure of the bulk timed metadata event |
CAAMPEvent.data.ccHandle | Structure of the closed caption handle event |
CAAMPEvent.data.contentGap | |
CAAMPEvent.data.contentProtectionData | Structure of the content protection data update event |
CAAMPEvent.data.cue | Structure of the WebVTT cue data |
CAAMPEvent.data.dash_drmmetadata | |
CAAMPEvent.data.drmMessage | |
CAAMPEvent.data.httpResponseHeader | Structure of the http response header event |
CAAMPEvent.data.id3Metadata | Structure of the id3 metadata event |
CAAMPEvent.data.jsEvent | Structure of the Java Script event |
CAAMPEvent.data.mediaError | Structure of the media error event |
CAAMPEvent.data.metadata | Structure of the metadata event |
CAAMPEvent.data.metricsData | |
CAAMPEvent.data.progress | Structure of the progress event data |
CAAMPEvent.data.seeked | Structure of the seeked event data |
CAAMPEvent.data.speedChanged | Structure of the speed change event |
CAAMPEvent.data.speedsChanged | Structure of the supported speeds changed event |
CAAMPEvent.data.stateChanged | Structure of the player state changed event |
CAAMPEvent.data.timedMetadata | Structure of the timed metadata event |
CAAMPEvent.data.tuneProfile | |
CAampEventManager | Class to Handle Aamp Events |
►CAAMPEventObject | Base class of all AAMP events. New AAMP event object for ease of use While defining new event objects inherit from this base class |
CAdPlacementEvent | Class for ad placement events |
CAdReservationEvent | Class for ad reservation events |
CAdResolvedEvent | Class for ad fulfill status event |
CAnomalyReportEvent | Class for the Anomaly Report Event |
CBitrateChangeEvent | Class for the Bitrate change event |
CBlockedEvent | Class for the BlockedEvent event |
CBufferingChangedEvent | Class for the Buffering Changed event |
CBulkTimedMetadataEvent | Class for the Bulk TimedMetadata Event |
CCCHandleEvent | Class for the Closed Caption Handle event |
CContentGapEvent | Class for the Content gap event |
CContentProtectionDataEvent | Class for the Content Protection Data Update Event on Dynamic Key Rotation |
CDrmMessageEvent | Class for the DRM Message Event |
CDrmMetaDataEvent | Class for the Drm Metadata event |
CHTTPResponseHeaderEvent | Class for the HTTP Response Header event |
CID3MetadataEvent | Class for the ID3 Metadata Event |
CMediaErrorEvent | Class for the Media Error event |
CMediaMetadataEvent | Class for the Media Metadata event |
CMetricsDataEvent | Class for the Metrics Data event |
CProgressEvent | Class for the Progress event |
CSeekedEvent | Class for the Seeked Event |
CSpeedChangedEvent | Class for the Speed changed event |
CStateChangedEvent | Class for the Player State Changed event |
CSupportedSpeedsChangedEvent | Class for the supported speeds changed event |
CTimedMetadataEvent | Class for the Timed Metadata event |
CTuneProfilingEvent | Class for the Tune Profilng Event |
CWatermarkSessionUpdateEvent | Class for the watermarkSession event |
CWebVttCueEvent | Class for the Web VTT Cue Event |
CAAMPGstPlayerPriv | Holds private variables of AAMPGstPlayer |
CAampHlsDrmSessionManager | DRM Session manager for HLS stream operations |
CAampIonMemorySystem::AampIonMemoryContext | |
CAampIonMemoryInterchangeBuffer | Stores the information on ION Memory to store data |
CAampIonMemorySystemCloser | Class to handle close the ION memory |
►CAampJsonObject | Utility class to construct a JSON string |
CMockAampJsonObject | |
CAampLicenseRequest | Holds the data to get the License |
CAampLLDashServiceData | To store Low Latency Service configurtions |
CAampLogManager | AampLogManager Class |
CAampMemoryHandleCloser | This just closes a file on descope |
►CAAMPMemorySystem | Handles the operations for AAMP memory managemnts |
CAampIonMemorySystem | Handles ION memory storage to store data |
CAampSharedMemorySystem | Handles the shared Memory operations |
CAampMockDeviceHost | |
CAampMockDeviceManager | |
CAampMockDevicePixelResolution | |
CAampMockDeviceVideoOutputPort | |
CAampMockIarmBus | |
CAampMockIon | |
CAampMockOpenCdm | |
CAampMockRfc | |
CAampMockSecClient | |
CAampMutexHold | Auto Lock the provided mutex during the object scope |
CAampOwnerLookupEntry | AAMP Config ownership enum string mapping table |
CAampPlayer | |
►CAampScheduler | Scheduler class for asynchronous operations |
CAampSecManager | Class to get License from Sec Manager |
CAampSharedMemoryInterchangeBuffer | Holds the Shared memory details |
CAampUrlInfo | Struct to store parsed url hostname & its type |
CAccessibility | Data type to store Accessibility Node data |
Cacm_iarm_interface | |
Cacm_session_mgr | |
Cacm_session_t | |
►CactivePort | |
ChostIf_IPActivePort | This class provides the hostIf IP active port for getting IP active port information |
CTRM::Activity | Request or granted usage of a tuner. The activity field in the class represents the intended use of the tuner. Supported tuner activity names are: |
CAdBreakObject | AdBreak's metadata object |
►Cstun::attributes::address | |
Cstun::attributes::changed_address | |
Cstun::attributes::mapped_address | |
Cstun::attributes::source_address | |
CAdFulfillObj | Temporary object representing currently fulfilling ad (given by setAlternateContent) |
CAdNode | Individual Ad's meta info |
CAdOnPeriod | Individual Ad's object placed over the period |
CAppCtx_ | |
CappDataStruct | |
CargsList | |
CAsyncEventDescriptor | Used in asynchronous event notification logic |
CTRM::AsyncObserver | |
CAsyncTaskObj | Async task operations |
CATSCSettings | Structure to save the ATSC settings |
Cstun::attribute | |
CTextStyleAttributes::Attributes | Attributes, so far fontSize only |
Caudio_buffer | |
►Caudio_capture_client | |
Cip_out_client | |
Cmusic_id_client | |
Caudio_converter | |
►Caudio_converter_sink | |
Caudio_converter_file_sink | |
Caudio_converter_memory_sink | |
Caudio_properties_ifce_t | |
Caudiocapturemgr::audio_properties_t | |
CAudioInfo | |
Cdevice::AudioOutputPortConfig | |
CAudioTrackInfo | Structure for audio track information Holds information about an audio track in playlist |
CAudioTrackTuple | Class to hold audio information like lang, codec, bitrate,etc |
