RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 C_BTRMGR_ConnectedDevice_tRepresents the details of device connected
 C_BTRMGR_ConnectedDevicesList_tRepresents the connected devices list
 C_BTRMGR_DeviceOpInfo_tRepresents the notification data
 C_BTRMGR_DeviceService_tRepresents the supported service of the device
 C_BTRMGR_DeviceServiceList_tRepresents device services list
 C_BTRMGR_DevicesProperty_tRepresents the property of the device
 C_BTRMGR_DiscoveredDevices_tRepresents the discovered device's details
 C_BTRMGR_DiscoveredDevicesList_tRepresents the list of scanned devices
 C_BTRMGR_EventMessage_tRepresents the event message info
 C_BTRMGR_EventResponse_tRepresents the event response
 C_BTRMGR_ExternalDevice_tRepresents the details of external devices connected
 C_BTRMGR_LeCustomAdvertisement_tStructure for the custom advertisement payload
 C_BTRMGR_MediaDeviceStatus_tRepresents Media Element List
 C_BTRMGR_MediaElementInfo_tRepresents Media Element details
 C_BTRMGR_MediaElementListInfo_tRepresents Media Element List
 C_BTRMGR_MediaInfo_tRepresents the media info
 C_BTRMGR_MediaPositionInfo_tRepresents the media position info
 C_BTRMGR_MediaTrackInfo_tRepresents the media track info
 C_BTRMGR_PairedDevices_tRepresents the paired devices information
 C_BTRMGR_PairedDevicesList_tRepresents the list of paired devices
 C_dsAudioARCStatus_tStructure that defines ARC status for the HDMI ARC/EARC port
 C_dsAudioPortConfig_tStructure that defines audio port configuration
 C_dsAudioPortId_tStructure that defines the audio port type and associated ID
 C_dsAudioTypeConfig_tStructure that defines audio output device configuration
 C_dsDisplayEDID_tDefines the structure that is used to get the EDID information of the video display
 C_dsVideoConfig_tStructure that defines video device configuration for the output
 C_dsVideoPortPortConfig_tStructure that defines video port configuration settings
 C_dsVideoPortPortId_tStructure that defines port id associated with video port
 C_dsVideoPortResolution_tStructure that defines video port resolution settings of output video device
 C_dsVideoPortTypeConfig_tStructure that defines the video output port configuration
 CTSProcessor::_H264PPSHolds PPS parameters
 CTSProcessor::_H264SPSHolds SPS parameters
 C_IARM_BUS_NetSrvMgr_Iface_EventData_tIARM Bus struct contains active streaming interface, origional definition present in homenetworkingservice.h
 C_IARM_BUS_PWRMgr_DeepSleepTimeout_EventData_tStructure which holds the Deep sleep timeout value
 C_IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_GetPowerState_Param_tStructure which holds the current power state of the CPE
 C_IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_GetPowerStateBeforeReboot_Param_tStructure which holds the power state before reboot of the CPE
 C_IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_RebootParam_tStructure to pass reboot reason argument with the reboot call
 C_IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_SetDeepSleepTimeOut_Param_tStructure which holds the timeout value to set for Deep sleep
 C_IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_SetPowerState_Param_tStructure which holds the new powerstate to be set to the device
 C_IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_SleepTimer_Param_tStructure which holds the sleep timer information
 C_IARM_BUS_PWRMgr_WareHouseOpn_EventData_tStructure which holds warehouse opn status value
 C_IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_WareHouseReset_Param_tStructure which holds the ware house reset time
 C_PWRMgr_EventData_tStructure which holds the event data
 C_stBTRMgrInASettingsRepresents the audio input settings
 C_stBTRMgrMediaStatusRepresents the media file status
 C_stBTRMgrMPEGInfoRepresents the MPEG codec details
 C_stBTRMgrOutASettingsRepresents the audio output settings
 C_stBTRMgrPCMInfoRepresents the PCM codec details
 C_stBTRMgrPersistDeviceThis API initializes bluetooth manager's persistent storage interface
 C_stBTRMgrSBCInfoRepresents the Subband coding (SBC) audio codec information
 C_wifi_pairedSSIDInfoSSID information
 C_wifi_roamingCtrl_tRoaming Control information (pre assoc data structure}
 C_wifi_telemetry_ops_tTelemetry callback functions
 CAAMP_JSData structure of AAMP object
 CAAMPAbrInfoABR info structure
 CAampCacheHandlerHandles Aamp Cahe operations
 CAampCCManagerHandle the CC manager instance
 CAampCCManagerBaseHandles closed caption operations
 CAampChallengeInfoAamp challenge info to get the License
 CAampConfigAAMP Config Class defn
 CAampConfigLookupEntryAAMP Config lookup table structure
 CAampDrmCallbacksDRM callback interface
 CAampDrmHelperAampDRM helper to handle DRM operations
 CAampDrmHelperEngineHelper Engine for Aamp DRM operations
 CAampDrmHelperFactoryHelper class to Maintain DRM data
 CAampDrmSessionBase class for DRM sessions
 CAampDrmSessionFactoryFactory class to create DRM sessions based on requested system ID
 CAampDRMSessionManagerController for managing DRM sessions
 CAAMPEventStructure of the AAMP events. Recommend new AAMP integration layers to use AAMPEventObject based listener For new event definition, should use AAMPEventObject class TODO: Deperecate in future, kept for backward compatibility only
 CAAMPEvent.data.adPlacementStructure for ad placement events
 CAAMPEvent.data.adReservationStructure for ad reservation events
 CAAMPEvent.data.adResolvedStructure for ad fulfill status event
 CAAMPEvent.data.bitrateChangedStructure of the bitrate change event
 CAAMPEvent.data.bufferingChangedStructure of the buffering changed event
 CAAMPEvent.data.bulktimedMetadataStructure of the bulk timed metadata event
 CAAMPEvent.data.ccHandleStructure of the closed caption handle event
 CAAMPEvent.data.contentProtectionDataStructure of the content protection data update event
 CAAMPEvent.data.cueStructure of the WebVTT cue data
 CAAMPEvent.data.httpResponseHeaderStructure of the http response header event
 CAAMPEvent.data.id3MetadataStructure of the id3 metadata event
 CAAMPEvent.data.jsEventStructure of the Java Script event
 CAAMPEvent.data.mediaErrorStructure of the media error event
 CAAMPEvent.data.metadataStructure of the metadata event
 CAAMPEvent.data.progressStructure of the progress event data
 CAAMPEvent.data.seekedStructure of the seeked event data
 CAAMPEvent.data.speedChangedStructure of the speed change event
 CAAMPEvent.data.speedsChangedStructure of the supported speeds changed event
 CAAMPEvent.data.stateChangedStructure of the player state changed event
 CAAMPEvent.data.timedMetadataStructure of the timed metadata event
 CAampEventManagerClass to Handle Aamp Events
 CAAMPEventObjectBase class of all AAMP events. New AAMP event object for ease of use While defining new event objects inherit from this base class
 CAAMPGstPlayerPrivHolds private variables of AAMPGstPlayer
 CAampHlsDrmSessionManagerDRM Session manager for HLS stream operations
 CAampIonMemoryInterchangeBufferStores the information on ION Memory to store data
 CAampIonMemorySystemCloserClass to handle close the ION memory
 CAampJsonObjectUtility class to construct a JSON string
 CAampLicenseRequestHolds the data to get the License
 CAampLLDashServiceDataTo store Low Latency Service configurtions
 CAampLogManagerAampLogManager Class
 CAampMemoryHandleCloserThis just closes a file on descope
 CAAMPMemorySystemHandles the operations for AAMP memory managemnts
 CAampMutexHoldAuto Lock the provided mutex during the object scope
 CAampOwnerLookupEntryAAMP Config ownership enum string mapping table
 CAampSchedulerScheduler class for asynchronous operations
 CAampSharedMemoryInterchangeBufferHolds the Shared memory details
 CAampUrlInfoStruct to store parsed url hostname & its type
 CAccessibilityData type to store Accessibility Node data
 CTRM::ActivityRequest or granted usage of a tuner. The activity field in the class represents the intended use of the tuner. Supported tuner activity names are:
 CAdBreakObjectAdBreak's metadata object
 CAdFulfillObjTemporary object representing currently fulfilling ad (given by setAlternateContent)
 CAdNodeIndividual Ad's meta info
 CAdOnPeriodIndividual Ad's object placed over the period
 CAsyncEventDescriptorUsed in asynchronous event notification logic
 CAsyncTaskObjAsync task operations
 CATSCSettingsStructure to save the ATSC settings
 CTextStyleAttributes::AttributesAttributes, so far fontSize only
 CAudioTrackInfoStructure for audio track information Holds information about an audio track in playlist
 CAudioTrackTupleClass to hold audio information like lang, codec, bitrate,etc
 CBlinkThis class supports to manage front panel indicator blink sequence
 CBoxBase Class for ISO BMFF Box
 CCachedFragmentStructure of cached fragment data Holds information about a cached fragment