CCCEC_OSAL::AutoLock | |
CAutoLock_ | |
CAVFrame | |
Cstun::bind_result | |
Cdevice::FrontPanelIndicator::Blink | |
CBlink | This class supports to manage front panel indicator blink sequence |
CblinkOp_t | |
CblinkPattern_t | |
►CBox | Base Class for ISO BMFF Box |
►CFullBox | Class for single ISO BMFF Box Eg: FTYP, MDHD, MVHD, TFDT |
CEmsgBox | Class for ISO BMFF EMSG Box |
CMdhdBox | Class for ISO BMFF MDHD Box |
CMvhdBox | Class for ISO BMFF MVHD Box |
CPrftBox | Class for ISO BMFF TFHD Box |
CTfdtBox | Class for ISO BMFF TFDT Box |
CTfhdBox | Class for ISO BMFF TFHD Box |
CTrunBox | Class for ISO BMFF TRUN Box |
►CGenericContainerBox | Class for ISO BMFF Box container Eg: MOOV, MOOF, TRAK, MDIA |
CTrakBox | Class for ISO BMFF TRAK container |
CBus | |
CbyteArray_t | |
CCachedFragment | Structure of cached fragment data Holds information about a cached fragment |
CCachedFragmentChunk | Structure of cached fragment data Holds information about a cached fragment |
CGraphicsLifeCycle::Callbacks | |
►CCASDataListener | |
CCASService | |
►CCASStatusInform | |
CCASService | |
CsubtecConnector::CCDataController | Controller for CCdata |
►CCDAIObject | Base class for the client side DAI object |
CCDAIObjectMPD | Client Side DAI object implementation for DASH |
CCECFrame | |
Cstun::client | |
CClosedCaptions | |
CColor | This class extents DSConstant to manage the color of the front panel indicator |
►CCommand | |
CGet | |
CHarvestor | |
CPlaybackCommand | |
CSet | |
CSmokeTest | |
CCommandHandler | |
Cdevice::CompositeInput | This class manages COMPOSITE Input |
CCCEC_OSAL::Condition | |
CCCEC_OSAL::ConditionVariable | |
CConfigBool | AAMP Config Boolean data type |
CConfigChannelInfo | Holds information of a channel |
CConfigDouble | AAMP Config double data type |
CConfigInt | AAMP Config Int data type |
CConfigLong | AAMP Config Long data type |
CConfigParamMap | Data structure to map ConfigParamType and its string equivalent |
CConfigString | AAMP Config String data type |
CConfSettings | |
CConnection | The connection class provides APIs that allows the application to access CEC Bus. A connection is a tap into the CEC bus. The application can use a connection to send raw bytes (in form of CECFrame) onto CEC bus or receive raw bytes from it |
CContentGapInfo | Class for Content gap information |
CCueTimeStamp | Hold timestamps of a cue |
CCurl_share | |
CCurlCallbackContext | Context during curl callbacks |
CCurlCbContextSyncTime | Context during curl callbacks |
Ccurldatasharelock | Locks used when lock/unlock callback occurs for different shared data |
CCurlObject | |
CCurlProgressCbContext | Context during curl progress callbacks |
CCurlStore | Singleton curlstore to save/reuse curl handles |
Ccurlstorestruct | Structure to store curl easy, shared handle & locks for a host |
Ccurlstruct | |
CcustomJson | Holds information of a custom JSON array |
►CDataBlock | |
CAbort | |
CActiveSource | The Message API allows the application to send or receive high-level CEC message construct instead of raw bytes |
CCECVersion | |
CDeviceVendorID | |
CFeatureAbort | |
CGetCECVersion | |
CGetMenuLanguage | |
CGiveAudioStatus | |
CGiveDevicePowerStatus | |
CGiveDeviceVendorID | |
CGiveOSDName | |
CGivePhysicalAddress | |
CImageViewOn | |
CInActiveSource | |
CInitiateArc | |
COpCode | |
CPolling | |
CReportArcInitiation | |
CReportArcTermination | |
CReportAudioStatus | |
CReportPhysicalAddress | |
CReportPowerStatus | |
CReportShortAudioDescriptor | |
CRequestActiveSource | |
CRequestArcInitiation | |
CRequestArcTermination | |
CRequestShortAudioDescriptor | |
CRoutingChange | |
CRoutingInformation | |
CSetMenuLanguage | |
CSetOSDName | |
CSetOSDString | |
CSetStreamPath | |
CSetSystemAudioMode | |
CStandby | |
CSystemAudioModeRequest | |
CTerminateArc | |
CTextViewOn | |
CUserControlPressed | |
CUserControlReleased | |
Cstun::decoder | |
CDecryptStats | Holds decryption profile stats |
CDemuxer | Software demuxer of MPEGTS |
CTRM::DetailedTunerState | Class for implementing the detail state information of a single tuner |
CDevice_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_Process | These values are the members variables of the DeviceProcessStatusProcess structure |
CDevice_Ethernet_Interface | It contains the members variables of the EthernetInterface structure |
CDevice_Ethernet_Interface_Stats | |
Cdevice_info_t | |
CDevice_IP | It contains the members variables of the IP structure |
CDevice_IP_ActivePort | The structure holds the required parameters such as local ipaddress, localport, remoteIpAddress etc.. for the device ip of the active port |
CDevice_IP_Interface | It contains the members variables of the Device_IP_Interface structure |
CDevice_IP_Interface_Stats | It contains the members variables of the Device_IP_Interface_stats structure |
Cdevice_manager | |
Cdevice_manager::device_record | |
CDHCPv4Client | These values are the members variables of the DHCPv4Client structure |
CDHCPv4ClientParamBackUpFlag | These values are the members variables of the DHCPv4ClientParamBackUpFlag structure |
CDiscontinuityIndexNode | Index Node structure for Discontinuity Index |
Cdevice::VideoOutputPort::Display | |
Cdevice::DisplayConnectionChangeListener | |
►CDriver | |
CDriverImpl | |
CDriverContext_t | |
CDrmData | To hold DRM key, license request etc |
CDrmInfo | DRM information required to decrypt |
CDrmMetadata | AVE drm metadata extracted from EXT-X-FAXS-CM |
CDrmMetadataNode | |
CDrmSessionCacheInfo | Drm Session Cache Information for keeping single DRM session always |
CDrmSessionContext | To store drmSession and keyId data |
CDrmSessionDataInfo | Drm Session Data Information for storing in a pool from parser |
CDrmSessionParams | Holds data regarding drm session |
CdsColorDepthCapabilitiesParam_t | |
CdsForceDisable4KParam_t | |
CdsForceDisableHDRParam_t | |
CdsForceHDRModeParam_t | |
CdsFramerateParam_t | |
CdsFRFParam_t | |
CdsGetSupportedVideoCodingFormatsParam_t | |
CdsGetVideoCodecInfoParam_t | |
CDSMgr_Standby_Video_State_t | |
CdsPreferredColorDepthParam_t | |
CdsSpd_infoframe_st | |
CdsVideoCodecInfo_t | |