 CCachedFragmentChunkStructure of cached fragment data Holds information about a cached fragment
 CsubtecConnector::CCDataControllerController for CCdata
 CCDAIObjectBase class for the client side DAI object
 CColorThis class extents DSConstant to manage the color of the front panel indicator
 Cdevice::CompositeInputThis class manages COMPOSITE Input
 CConfigBoolAAMP Config Boolean data type
 CConfigChannelInfoHolds information of a channel
 CConfigDoubleAAMP Config double data type
 CConfigIntAAMP Config Int data type
 CConfigLongAAMP Config Long data type
 CConfigParamMapData structure to map ConfigParamType and its string equivalent
 CConfigStringAAMP Config String data type
 CConnectionThe connection class provides APIs that allows the application to access CEC Bus. A connection is a tap into the CEC bus. The application can use a connection to send raw bytes (in form of CECFrame) onto CEC bus or receive raw bytes from it
 CContentGapInfoClass for Content gap information
 CCueTimeStampHold timestamps of a cue
 CCurlCallbackContextContext during curl callbacks
 CCurlCbContextSyncTimeContext during curl callbacks
 CcurldatasharelockLocks used when lock/unlock callback occurs for different shared data
 CCurlProgressCbContextContext during curl progress callbacks
 CCurlStoreSingleton curlstore to save/reuse curl handles
 CcurlstorestructStructure to store curl easy, shared handle & locks for a host
 CcustomJsonHolds information of a custom JSON array
 CDecryptStatsHolds decryption profile stats
 CDemuxerSoftware demuxer of MPEGTS
 CTRM::DetailedTunerStateClass for implementing the detail state information of a single tuner
 CDevice_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_ProcessThese values are the members variables of the DeviceProcessStatusProcess structure
 CDevice_Ethernet_InterfaceIt contains the members variables of the EthernetInterface structure
 CDevice_IPIt contains the members variables of the IP structure
 CDevice_IP_ActivePortThe structure holds the required parameters such as local ipaddress, localport, remoteIpAddress etc.. for the device ip of the active port
 CDevice_IP_InterfaceIt contains the members variables of the Device_IP_Interface structure
 CDevice_IP_Interface_StatsIt contains the members variables of the Device_IP_Interface_stats structure
 CDHCPv4ClientThese values are the members variables of the DHCPv4Client structure
 CDHCPv4ClientParamBackUpFlagThese values are the members variables of the DHCPv4ClientParamBackUpFlag structure
 CDiscontinuityIndexNodeIndex Node structure for Discontinuity Index
 CDrmDataTo hold DRM key, license request etc
 CDrmInfoDRM information required to decrypt
 CDrmMetadataAVE drm metadata extracted from EXT-X-FAXS-CM
 CDrmSessionCacheInfoDrm Session Cache Information for keeping single DRM session always
 CDrmSessionContextTo store drmSession and keyId data
 CDrmSessionDataInfoDrm Session Data Information for storing in a pool from parser
 CDrmSessionParamsHolds data regarding drm session
 CDTCPIP_Packet_sDTCP-IP packet stucture
 CDTCPIP_Session_sDTCP-IP session structure
 CEarlyAvailablePeriodInfoPeriod Information available at early
 CeCurlHostMapTo have hostname mapped curl handles
 CTRM::Enum< T >
 CTRM::Enum< TRM::Activity >
 CTRM::Enum< TRM::Klass >
 CTRM::Enum< TRM::ResponseStatus >
 CTRM::Enum< TRM::TunerState >
 CTRM::Enum< TunerState >
 Cdevice::EnumerableThis class is inherited by many classes in DS for getting the ID
 CEthernetInterfaceStatsIt contains the members variables of the EthernetInterfaceStats structure
 CEventClass to DRM Event handle
 CEventBreakInfoStores the detail about the Event break info
 CEventListenerClass for sed event to Listener
 CCCEC_OSAL::EventQueue< E >
 CCCEC_OSAL::EventQueue< CECFrame * >
 CEventTypeMapStruct to map names of AAMP events and JS events
 CExecutor< InT >
 CFnLoggerEnable Logger to add more logs
 CFormatMapFormatMap structure for stream codec/format information
 CFragmentDescriptorStores information of dash fragment
 CFragmentDownloadParamsHolds data of fragment to be downloaded
 CgActivePrivAAMP_tUsed for storing active PrivateInstanceAAMPs
 CGrowableBufferStructure of GrowableBuffer
 Cgsw_CcColorStructure to hold color information for CC
 Cdevice::HdmiInputThis class manages HDMI Input
 CHeaderFetchParamsHolds information regarding initialization fragment
 CHlsDrmBaseBase class of HLS DRM implementations
 CHlsProtectionInfoHlsStreamInfo structure for stream related information