CdsVideoCodecProfileSupport_t | |
CDTCPIP_Packet_s | DTCP-IP packet stucture |
CDTCPIP_Session_s | DTCP-IP session structure |
CDynamicDrmInfo | |
CEarlyAvailablePeriodInfo | Period Information available at early |
CeCurlHostMap | To have hostname mapped curl handles |
Cedid_parser::edid_data_t | |
Cedid_parser::edid_res_t | |
Cedid_parser::edid_vic_t | |
CElement | |
CTRM::Empty | |
►Cenable_shared_from_this | |
CPrivateInstanceAAMP | Class representing the AAMP player's private instance, which is not exposed to outside world |
Cstun::encoder | |
CTrunBox::Entry | |
CEntryExitLogger | |
CTRM::Enum< T > | |
CTRM::Enum< TRM::Activity > | |
CTRM::Enum< TRM::Klass > | |
CTRM::Enum< TRM::ResponseStatus > | |
CTRM::Enum< TRM::TunerState > | |
►CTRM::Enum< TunerState > | |
CTRM::FreeState | This class is responsible for managing the Free state of a tuner |
CTRM::HybridState | The tuner is reserved for Live or Record activity |
CTRM::LiveState | This class is responsible for handling the Live activity (Streaming or Playback) of a tuner |
CTRM::RecordState | This class is responsible for handling the Record activity of a tuner |
►Cdevice::Enumerable | This class is inherited by many classes in DS for getting the ID |
Cdevice::AudioOutputPort | Class extending Enumerable to implement the audiooutputport interface |
►Cdevice::DSConstant | This class is used to store and manage the names and id's. It is derived by many classes like VideoResolution, VideoOutputPortType, stereoScopicMode and so on. And it is also stores information whether the derived class instances indicating the port or port attributes are enabled or not |
Cdevice::AspectRatio | This class extends DSConstant to implement AspectRatio. It manages the aspect ratios of the videos |
Cdevice::AudioCompression | This class extends DSConstant for implementing AudioCompression. It helps to maintain different audio compressions |
Cdevice::AudioEncoding | This class extends DSConstant to implement AudioEncoding which manages audio encodings |
Cdevice::AudioOutputPortType | Class extending DSConstant to implement the audiooutputport interface |
Cdevice::AudioStereoMode | This class extends DSConstant to implement AudioStereoMode. It manages the information related to audio mode types like stereo, mono and so on |
Cdevice::FrameRate | This class extends DSConstant to handle the video frame rate |
►Cdevice::FrontPanelIndicator | This class extents DSConstant to manage front panel indicators color, blink sequence and brightness |
Cdevice::FrontPanelTextDisplay | This class extents FrontPanelIndicator to manage front panel text display mode, scrolling and its brightness |
Cdevice::FrontPanelIndicator::Color | |
Cdevice::FrontPanelTextDisplay::Mode | |
Cdevice::PixelResolution | This class extends DSConstant to manages the pixel resolution of the video |
Cdevice::SleepMode | This class extends DSConstant to implement SleepMode. It is used to manage the sleep modes for device settings |
Cdevice::StereoScopicMode | This class extentds DSConstant to implement StereoScopicMode. It manages the stereoscopic mode of the video |
Cdevice::VideoDevice | Class extending DSConstant to implement the videoDevice interface |
Cdevice::VideoDFC | This class extends DSConstant to manage the video Decoder Format Conversion |
Cdevice::VideoOutputPortType | Class extending DSConstant to implement the VideoOutputporttype interface |
Cdevice::VideoResolution | Class extending DSConstant to implement the videoResolution interface |
Cdevice::VideoOutputPort | Class extending enumerable to implement the videoooutputport interface |
CEnumStringMapper | |
CEnvVarNode | |
CEthernetInterfaceStats | It contains the members variables of the EthernetInterfaceStats structure |
►CEvent | Class to DRM Event handle |
COnAcquiringLicenseEvent | |
COnAdditionalAuthRequiredEvent | |
COnBitrateChanged | |
COnBufferingEvent | |
COnBufferWarningEvent | |
COnCASDataEvent | |
COnClosedEvent | |
COnCompleteEvent | |
COnDRMMetadata | |
COnEISSDataReceivedEvent | |
COnErrorEvent | |
COnIndividualizingEvent | |
COnMediaOpenedEvent | |
COnMetricLogEvent | |
COnPausedEvent | |
COnPlaybackSpeedsChangedEvent | |
COnPlayerInitializedEvent | |
COnPlayingEvent | |
COnProgressEvent | |
COnSegmentCompletedEvent | |
COnSegmentStartedEvent | |
COnSegmentWatchedEvent | |
COnSpeedChangeEvent | |
COnStatusEvent | |
COnWarningEvent | |
CRtUtils::Event | |
CEventBreakInfo | Stores the detail about the Event break info |
CEventEmitter | |
CRtUtils::EventEmitter | |
►CEventListener | Class for sed event to Listener |
►CAAMPEventListener | Class for AAMP event listening [LEGACY] TODO: Deprecate later, AAMPEventObjectListener will be used in future |
CAAMPListener | |
►CAAMPEventObjectListener | Class for AAMP event listening Uses shared_ptr for event objects for better memory management New AAMP integration layers should use this event listener for event processing |
►CAAMP_JSEventListener | Event listener impl for AAMPMediaPlayer_JS object |
CAAMP_Listener_AdPlacementEnd | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_AD_PLACEMENT_END event |
CAAMP_Listener_AdPlacementError | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_AD_PLACEMENT_ERROR event |
CAAMP_Listener_AdPlacementStart | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_AD_PLACEMENT_START event |
CAAMP_Listener_AdProgress | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_AD_PLACEMENT_PROGRESS event |
CAAMP_Listener_AdReservationEnd | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_AD_RESERVATION_END event |
CAAMP_Listener_AdReservationStart | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_AD_RESERVATION_START event |
CAAMP_Listener_AdResolved | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_AD_RESOLVED event |
CAAMP_Listener_AnomalyReport | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_REPORT_ANOMALY event |
CAAMP_Listener_BitrateChanged | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_BITRATE_CHANGED event |
CAAMP_Listener_Blocked | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_BLOCKED event |
CAAMP_Listener_BufferingChanged | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_BUFFERING_CHANGED event |
CAAMP_Listener_BulkTimedMetadata | Event listener impl for BULK_TIMED_METADATA AAMP event |
CAAMP_Listener_CCHandleAvailable | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_CC_HANDLE_RECEIVED, event |
CAAMP_Listener_ContentGap | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_CONTENT_GAP event |
CAAMP_Listener_ContentProtectionData | |
CAAMP_Listener_DRMMetadata | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_DRM_METADATA event |
CAAMP_Listener_HTTPResponseHeader | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_HTTP_RESPONSE_HEADER event |
CAAMP_Listener_Id3Metadata | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_ID3_METADATA event |
CAAMP_Listener_MediaMetadata | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_MEDIA_METADATA event |
CAAMP_Listener_PlaybackFailed | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_TUNE_FAILED event |
CAAMP_Listener_PlaybackStateChanged | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_STATE_CHANGED event |
CAAMP_Listener_ProgressUpdate | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_PROGRESS event |
CAAMP_Listener_Seeked | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_SEEKED event |
CAAMP_Listener_SpeedChanged | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_SPEED_CHANGED event |
CAAMP_Listener_SpeedsChanged | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_SPEEDS_CHANGED event |
CAAMP_Listener_TimedMetadata | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_TIMED_METADATA event |
CAAMP_Listener_TuneProfiling | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_TUNE_PROFILING event |
CAAMP_Listener_VTTCueData | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_WEBVTT_CUE_DATA event |
CAAMP_Listener_WatermarkSessionUpdate | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_WATERMARK_SESSION_UPDATE event |
►CAAMP_JSListener | Event listener impl for AAMP events |
CAAMP_JSListener_AdPlacementEnd | Event listener impl for AD_RESOLVED AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_AdPlacementEror | Event listener impl for AD_RESOLVED AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_AdPlacementStart | Event listener impl for AD_RESOLVED AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_AdProgress | Event listener impl for REPORT_AD_PROGRESS AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_AdReservationEnd | Event listener impl for AD_RESOLVED AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_AdReservationStart | Event listener impl for AD_RESOLVED AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_AdResolved | Event listener impl for AD_RESOLVED AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_AnomalyReport | AAMP_JSListener_AnomalyReport to receive anomalyreport |
CAAMP_JSListener_BitRateChanged | Event listener impl for BITRATE_CHANGED AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_BufferingChanged | Event listener impl for (AAMP_EVENT_BUFFER_UNDERFLOW) AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_BulkTimedMetadata | Event listener impl for BULK_TIMED_METADATA AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_CCHandleReceived | Event listener impl for CC_HANDLE_RECEIVED AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_ContentGap | Event listener impl for AAMP_EVENT_CONTENT_GAP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_ContentProtectionData | Event listener impl for (AAMP_EVENT_CONTENT_PROTECTION_DATA_UPDATE) AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_DrmMessage | Event listener impl for (AAMP_EVENT_DRM_MESSAGE) AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_DRMMetadata | Class handles JS Listener for DRM meta data operation |
CAAMP_JSListener_Id3Metadata | Event listener impl for (AAMP_JSListener_Id3Metadata) AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_MetricsData | AAMP_JSListener_MetricsData to receive aamp metrics |
CAAMP_JSListener_Progress | Event listener impl for REPORT_PROGRESS AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_SpeedChanged | Event listener impl for SPEED_CHANGED AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_SpeedsChanged | Event listener impl for SPEEDS_CHANGED AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_StatusChanged | Event listener for STATUS_CHANGED AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_TimedMetadata | Event listener impl for TIMED_METADATA AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_TuneFailed | Event listener impl for TUNE_FAILED AAMP event |
CAAMP_JSListener_VideoMetadata | Event listener impl for VIDEO_METADATA AAMP event |
CMyAAMPEventListener | |
CSmokeTestEventListener | |
CCCEC_OSAL::EventQueue< E > | |
CCCEC_OSAL::EventQueue< CECFrame * > | |
CEventSource | |
CEventTypeMap | Struct to map names of AAMP events and JS events |
►CTRM::Exception | |
CTRM::AssertionFailureException | |
CTRM::ConnectionNotFoundException | |
CTRM::IllegalArgumentException | |
CTRM::InvalidOperationException | |
CTRM::InvalidStateException | |
CTRM::ItemNotFoundException | |
►Cexception | |
CAampJsonParseException | Handles the exception for JSON parser |
►CCCEC_OSAL::OSException | |
CCCEC_OSAL::InvalidStateException | |
CCCEC_OSAL::OperationNotSupportedException | |
►Cdevice::Exception | This class handles exceptions occurring in DS module |
Cdevice::IllegalArgumentException | This class extends Exception class to manage the expections caused due to illegal arguments |
Cdevice::UnsupportedOperationException | This class extends Exception class to manage unsupported operations in devicesettings |
►CException | |
CAddressNotAvailableException | |
CCECNoAckException | |
CInvalidParamException | |
CInvalidStateException | |
CIOException | |
COperationNotSupportedException | |
CExecutor< InT > | |
Cstun::details::file_descriptor | |
CFnLogger | Enable Logger to add more logs |
CFormatMap | FormatMap structure for stream codec/format information |
CFragmentDescriptor | Stores information of dash fragment |
CFragmentDownloadParams | Holds data of fragment to be downloaded |