 CHLSXStartStructure of X-Start HLS Tag
 Cdevice::HostClass to implement the Host interface
 ChostIf_DeviceInfoThis class provides the interface for getting device information
 ChostIf_DeviceProcessThis class provides the interface for getting device processor information
 ChostIf_DeviceProcessorInterfaceThis class provides the interface for getting device processor information
 ChostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterfaceThis class provides the interface for getting device processor status information
 ChostIf_DHCPv4ClientThis class provides the interface for getting device DHCPv4 Client information
 ChostIf_EthernetInterfaceThis class provides the interface for getting Device ethernet interface information
 ChostIf_EthernetInterfaceStatsThis class provides the interface for getting Device ethernet interface status information
 ChostIf_IPThis class provides the hostIf IP interface for getting IP interface information
 ChostIf_IPInterfaceThis class provides the hostIf IP interface for getting IP interface information
 ChostIf_IPInterfaceStatsThis class provides the hostIf IP interface stats for getting IP interface stats information
 ChostIf_IPv4AddressThis class provides the hostIf IPv4 interface address for getting interface address information
 ChostIf_IPv6AddressThis class provides the hostIf IP interface for getting IPv6 interface information
 ChostIf_PhysicalMediumThis class provides the TR-069 host interface physical medium information
 ChostIf_snmpAdapterThis class provides the interface for getting device information
 ChostIf_STBServiceAudioInterfaceThis class provides the TR069 components audio output information
 ChostIf_STBServiceDisplayDeviceThis class provides the TR-069 components display device information
 ChostIf_STBServiceHDMIThis class provides the TR-069 components HDMI information
 ChostIf_STBServiceSPDIFThis class provides the TR-069 components SPDIF information
 ChostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoderThis class provides the TR069 components video decoder information
 ChostIf_STBServiceVideoOutputThis class provides the TR-069 components video output information
 ChostIf_STBServiceXSDCardThis class provides the TR-069 components XSD Card information
 ChostIf_StorageSrvcThis class provides the TR-069 storage service information
 ChostIf_TimeGet the status of the time client
 ChttpRespHeaderDataTo store Set Cookie: headers and X-Reason headers in HTTP Response
 CId3CallbackDataHolds id3 metadata callback specific variables
 Cin6_ifreqThe structure holds the required parameters such as IPv6 address,interface index etc.. for the IPv6 interface address
 CIndexNodeIndexNode structure for Node/DRM Index
 CinitfragtrackstructInitfragtrackstruct to store init fragment url per media track in FIFO Queue
 CIsoBmffBufferClass for ISO BMFF Buffer
 CKeyIDStructure to hold, keyId and session creation time for keyId
 CKeyTagStructKeyTagStruct structure to store all Keytags with Hash
 Cstd::less< const char * >
 Cdevice::List< T >This class is implemented using templates and it is used to maintain a container with the list of supported ID's
 Cdevice::List< device::AudioCompression >
 Cdevice::List< device::AudioEncoding >
 Cdevice::List< device::AudioOutputPort >
 Cdevice::List< device::AudioStereoMode >
 Cdevice::List< device::VideoDFC >
 Cdevice::List< device::VideoOutputPort >
 Cdevice::List< device::VideoResolution >
 CListenerDataStructure of the event listener list
 Cdevice::ManagerClass to implement the manager interface
 CMBAddrIncCodeHolds macro block address increment codes
 Cmedia_streamHolds stream(Audio, Video, Subtitle and Aux-Audio) specific variables
 CMediaInfoMediaInfo structure for Media related information
 CMediaProcessorBase Class for Media Container Processor
 CMediaTrackBase Class for Media Track
 CMessageDecoderWhen receiving the message, the raw bytes arrived in a CECFrame are converted to the corresponding High-level message by MessageDecoder and then dispatched for processing via class MessageProcessor or its extensions
 CMessageEncoderHigh-level messages are encoded by the MessageEncoder into raw bytes and placed in a CECFrame
 CMessageProcessorImplements a set of overloaded process() methods, with each handling a specific message type
 CModeThis class extents DSConstant to mange the front panel text display mode like time display mode or text display mode etc..