►CFrameFilter | |
CConnection::DefaultFilter | |
►CFrameListener | |
CCecIARMMgrFrameListener | |
CConnection::DefaultFrameListener | |
CDevMgrFrameListener | |
CTestFrameListener | |
Cdevice::FrontPanelConfig | |
CgActivePrivAAMP_t | Used for storing active PrivateInstanceAAMPs |
CTRM::GenerateAuthTokenResponse | |
CTRM::GenerateAuthTokenResponseFromAuthService | |
CGetCommandInfo | |
CgetPairedSSID.data.getPairedSSID | |
CGrowableBuffer | Structure of GrowableBuffer |
Cgsw_CcAttributes | |
Cgsw_CcColor | Structure to hold color information for CC |
CUtils::HangDetector | |
CharvestProfileDetails | |
Cdevice::HdmiInput | This class manages HDMI Input |
CTRM::Header | |
CHeader | |
CHeaderFetchParams | Holds information regarding initialization fragment |
CHelperLock_ | |
►CHlsDrmBase | Base class of HLS DRM implementations |
CAampHlsOcdmBridge | OCDM bridge to handle DRM key |
CAesDec | Vanilla AES based DRM management |
CHlsProtectionInfo | HlsStreamInfo structure for stream related information |
CHLSXStart | Structure of X-Start HLS Tag |
Cdevice::Host | Class to implement the Host interface |
ChostIf_DeviceInfo | This class provides the interface for getting device information |
ChostIf_DeviceProcess | This class provides the interface for getting device processor information |
ChostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface | This class provides the interface for getting device processor information |
ChostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface | This class provides the interface for getting device processor status information |
ChostIf_DHCPv4Client | This class provides the interface for getting device DHCPv4 Client information |
ChostIf_EthernetInterface | This class provides the interface for getting Device ethernet interface information |
ChostIf_EthernetInterfaceStats | This class provides the interface for getting Device ethernet interface status information |
ChostIf_IP | This class provides the hostIf IP interface for getting IP interface information |
ChostIf_IP_Diagnostics_IPPing | |
ChostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest | |
ChostIf_IPInterface | This class provides the hostIf IP interface for getting IP interface information |
ChostIf_IPInterfaceStats | This class provides the hostIf IP interface stats for getting IP interface stats information |
ChostIf_IPv4Address | This class provides the hostIf IPv4 interface address for getting interface address information |
ChostIf_IPv6Address | This class provides the hostIf IP interface for getting IPv6 interface information |
ChostIf_PhysicalMedium | This class provides the TR-069 host interface physical medium information |
ChostIf_snmpAdapter | This class provides the interface for getting device information |
ChostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface | This class provides the TR069 components audio output information |
ChostIf_STBServiceCapabilities | |
ChostIf_STBServiceDisplayDevice | This class provides the TR-069 components display device information |
ChostIf_STBServiceHDMI | This class provides the TR-069 components HDMI information |
ChostIf_STBServiceSPDIF | This class provides the TR-069 components SPDIF information |
ChostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder | This class provides the TR069 components video decoder information |
ChostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput | This class provides the TR-069 components video output information |
ChostIf_STBServiceXeMMC | |
ChostIf_STBServiceXSDCard | This class provides the TR-069 components XSD Card information |
ChostIf_StorageSrvc | This class provides the TR-069 storage service information |
ChostIf_Time | Get the status of the time client |
ChostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint | |
ChostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice | |
ChostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security | |
ChostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_WPS | |
ChostIf_WiFi_EndPoint | |
ChostIf_WiFi_EndPoint.stats | |
ChostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile | |
ChostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Security | |
ChostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Security | |
ChostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_WPS | |
ChostIf_WiFi_Radio | |
ChostIf_WiFi_Radio_Stats | |
ChostIf_WiFi_SSID_Stats | |
Cdevice::HostPersistence | |
ChttpRespHeaderData | To store Set Cookie: headers and X-Reason headers in HTTP Response |
CIARM_Bus_MaintMGR_EventData_t | |
CIARM_Bus_MaintMGR_EventData_t.data | |
CIARM_BUS_NetSrvMgr_DefaultRoute_t | |
CIARM_BUS_NetSrvMgr_Iface_EventDefaultInterface_t | |
CIARM_BUS_NetSrvMgr_Iface_EventInterfaceIPAddress_t | |
CIARM_BUS_NetSrvMgr_Iface_EventInterfaceStatus_t | |
CIARM_BUS_NetSrvMgr_Iface_Settings_t | |
CIARM_BUS_NetSrvMgr_Iface_StunRequest_t | |
CIARM_BUS_NetSrvMgr_Iface_TestEndpoints_t | |
CIARM_BUS_NetSrvMgr_InterfaceList_t | |
CIARM_keycodes | |
Ciarmbus_acm_arg_t | |
Ciarmbus_acm_arg_t.details | |
Ciarmbus_delivery_props_t | |
Ciarmbus_delivery_props_t.output | |
Ciarmbus_enable_payload_t | |
Ciarmbus_notification_payload_t | |
Ciarmbus_open_args | |
Ciarmbus_request_payload_t | |
Cdevice::IARMProxy | |
CId3CallbackData | Holds id3 metadata callback specific variables |
Cin6_ifreq | The structure holds the required parameters such as IPv6 address,interface index etc.. for the IPv6 interface address |
CIndexNode | IndexNode structure for Node/DRM Index |
Cindicator | |
Cindicator::indicatorProperties_t | |
CIniFile | |
Cinitfragtrackstruct | Initfragtrackstruct to store init fragment url per media track in FIFO Queue |
CIntRect | |
CIsoBmffBuffer | Class for ISO BMFF Buffer |
CTRM::JsonDecoder | |
CTRM::JsonEncoder | |
CJSONParser | |
CKeyID | Structure to hold, keyId and session creation time for keyId |
CKeyMap | |
CKeyTagStruct | KeyTagStruct structure to store all Keytags with Hash |
CkeyType | |
CkeyVariant | |
CTRM::Klass | |
►CledMgrBase | |
CledMgr | |
Cstd::less< const char * > | |
CLibCCEC | |
Cdevice::List< T > | This class is implemented using templates and it is used to maintain a container with the list of supported ID's |
Cdevice::List< device::AudioCompression > | |
Cdevice::List< device::AudioEncoding > | |
Cdevice::List< device::AudioOutputPort > | |
Cdevice::List< device::AudioStereoMode > | |
Cdevice::List< device::VideoDFC > | |
Cdevice::List< device::VideoOutputPort > | |
Cdevice::List< device::VideoResolution > | |
CListenerData | Structure of the event listener list |
Clogtype_pair | |
Cdevice::Manager | Class to implement the manager interface |
CMBAddrIncCode | Holds macro block address increment codes |
Cmedia_stream | Holds stream(Audio, Video, Subtitle and Aux-Audio) specific variables |
CMediaInfo | MediaInfo structure for Media related information |
►CMediaPlayer | |
CMediaPlayerDLNA | |
CMediaPlayerGeneric | |
►CMediaPlayerClient | |
CRMFPlayer | |
►CMediaProcessor | Base Class for Media Container Processor |
CIsoBmffProcessor | Class for ISO BMFF Fragment Processor |
CTSProcessor | MPEG TS Processor. Supports software Demuxer/ PTS re-stamping for trickmode |
►CMediaTrack | Base Class for Media Track |
CMediaStreamContext | MPD media track |
CTrackState | State Machine for each Media Track |
Cstun::message | |
Cstun::message_factory | |
Cstun::message_header | |
►CTRM::MessageBase | |
CTRM::NoResponse | |
►CTRM::NotificationBase | |
CTRM::NotifyClientConnectionEvent | |
CTRM::NotifyTunerPretune | Implements a Notification message when a pre tune has performed |
CTRM::NotifyTunerReservationConflicts | Class for implementing asynchronous notification from TRM to the owner of a token that a tuner reservation is about to be terminated, unless the owner initiates to resolve the conflict |
CTRM::NotifyTunerReservationRelease | Class to implement asynchronous Notification from TRM to the owner of a token that its tuner reservation has been terminated. The token is no longer valid after receiving this message |
CTRM::NotifyTunerReservationUpdate | Implements the asynchronous Notification from TRM whenever a reservation has changed its usage by its owner |
CTRM::NotifyTunerStatesUpdate | Class for implementing an asynchronous Notification from TRM whenever a tuner has changed it state |
►CTRM::RequestBase | |
CTRM::ReserveTuner | Class implementing a Tuner reservation request, the client uses this message to request, update or renew a reservation |
►CTRM::SimpleTRMRequest | |
CTRM::CancelLive | Implements a message to cancel the live streaming |
CTRM::CancelRecording | Implements a message to cancel the recording |
CTRM::GetAllReservations | Implements a request message to get reservation detail of all the tuners that are valid at that time |
CTRM::GetAllTunerIds | Implements the message payload format for requesting the system allocated Unique Id of tuner. The ID for each tuner is guaranteed to be unique within the same target host |
CTRM::GetAllTunerStates | Implements a request message for getting the state of all tuners in the system |
CTRM::GetVersion | Implements a message to request for getting TRM server version |
CTRM::ReleaseTunerReservation | Implements the message payload for releasing tuner reservation |
CTRM::ValidateTunerReservation | Implements the message format for client to validate an existing tuner reservation |
CTRM::UpdateTunerActivityStatus | |
►CTRM::ResponseBase | |
CTRM::ReserveTunerResponse | Class implementing the response message to a ReserveTuner request |
►CTRM::SimpleTRMResponse | |
CTRM::CancelLiveResponse | Implements payload for a response message against cancel live streaming request |
CTRM::CancelRecordingResponse | Implements payload for a response message against cancel recording request |
CTRM::GetAllConnectedDeviceIdsResponse | |
CTRM::GetAllReservationsResponse | Implements the response message for the request to get All tuner reservation details |
CTRM::GetAllTunerIdsResponse | Implements the response message payload against a Tuner Id request |
CTRM::GetAllTunerStatesResponse | Implements the response payload against a Get tuner state request |
CTRM::GetTRMConnectionEvents | |
CTRM::GetVersionResponse | Implements the response message for the queries that request TRM server version |
CTRM::ReleaseTunerReservationResponse | Class implementing the response message payload for releasing Tuner reservation |
CTRM::ValidateTunerReservationResponse | Implements the response message payload for Tuner reservation validation requests |
CTRM::UpdateTunerActivityStatusResponse | |
CMessageDecoder | When receiving the message, the raw bytes arrived in a CECFrame are converted to the corresponding High-level message by MessageDecoder and then dispatched for processing via class MessageProcessor or its extensions |
CMessageEncoder | High-level messages are encoded by the MessageEncoder into raw bytes and placed in a CECFrame |
►CTRM::MessageProcessor | |
CMsgProcessor | This function is used to Deocode the parse messafe from TRM Srv |
CTRM::TRMMonitor | |
►CMessageProcessor | Implements a set of overloaded process() methods, with each handling a specific message type |
CDevMgrProcessor | |
CServerMessageProcessor | #include <QObject> |
CTestCecProcessor | |
CMoCADevice | |
CMoCAInterface | |
CMoCAInterfaceAssociatedDevice | |
CMoCAInterfaceQoS | |
CMoCAInterfaceQoSFlowStats | |
CMoCAInterfaceStats | |
CMocaNetworkMgr | |
CMockAampConfig | |
CMockAampEventManager | |
CMockAampScheduler | |
CMockChallengeData | |
CMockPrivateInstanceAAMP | |
CMode | This class extents DSConstant to mange the front panel text display mode like time display mode or text display mode etc.. |
CMotionInfo | |
►CmsgHandler | |
CDeviceClientReqHandler | This class provides the interface for getting device client request handler information |
CDHCPv4ClientReqHandler | This class provides the interface for request handler operations for the DHCPV4 Client |
CDSClientReqHandler | This class provides device setting Client ReqHandler Interface operations for STBService defined under Host If |
CEthernetClientReqHandler | This class provides the interface for getting Ethernet client request handler information |