 CParamNotifyStructure to return Parameter info in Notification callback
 CParamValStructure to store Parameter info or Attribute info
 CPeriod2AdDataMeta info corresponding to each period
 CPeriodElementConsists Adaptation Set and representation-specific parts
 CPeriodInfoStores details about available periods in mpd
 CphysicalMediumMembersIt contains the members variables of the physicalMediumMembers structure
 CPlacementObjCurrently placing Ad's object
 CPLAT_irKey_metadataIR Key struct that maintains meta data
 CPlayerInstanceAAMPPlayer interface class for the JS pluggin
 CplaylistcacheddataPlayListCachedData structure to store playlist data
 CPrivateInstanceAAMP::PositionCache< TPOSITIONCACHE >A standard way of storing positions with associated data for validation purposes
 CPrivateInstanceAAMP::PositionCache< double >
 CPrivateInstanceAAMP::PositionCache< long long >
 CPrivateInstanceAAMP::PositionInfo< TPOSITION >A readonly, validatable position value
 CPrivateInstanceAAMP::PositionInfo< double >
 CPrivateInstanceAAMP::PositionInfo< long long >
 CPrivateInstanceAAMP::PositionInfo< TPOSITIONCACHE >
 CPreCacheUrlDataPre cache the data information
 CPrivAAMPStruct_JSPrivate data structure for JS binding object
 CPrivateCDAIObjectMPDPrivate Client Side DAI object for DASH
 CProfileEventAAMPClass for AAMP event Profiling
 CProfileInfoManifest file adaptation and representation info
 CProfileEventAAMP::ProfilerBucketData structure corresponding to profiler bucket
 CRecordingComponentStores information of a audio/video component
 CReferenceCountProvides reference based memory management
 CTRM::ResponseStatusThis class is responsible for handling response message for tuner reservation. All response messages from TRM will provide information regarding the status of the response. Responses to recognized requests may contain additional information, as described in later sections of this document. Responses to unrecognized requests will contain only this status data, consisting of a status code and message signifying the request was unrecognized. The Tuner response status could be the following types
 CScrollTo manage front panel text display scrolling
 CSegmentTemplatesHandles operation and information on segment template from manifest
 CSpeedCacheStroes the information for cache speed
 CstCPUInfoHolds status of CPU information such as Total Time and Idle Time of CPU
 CstPrevDataHolds status of previous data such as Total Major Faults Raised,Total CPU Used Time,User Used CPU Time,System Used CPU Time
 CstProcDataHolds status of Process data such as :
 CStreamAbstractionAAMPStreamAbstraction class of AAMP
 CStreamInfoStructure holding the information of a stream
 CStreamResolutionStructure holding the resolution of stream
 CStreamSinkGStreamer Abstraction class for the implementation of AAMPGstPlayer and gstaamp plugin
 CStreamWriteCallbackContextWrite call back functions for streamer
 CSubtitleParserSubtitle parser class
 CTaskControlDataData for scheduling and handling asynchronous tasks
 CTextTrackInfoStructure for text track information Holds information about a text track in playlist
 CThumbnailDataHolds the Thumbnail information
 CThunderAccessAAMPSupport Thunder Plugin Access from AAMP
 CThunderSecurityStructure to save the Thunder security token details
 CTileInfoTileInfo structure for Thumbnail data
 CTimedMetadataClass for Timed Metadata
 CtLogLevelMap< T >
 CTuneEndMetricsTuneEndMetrics structure to store tunemetrics data
 CProfileEventAAMP::TuneEventClass corresponding to tune time events
 CTuneFailureMapStructure holding aamp tune failure code and corresponding application error code and description
 CTRM::TunerReservationBaseThe TunerReservation class is used to set the requested or granted tuner reservation from client. The reservation has a validity window that is indicated by startTime and duration. The requesting device is required to renew a reservation before its validity window disappears. If it is not renewed, the token will be released by TRM and all messages that follow bearing the token will be considered as MalformedRequest. For Record reservations, the requested startTime should be N seconds ahead of the actual recording start time (or should be left out so that the granted reservation starts at the time when it is granted by TRM), to give room in case a conflict needs to be resolved.

A same reservationToken can be reused if and only if values of {device, activity} are the same. In the case, the {serviceLocator, startTime, duration} of the reused token can be updated. This is useful during a channel change, where the TRM client can reuse a same Live tuner reservation by just updating the serviceLocator of it
 CTRM::TunerStateState of the tuner. The state field in the class indicates the activity state of a tuner:
 Cuint33_tUint with size of 33 bits
 CvideoRectTo store video rectangle properties
 CVirtualChannelInfoHolds information of a virtual channel
 CVirtualChannelMapHolds all of the virtual channels
 CVTTCueData structure to hold a VTT cue
 CWebPaCfgWebPA Configuration parameters
 CwriteCallbackDataStructure to hold DRM data to write
 CX_rdk_profileThis class provides the TR-069 components Bluetooth devices information