CInterfaceStackClientReqHandler | This class provides the interface for getting InterfaceStack client request handler information |
CIPClientReqHandler | This class provides the interface for getting IP client request handler information |
CMoCAClientReqHandler | This class provides the interface for getting MoCA client request handler information |
CSNMPClientReqHandler | This class provides the interface for getting SNMP client request handler information |
CStorageSrvcReqHandler | This class provides the interface for getting StorageService request handler information |
CTimeClientReqHandler | This class provides the interface for getting TimeClient request handler information |
CX_rdk_req_hdlr | This class provides the interface for getting Device.X_RDK_<Parameter> client request handler information |
CXRdkCentralT2 | This class provides the interface for getting Telemetry DML request handler information |
CXREClientReqHandler | This class provides the interface for getting XRE request handler information |
CCCEC_OSAL::Mutex | |
CNetSrvMgr_Interface_t | |
CNetworkMedium | |
CNodeData | |
CNoop | |
CNotificationHandler | |
CNotify_Data | |
CNotifyData | |
►C<NSApplicationDelegate> | |
CVideoWindow | |
►CNSWindow | |
CVideoWindow | |
►COperand | |
►CCECBytes | |
CAbortReason | |
CAudioStatus | |
CDeviceType | |
CLanguage | |
CLogicalAddress | |
COSDName | |
COSDString | |
CPhysicalAddress | |
CPowerStatus | |
CRequestAudioFormat | |
CShortAudioDescriptor | |
CSystemAudioStatus | |
CUICommand | |
CVendorID | |
CVersion | |
►CPacket | |
CCCSetAttributePacket | |
CClosedCaptionsActiveTypePacket | |
CClosedCaptionsPacket | |
CDummyPacket | |
CMutePacket | |
CPausePacket | |
CResetAllPacket | |
CResetChannelPacket | |
CResumePacket | |
CTtmlDataPacket | |
CTtmlSelectionPacket | |
CTtmlTimestampPacket | |
CUnmutePacket | |
CWebVttDataPacket | |
CWebVttSelectionPacket | |
CWebVttTimestampPacket | |
CPacketSender | |
CParamNotify | Structure to return Parameter info in Notification callback |
CParamVal | Structure to store Parameter info or Attribute info |
Cparser_state_t | |
Cpclist | |
Cpclist.__unnamed__ | |
CPeriod2AdData | Meta info corresponding to each period |
CPeriodElement | Consists Adaptation Set and representation-specific parts |
CPeriodInfo | Stores details about available periods in mpd |
CphysicalMediumMembers | It contains the members variables of the physicalMediumMembers structure |
CPlacementObj | Currently placing Ad's object |
CPLAT_irKey_metadata | IR Key struct that maintains meta data |
►CPlayerInstanceAAMP | Player interface class for the JS pluggin |
CMockPlayerInstanceAAMP | |
Cplaylistcacheddata | PlayListCachedData structure to store playlist data |
CPolicy | |
CPrivateInstanceAAMP::PositionCache< TPOSITIONCACHE > | A standard way of storing positions with associated data for validation purposes |
CPrivateInstanceAAMP::PositionCache< double > | |
CPrivateInstanceAAMP::PositionCache< long long > | |
CPrivateInstanceAAMP::PositionInfo< TPOSITION > | A readonly, validatable position value |
CPrivateInstanceAAMP::PositionInfo< double > | |
CPrivateInstanceAAMP::PositionInfo< long long > | |
CPrivateInstanceAAMP::PositionInfo< TPOSITIONCACHE > | |
Cdevice::PowerModeChangeListener | |
CPreCacheUrlData | Pre cache the data information |
►CPrivAAMPStruct_JS | Private data structure for JS binding object |
CAAMP_JSController | Data structure of AAMP_JSController JS object |
CAAMPMediaPlayer_JS | Private data structure of AAMPMediaPlayer JS object |
CPrivateCDAIObjectMPD | Private Client Side DAI object for DASH |
Cproc_info | |
CProfileEventAAMP | Class for AAMP event Profiling |
CProfileInfo | Manifest file adaptation and representation info |
CProfileEventAAMP::ProfilerBucket | Data structure corresponding to profiler bucket |
CProgramDetails_s | |
CProgressData | |
CProxyMapping | |
CPSIInfo | |
CPWRMgr_Standby_Video_State_t | |
Cq_mgr | |
►CQMainWindow | |
CTRM::TRMMonitorGUI | |
►CQObject | |
CPingPongTask | |
CtcpOpensslProxyServer | |
►CTRM::Client | |
CTRM::TRMMonitor | |
CTRM::Connection | |
CTRM::QtTimer | |
CTRM::Server | |
CWebSocketProxy | |
►CQThread | |
CCrashingThread | |
►CRDKMediaPlayerImpl | |
CAAMPPlayer | |
CRMFPlayer | |
CRecordingComponent | Stores information of a audio/video component |
►CReferenceCount | Provides reference based memory management |
CAampOutputProtection | Class to enforce HDCP authentication |
CReleaseOnScopeEnd | |
Cmusic_id_client::request_t | |
CRequestInfo | |
CReservationCustomAttributes | |
CResponseInfo | |
CTRM::ResponseStatus | This class is responsible for handling response message for tuner reservation. All response messages from TRM will provide information regarding the status of the response. Responses to recognized requests may contain additional information, as described in later sections of this document. Responses to unrecognized requests will contain only this status data, consisting of a status code and message signifying the request was unrecognized. The Tuner response status could be the following types |
CRMF_AudioCapture_Settings | |
CRMF_AudioCapture_Status | |
CRMH | |
CRMH_APIList | |
CRMH_APITagList | |
CRMH_EventData | |
CRMH_EventData.__unnamed__ | |
CRMH_EventData.__unnamed__.RMH_EVENT_API_PRINT | |
CRMH_EventData.__unnamed__.RMH_EVENT_DRIVER_PRINT | |
CRMH_EventData.__unnamed__.RMH_EVENT_LOW_BANDWIDTH | |
CRMH_EventData.__unnamed__.RMH_EVENT_MOCA_RESET | |
CRMH_EventData.__unnamed__.RMH_EVENT_NC_ID_CHANGED | |
CRMH_EventData.__unnamed__.RMH_EVENT_NODE_DROPPED | |
CRMH_EventData.__unnamed__.RMH_EVENT_NODE_JOINED | |
CRMH_NodeList_Mac | |
CRMH_NodeList_Uint32_t | |
CRMH_NodeMesh_Uint32_t | |
CRMHApp | |
CRMHApp_List | |
CRMHGeneric_Param | |
CRMHMonitor | |
CRMHMonitor_CallbackEvent | |
CRMHMonitor_NetworkStatus | |
CRMHMonitor_NodeInfo | |
CRMHMonitor_Semaphore | |
CRouteNetworkMgr | |
CrtCastError | |
►CrtMapObject | |
COnProgressEvent::rtOnProgress | |
COnStatusEvent::rtOnStatus | |
►CrtObject | |
CGraphicsLifeCycle | |
CMediaSourcePipeline | |
CRDKMediaPlayer | |
►CrtAbstractService | |
►CrtCastRemoteObject | |
CrtLighteningCastRemoteObject | |
CRtUtils::RtProcessThreadData | |
CRtUtils | |
►CCCEC_OSAL::Runnable | |
CBus::Reader | |
CBus::Writer | |
CCCEC_OSAL::Thread | |
Cconsumer | |
Cproducer | |
Cdevice::FrontPanelTextDisplay::Scroll | |
CScroll | To manage front panel text display scrolling |
CSegmentTemplates | Handles operation and information on segment template from manifest |
Cstun::server | |
CServerContainer | |
CsessionHandle | |
CSetCommandInfo | |
CSiManager | |
CsiTableEntry | |
Csocket_adaptor | |
CSpecVersion | |
CSpeedCache | Stroes the information for cache speed |
►CTRM::Connection::State | |
CTRM::Connection::IdleState | |
CTRM::Connection::WaitHeaderState | |
CTRM::Connection::WaitPayloadState | |
CstateMachine | |
CstCPUInfo | Holds status of CPU information such as Total Time and Idle Time of CPU |
►CCCEC_OSAL::Stoppable | |
CBus::Reader | |
CBus::Writer | |
CstPrevData | Holds status of previous data such as Total Major Faults Raised,Total CPU Used Time,User Used CPU Time,System Used CPU Time |
CstProcData | Holds status of Process data such as : |
►CStreamAbstractionAAMP | StreamAbstraction class of AAMP |
CMockStreamAbstractionAAMP | |
CStreamAbstractionAAMP_HLS | HLS Stream handler class |
CStreamAbstractionAAMP_MPD | Fragment collector for MPEG DASH |
CStreamAbstractionAAMP_OTA | Fragment collector for OTA |
CStreamAbstractionAAMP_PROGRESSIVE | Streamer for progressive mp3/mp4 playback |
►CStreamAbstractionAAMP_VIDEOIN | Fragment collector for MPEG DASH |
CStreamAbstractionAAMP_COMPOSITEIN | Fragment collector for MPEG DASH |
CStreamAbstractionAAMP_HDMIIN | Fragment collector for MPEG DASH |
►CStreamInfo | Structure holding the information of a stream |
CHlsStreamInfo | HlsStreamInfo structure for stream related information |
CStreamResolution | Structure holding the resolution of stream |
►CStreamSink | GStreamer Abstraction class for the implementation of AAMPGstPlayer and gstaamp plugin |
►CAAMPGstPlayer | Class declaration of Gstreamer based player |
CMockAAMPGstPlayer | |
CStreamWriteCallbackContext | Write call back functions for streamer |
►CSubtecChannel | |
CClosedCaptionsChannel | |
CTtmlChannel | |
CWebVttChannel | |
CSubtecChannelManager | |
CSubtecFactory | |
►CSubtitleParser | Subtitle parser class |
CTtmlSubtecParser | |
►CWebVTTParser | WebVTT parser class |
CWebVTTSubtecDevParser | |
CWebVTTSubtecParser | |
CTaskControlData | Data for scheduling and handling asynchronous tasks |
CtelemetryParams | |
►CTest | |
CExecuteTests | |
CGetAttributesFontSizeTests | |
►CPauseAtTests | |
CPlaybackSpeedTests | |
CTestCurlResponse | |
CTestUtilJsonWrapper | |
CTextStyleAttributes | |
CTextTrackInfo | Structure for text track information Holds information about a text track in playlist |
CThumbnailData | Holds the Thumbnail information |
CThunderAccessAAMP | Support Thunder Plugin Access from AAMP |
CThunderSecurity | Structure to save the Thunder security token details |
CTileInfo | TileInfo structure for Thumbnail data |
CTimedMetadata | Class for Timed Metadata |
CTRM::Timer | |
►CTimerBase | |
CTimer< TimerFiredClass > | |
CTimer< MediaPlayerDLNA > | |
CTimerBaseImpl | |
CtimerStruct | |
►CTimerTask | |
CPendingRequestTimeoutTimerTask | |
CReservationExpirationTimerTask | |
CReservationPreStartTimerTask | |
CReservationStartTimerTask | |
CTRM::TimerTask | |
CtLogLevelMap< T > | |
Ctoken_data | |
CTransData | |
CTRMMgrHelperImpl | |
CTRMMgrLock_ | |
CTuneEndMetrics | TuneEndMetrics structure to store tunemetrics data |
CProfileEventAAMP::TuneEvent | Class corresponding to tune time events |
CTuneFailureMap | Structure holding aamp tune failure code and corresponding application error code and description |
CTuner | |
CTRM::TunerReservationBase | The TunerReservation class is used to set the requested or granted tuner reservation from client. The reservation has a validity window that is indicated by startTime and duration. The requesting device is required to renew a reservation before its validity window disappears. If it is not renewed, the token will be released by TRM and all messages that follow bearing the token will be considered as MalformedRequest. For Record reservations, the requested startTime should be N seconds ahead of the actual recording start time (or should be left out so that the granted reservation starts at the time when it is granted by TRM), to give room in case a conflict needs to be resolved.
A same reservationToken can be reused if and only if values of {device, activity} are the same. In the case, the {serviceLocator, startTime, duration} of the reused token can be updated. This is useful during a channel change, where the TRM client can reuse a same Live tuner reservation by just updating the serviceLocator of it |
CTRM::TunerState | State of the tuner. The state field in the class indicates the activity state of a tuner: |
CTZStruct | |
Cuint33_t | Uint with size of 33 bits |
CupdateHandler | |
CupdateInProgress_t | |
►CpwrMgrProductTraits::ux_controller | |
CpwrMgrProductTraits::ux_controller_stb | |
CpwrMgrProductTraits::ux_controller_stb_eu | |
CpwrMgrProductTraits::ux_controller_tv | |
CpwrMgrProductTraits::ux_controller_tv_eu | |
►CdsMgrProductTraits::ux_controller | |
CdsMgrProductTraits::ux_controller_stb | |
CdsMgrProductTraits::ux_controller_stb_eu | |
CdsMgrProductTraits::ux_controller_tv | |
CdsMgrProductTraits::ux_controller_tv_eu | |
CvalidateDataModel.Validator | |
CJSONParser::varVal | |
Cdevice::VideoDeviceConfig | |
Cdevice::VideoOutputPortConfig | |
CvideoRect | To store video rectangle properties |
CVirtualChannelInfo | Holds information of a virtual channel |
CVirtualChannelMap | Holds all of the virtual channels |
CVREXSession | |
CVTTCue | Data structure to hold a VTT cue |
CWebPaCfg | WebPA Configuration parameters |
Cwifi_context | |
Cwifi_credentials | |
CWiFiNetworkMgr | |
►CWithParamInterface | |
CPlaybackSpeedTests | |
CwriteCallbackData | Structure to hold DRM data to write |
CX_rdk_profile | This class provides the TR-069 components Bluetooth devices information |
CXBSStore | |
CXBSStoreJournal | |
CXRFCStorage | |
CXRFCStore | |
CXRFCVarStore | |
►CBaseHTTPRequestHandler | |
Cserver.TestServer | |
►CEnum | |
Cserver.StreamType | |